Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1580: Kill the Ascension Palace Lord

[Congratulations to the host for completing the beheading of the Dark God Emperor and obtaining a 14th-level crystal item lottery card, beheading four helpers of the Dark God Emperor, and obtaining 4 crystal item lottery cards, which have been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

A mechanical voice sounded in Su Hao's ear.

"This is to get 5 item crystal lottery cards at once, but it seems that the King of Suppression is not included."

"Otherwise, it should be 6 item crystal lottery cards."

Su Hao secretly said in his heart.

But this time, Su Hao has gained a lot.

The Palace Master of Ascension has produced a lot of things.

Previously a 15th-level crystal character draw card.

In addition to these 5 crystal item lottery cards, it is a great harvest.

A smile appeared in Su Hao's eyes.

"City Master Su Shao, we won this time, and now we return to the imperial court, or?"

The First Prince said.

He also has a good temperament.

This time, he cooperated with Su Hao to kill the other four masters of the Dark God Emperor Zai's family. It can be said that he wiped out a lot of forces around Palace Master Yuhua at once.

And also suppressed the momentum of the Yuhua Palace Master.

He can also cooperate with Fudo Pluto City, which can be said to temporarily relieve the pressure on the Eternal Empire.

"Go, go back to the imperial court. After this incident is over, I will return to the astral world."

Su Hao said.

Next, the eldest prince gave me five stars and handed them over to Lord Qitiandi for management.

He should have enough personnel.

Su Hao looked at the big mouth that was split open in the starry sky, and in the big mouth stood endless demon soldiers.

Look at the magic soldier.

The First Prince was a little surprised.

Abandoned Heaven Emperor was instructing his staff to go to the five stars under his jurisdiction, but he did not meet Su Hao and the others.

The eldest prince is not worth letting the Emperor Abandoned Heaven meet.

Perhaps the emperor of the eternal imperial court can have this qualification.

The eldest prince urged the flying boat to head towards the imperial court.

The Eternal Court.

in the palace.

The white jade-like man appeared in front of the Eternal Monarch.

"You have seen the battle scene. What do you think about this immovable Hades City?"

The Eternal Emperor looked at the white jade man and said.

Although the Eternal Emperor did not go, he also saw the scene of the battle just now.

"I don't know if it's good or bad, it's not easy to move the city of Hades."

The white jade man said.

"Whether he is good or bad, as long as he is my ally, the sea of ​​stars outside the territory is so big and there are countless forces, so there are not many immovable Pluto cities."

The Emperor of the Eternal Emperor seems to know what the man in white is worried about?

"In the Ascension Palace, how do you deal with it? After all, he is your daughter."

The white jade man said in a deep voice.

"If I could take her down, I would have taken it long ago."

The Eternal Emperor shook his head.

"The matter here is none of my business, so I'll go back to my Tianshen Mountain first."

After speaking, the white jade man disappeared into the palace.

This is because he was invited by the emperor of the eternal imperial court to protect the eldest prince. If the eldest prince is fine and eliminates his opponents, then he does not need to stay here.

at this time.

In the Feather Palace.

A figure appeared in front of the Ascension Palace Master.

"Palace Master, there is news from Guanghan Palace that Mu Chengxue has decided to give way to Murong Yue."

A subordinate opened his mouth to report.

"Mu Chengxue passed on the position of the palace lord to Murong Yue. Does she want to use the power of Fudo Hades City to protect Guanghan Palace?"

The face of the Palace Master of Ascension became gloomy.

"This Mu Chengxue seems to be perceiving something, but I didn't expect this Mu Chengxue to perceive so strongly."

Ascension Palace Master said in a deep voice.

"Since that's the case, then activate the secret of the Ascension Palace and find an opportunity to kill Murong Yue."

The Ascension Palace Master said coldly.

This time, Su Hao caused him a heavy loss. Killing Murong Yue could be considered a gain back.


The subordinate bowed and left the hall.

When she left the hall.

Outside the palace, a figure slowly followed, and this figure was Black and White Jue.

In Su Hao's execution of the Dark God Queen, Heihe Jue was returned to the imperial court and continued to monitor the Ascension Palace Master.

Seeing that the other party was going to take action against Murong Yue, Black and White Jue immediately reported it to Su Hao.

Another place.

Just returned to Su Hao from the First Prince's Palace.

After receiving the voice transmission from Black and White Jue, his expression froze.

When he sent back, it was just one kill.

The people of the imperial court and the imperial court have scruples about the Ascension Palace Master, or in other words, they can monitor the Ascension Palace Master on the bright side.

Once the Ascension Palace Master dies.

The people in the abyss Ming Pavilion hide.

It's not a good thing for the Eternal Court.

However, Su Hao is not a member of the Eternal Imperial Court, not to mention she also told the eldest prince.

Originally, he was still considering whether to deal with Palace Master Ascension.

Judging from the behavior of the Ascension Palace Master, the Ascension Palace Master's identity is definitely not simple in the abyss.

So killing her has been thinking about it.

Now the Ascension Palace mainly kills Murong Yue, so she can only be killed first.

After receiving Su Hao's order, a cold light flashed in Hei Jue's eyes.

A clone directly followed the person who went out and his subordinates, as for his real body, it turned into another figure.

The task of dealing with Murong Yue cannot be issued.

Once Murong Yue is given the order, there can be danger around him, so the person who gave the order must be dealt with.

On his own side, he was going to deal with the Ascension Palace Master.

However, the Ascension Palace Master is not so easy to kill. Although the Ascension Palace Master is not very strong, he is detached from the realm.

But as the executor of the Abyss and Ming Pavilion in the eternal imperial court, there must be extraordinary treasures on him.

Therefore, he must be one-shot kill, and not give the opponent a chance to activate the mission treasure.

Step! tread!

The black and white figure walked into the palace.

Of course, he was already someone else at this time.

When the Ascension Palace Master saw the person walking in, he said in a deep voice, "Is there something wrong?"

"Palace Master, there is a problem with the Eternal Monarch."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"What went wrong?"

Hearing Hei Jue's words, the face of the Palace Master of Ascension became The person incarnated by Hei Jue is the spy arranged by the Palace Master of Ascension in the imperial court.

"There is a person from the emperor's side. The strength is a bit terrifying, and he is dressed in white."

During Su Hao's time, there was an influence in Hei Jue's hands, and the influence was the person from the Tianshen Mountain who was going to return.

"Master of the Heavenly God Mountain, Shen Yu."

Seeing this person, Palace Master Yu Hua suddenly shrank his pupils and said.

At this moment, a black and white figure turned into a streamer and instantly appeared in front of Palace Master Ascension.

Like a sharp arrow, the palm pierced through the chest of the Ascension Palace Master.

Black and white are the powerhouses of the Eternal Realm, and the Ascension Palace Master is only a detached powerhouse, who can crush the Ascension Palace Master from the front.

Now that it is a sneak attack, the Ascension Palace Master has no chance to react at all.

After Hei Jue's palm poured into the opponent's heart, countless energies directly invaded the body and soul of the Ascension Palace Master.

He didn't give the Ascension Palace host a chance at all.


A divine tree appeared on Hei Jue's body, directly covering the Palace Master Ascension, and the body of the Palace Master Ascension was hung on the tree like a puppet.

The divine tree began to absorb power.


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