Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1565: The King of Suppressing Prison was born, Emperor Yang's doubts


The place where Cao Wuyan appeared before was the cave house of the King of Heaven on the second day of the underworld.

A figure appeared, and a blood-colored jade card appeared in his hand.

"Brother's token?"

The Prison King's eyes narrowed, and a stream of energy poured into the blood-colored jade card in his hand.


On the first day, the figure of the Immortal King appeared in front of him.

"I've seen Senior Brother!"

Seeing the figure, the Suppressing Prison King bowed and saluted.

"Third Junior Brother, he died. He went to the Niu Family, the eternal imperial family of the Xingchenhai, and wanted to join forces with the Niu Family to deal with the Underworld."

"You go to the extraterritorial Xingchenhai and secretly investigate some situations."

"I want to know who killed the third junior brother, and that Cao Wuyan is dead, you go and help me find the second body."

"By the way, take him to the mountain of immortality, empower him, improve his strength, and then go to the immortal world, challenge the young master of the underworld, and strive to get back the endless reincarnation." The immortal king said.

Hearing the words of the Undead Heavenly King, the expression of the Prison Suppressing Heavenly King changed.

The Heavenly King Yama was never dead, that is to say, the Heavenly King Yama would not be resurrected, he was really dead.

A fierce light emerged from his eyes.

"Brother, my body is almost fully cultivated, so I can take action."

The King of Prison Suppression said.

"The real body should not be dispatched, lest there be an accident."

The Undead King nodded.

The voice fell, and the figure disappeared.

After the Undead King left, the Prison King stepped into the cave and disappeared in a flash.

at this time.

Inside the original Taoist palace of the fairyland.

Guangchengzi, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, raised his right hand, and turned his fingers.

"The Heavenly King Yama was just born a few days ago, and the Heavenly King of Suppressing Prison was born again. Could it be that something happened?"

He murmured in his mouth.

"The temple is about to start, do they also want to enter this ancient underworld?"

"But these headaches should be the current underworld. I don't know if they can resist the offensive of the ancient underworld."

"Check it out first!"

He waved a primitive Dao Palace disciple and appeared in front of him.

"Recently, pay attention to the situation in the underworld and report to me at any time."

He opened his mouth and commanded.


The disciple bowed and then disappeared into the palace.

"It's an eventful autumn in the fairy world, and I don't know when the master and the others will be able to return."

"There should be no movement on the side of the star realm, something has happened, and you need to pay attention."

Guangchengzi frowned.


In the Xingyue Dynasty.

Empress Mingyue and Emperor Yang appeared.

They entered the depths of the palace.

"Wait for me here, I'll go see the ancestor."

Empress Mingyue said.

"Your ancestor should be born soon."

Yangdi asked.

"Last time, the people from the Three Great Dao Palace in the Immortal Realm came and gave the ancestor something, which should be completed according to reason."

Empress Mingyue said.

"Opening the star realm now, I'm afraid it won't be of much benefit to your Ji family."

Emperor Yang said in a deep voice.

"But if you don't open it, it won't work. The dominance of Fudo Pluto City is becoming more and more obvious. If you don't open it, it will be even more difficult for our Ji family."

"Have you ever thought that the opening of the astral world is not what you think?"

Emperor Yang said.

"Well. Did you know something here?"

Empress Mingyue asked seriously.

"I don't know anything, but I'm very curious. If the opening of the star realm is to open the passage to the ten thousand realms, why don't the people from the heaven and the fairy world come to occupy a place?"

"The Emperor of Heaven has some movements, but none of the supreme-level forces in the Immortal Realm have moved, and the same is true of the Three Great Dao Palaces in the Immortal Realm."

"I feel very strange."

Emperor Yang said in a deep voice.

"Is that so?"

Hearing what Emperor Yang said, Empress Mingyue's eyes narrowed slightly.

She also felt a little strange.

"I'm going to see the old man first."

Although Empress Mingyue had doubts in her heart, she could not lead many things, so he decided to see the ancestor first.

Between the words, the energy poured into the depths of the palace in the palm of the hand.

A void gap appeared and stepped into it.

Then the figure disappeared.

After Empress Mingyue left, Emperor Yang shook his head.

Although he was just wondering, he was sure that things were definitely not so simple.

But this is the Ji family's business, and has nothing to do with him.

But after a while, the void gap opened again. ,

Empress Mingyue rushed out of it, her expression full of shock and disbelief.

And the breath on the body is dark, as if to be scattered.

Seeing this, Emperor Yang stepped forward immediately, and a force appeared in his hand to stabilize the aura fluctuations on Empress Mingyue.

"What happened?"

Yangdi asked.

"The ancestors disappeared?"

"Disappeared?" Hearing this, Emperor Yang was startled, and he didn't understand the meaning of Empress Mingyue's words.

"The ancestors are no longer in the space."

"They have already refined the Nebula Lock, so they came out?"

Yangdi asked.

"No, it shouldn't be?"

Empress Mingyue stabilized her mind and walked towards a secret room in the palace.

The secret room opened, and it was pitch black inside.

With a wave of his hand, the dark secret room became brighter.

The rows of life lamps in the secret room were all extinguished.

"The ancestors died and were killed."

Empress Mingyue looked at the life lamps that were all extinguished in front of her, and collapsed directly. Emperor Yang immediately stepped forward to support Empress Mingyue.

Heart is also very shocked.

The ancestors of the Ji family are hidden here, and no one knows about it except the Empress Mingyue.

"Could it be someone from the Three Great Avenues Palace?"

Emperor Yang said in a deep voice, after all, it was the Three Great Dao Palace who sent someone to help the Ji family.

Now that the Ji family has disappeared, the first suspect is the Three Great Avenues Palace.

Hearing Emperor Yang's words, Empress Mingyue's sloppy eyes recovered.

"Then what do we do now?"

Empress Mingyue said Now she has lost her backbone.

"As if nothing happened, the other party got the Nebula Lock, and it must be opened in the end."

"Do you know who it is then?"

Emperor Yang said in a deep voice.

"But even if we know, we are not opponents."

Empress Mingyue looked lonely.

"The inheritance you inherited is unusual, and it scares me from the bottom of my heart."

"My real body is one of the five Buddhas of the Heavenly Vulture Spirit Mountain, and that is the same powerful master as the one who is currently in charge of the Three Great Dao Palace."

"Being able to hold the stake in my heart, the background must not be simple. During this period of time, you should slowly digest the inheritance and improve your strength."

Emperor Yang said in a deep voice.

"That's all it takes now?"

Empress Mingyue cheered her up.

If it is really the Three Great Avenues Palace in the Immortal Realm. She really can't get revenge.

But otherwise, she couldn't think of who it was.

"This Xingyue Dynasty is a little unsafe. Let's leave first. It just so happens that I have to prepare to deal with the Great Sun Tathagata."

Emperor Yang said.

Originally, he also wanted to use the strength of the Ji family ancestors to suppress the Great Sun Tathagata.

But the ancestor of the Ji family was beheaded, and he could only find a way to win the Great Sun Tathagata with Empress Mingyue.


Empress Mingyue nodded, and the two disappeared into the palace.

After they disappeared, Black and White Jue slowly appeared.

"Do you doubt the Third Avenue Palace?"

He murmured in his mouth.

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