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Chapter 1575: The Evil Kings Reappear


The lightning-like front was like a mountain, covering the bald old man.

The bald old man's eyes were cold, and he punched out, and the thunderous fist was enveloped by billowing evil energy.

On the other side, Eunuch Luan made his move.

A long spear appeared in his hand, and the long spear appeared silently and passed through the hole of the bald old man.

Although it was silent, it formed a cold star and pierced through the void to the chest of the bald old man.

another place

In the Feather Palace.

"I didn't expect Eunuch Luan next to my father to come with my royal brother."

"Father, I originally wanted you to stay awake for a while, but you insisted on me taking action against you."

Palace Master Yuhua looked at the picture in front of him, and said softly in his mouth.

when she speaks.

in the screen.

A huge figure appeared, and the sound ripped apart the void.

A large hand grabbed the spear directly towards the bald old man through the hole.

"If you don't protect the eternal emperor well, if you appear here, I will send you a layer."

When the big hand was about to collide with the long spear, he clenched his palm and punched it out.


The two forces collided, and a wave of astonishing forces formed a shock wave that spread toward the void, causing the void to be turbulent.

"One-eyed Blood Prince."

Seeing the person who shot again, Eunuch Luan's expression changed, and his face showed surprise.

"How dare you betray the imperial court."

Eunuch Luan looked at the one-eyed man and said sharply.

"Hmph, old thing, you can't represent the imperial court."

The one-eyed man said coldly.

While speaking, he punched the Eunuch Luan, as if he did not want Eunuch Luan to say anything more.

He can't leave the Eternal Imperial Court for the time being, so he won't let the old guy talk more.


The fist swept out with terrifying power, domineering and surging.

Eunuch Luan retracted the spear in his hand and shot again, this time, the spear carried a monstrous power.

clang clang!

The shadow of the gun and the fist collided with lightning, and in just a few dozen breaths, they collided for hundreds of rounds.

The two confronted each other for a while.

But the bald old man who shot the thunderbolt showed a loss.

The evil qi in the palm of the bald old man crushed the power of thunder and swept toward General Zhou who shot.


That General Zhou was thrown upside down by a punch, and the arm that punched exploded directly, and blood splattered into the void.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

The breath on the body is greatly reduced.

"Go and help General Zhou that week."

Su Hao said.


The blood-devouring vine beside Su Hao flashed out and appeared in the void.

"Blood sinks!"

He punched out.

With his shot, the void suddenly became scarlet, and there were billowing clouds of blood everywhere.

After the blood-devouring magic vine devoured the second sea master of the sea of ​​​​magic thoughts last time, its strength has also been improved again.

The bald old man's expression froze, and there was a hint of coldness between his eyebrows.

"Evil dragon moves the sky!"


Dozens of huge evil dragons appeared in his hands, roaring out.

A roar of dragons sounded in the sky, and the huge deep dwelling was bigger than the huge stars, and they stirred the blood clouds in the sky.

The momentum is no worse than the blood-devouring vine.


At this time, a pill appeared in General Zhou's hand and swallowed it directly.

He recovered quickly from his previous injuries.

While recovering, he also punched.

"Thunder Star!"

A star emitting thunder and lightning appeared in his fist.

This star is incomparable, -->>

Lightning flashes, and as soon as it appears, it gives people a great sense of oppression.

Bombard the bald old man.

The power of thunder itself restrains the evil. The power of the evil was huge before, but now it is contained by the blood-devouring vine, and he can fully exert the power of thunder.


The battle continued in the void for a while.

The two sides appeared to be evenly matched.

at this time.

a void

Marquis Yantian, and the Heavenly King to Suppress Prison, they all stared at Su Hao tightly.

After the blood-devouring vine left beside Su Hao, a gleam of light appeared in their eyes, and there was a faint sense of action.

But they were waiting, they wanted to see if there were any guards on Su Hao's side.

Logically, Su Hao's trump card should still be there.

At this time, the man who shot earlier killed the Dark Emperor.

He wants to take the opportunity to solve the Dark Emperor.

The light in the eyes of the Dark God Emperor turned, and now there is only one person on Su Hao's side, there should be others.

He thought about informing the seven-star old man in the dark, but after thinking about it for a while, his eyes turned fierce.

Prepare to kill the man in front of you first.


At the heart of the body, a force that was originally wrapped began to pour out and gathered in his body.

The original unrecovered injury began to recover rapidly, and the momentum of the body rapidly soared.

He punched the man who was attacking him.

The Emperor of Darkness, whose strength was revived, smashed all the sword light attacked by the person who shot with his fist.

Then the fist slammed into the man who punched like a river running through the sun.


The fist of the sword man, the Dark God Sovereign, hit directly.


When the sword-wielding man opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body fell into the distance like a broken kite.

"You can't go!"

The Dark God Emperor did not kill the opponent with one punch, but he threw a punch again.

The power of this punch is much higher than before.

After all, his power is rapidly increasing.

Upon seeing this, the eldest prince's expression changed.

He looked at Su Hao, he did everything he could, this time only Su Hao could do it.

Su Hao frowned slightly.

Originally, he still wanted to wait for the third person?

But now the eldest prince is at a disadvantage, and he can't do it if he doesn't make a move.

However, he still has to guard against Yan Tianhou, or other people will take action against him.

If you abandon the Heavenly Emperor and take action.

His trump card is only Gu Chensha, but he doesn't want to expose Gu Chensha.

As he pondered, his eyes lit up.

The ancient dust and sand projection cannot appear, but the evil kings can appear.

After all, no one knows whether the evil kings have returned.

The strength of the evil kings now is also complete.

Let the Evil Kings take action first.

Directly let the evil kings send them back.

At this time, Marquis Yantian and Heavenly King Suppressing Prison both looked at Su Hao.

Seeing Su Hao's expression of contemplation.

He knew that Su Hao was surrounded by but there should only be one person, otherwise, he wouldn't be so troubled.

The King of Darkness has also been paying attention to Su Hao.

Suddenly he felt a rush of air locking him.

The qi that locked him made him feel dangerous.

Immediately, he gave up his shot at the sword-wielding man, and instead looked solemnly in the direction where Qi Ji locked him.

"Since your Excellency is here, please show up."

When his voice fell.

A figure emerged from the void.

It was the evil kings who asked Gu Chensha to take action last time.

At this time, the aura of the evil kings was evil and terrifying, with a terrifying energy that devoured everything.

It is different from all the evil kings that appeared before.

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