Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1599: Haas, the Dark Lord

Inside the invisible imperial palace.

Haas walked alone in the spacious corridor.

The sound of stepping footsteps was particularly loud in this silent corridor.

He found out the news from the ancient Qinglong country, that the two ancient countries of Qinglong and White Tiger and the other thirty-four countries have movements.

It seems that they are going to attack their invisible empire.

He was going to Yuhabach's palace to tell him about it.


The scene before him changed.

In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared into the invisible imperial palace.

Invisible Empire.

In the imperial palace, Youhabach, who was sitting on the imperial chair, opened his eyes, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Then he closed his eyes again, not caring about it at all.

Haas's strength has already comprehended the aura of three tribulations, and since he can use strength from his side at any time, there is no danger.

I don't know who, so unlucky, came here after their strength improved.

This is no different from courting death.

At this moment, Haas appeared in a space of stars.

His expression remained the same, and his eyes looked at one place.

in the direction he was looking.

The space is violently distorted.

Immediately, a figure stepped out from the distorted space.

He was dressed in black robe, with amazing aura, and his eyes were cold. The surrounding space was under his eyes, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

He looked at Haas and didn't speak, but the surrounding space was like heaven and earth, pouring out towards Haas.

Haas didn't seem to feel the pressure from these pouring out, and said:

"Black Sky Demon God, he is collecting souls recently. I don't know what it means to swept me into this space?"

Haas's tone was calm, as if he didn't perceive any danger.

"Hasward, the No. 2 figure in the invisible empire, someone paid me to kill you first."

Hei Tian Demon God looked at Haas, his eyes filled with endless cold light.

"It's the Canglan Empire that wants to buy my life. It seems that it's going to attack my invisible empire."

Haas said softly.

"It's normal to take action. The Canglan Empire is a world master force, how can it tolerate you for so long?"

"But I can let you go, as long as you tell me the source of the imperial soldiers of the invisible empire."

The Dark Lord looked at Hasdao.

He secretly devoured a lot of invisible imperial soldiers. Although he had no soul, he allowed him to extract some energy that was beneficial to him.

So he appeared in the invisible empire ahead of time.

Normally, he should come tomorrow to deal with Haas.

"Without comprehending the aura of the Tribulation Realm, you are like an ant in front of me. I will give you a chance to live, and I think you should cherish it."

The Dark Lord looked at Haas and said with a murmur.

"Really? Black Sky Demon God, your strength is good. Let me plant a spiritual seal. Maybe you can leave my invisible imperial palace alive."

When the voice of Kuroten Demon God fell.

Haas spoke up.

His eyes were flat and his expression was calm, as if he didn't care about the Black Sky Demon God at all.

"Looking for death!"

Hei Tian Demon God looked at Haas with cold eyes. He originally wanted to give the other party a chance, but how could he know that the other party was so arrogant.

Then take down what the other party is talking about first.

He stretched out his big hand and shook it suddenly.


The space in front of Haas collapsed directly, forming huge palms.

The devilish energy in the palm of the hand is dazzling, and it looks like a black jade mountain.

The condensed black jade-like giant hand penetrated the void and appeared above Haas's head.

The speed is fast.

Pressed on Haas.

But in an instant, the face of the Kurotian Demon God changed.

Because Haas, who was opposite him, suddenly raised his hand and threw a punch.

His fist collided with his giant hand, shattering his blow.

The huge dissipating power instantly swept through the space, tearing this space apart with countless openings.

A terrifying force circulated in Haas, making the surrounding space seem to be overwhelmed.

"I didn't expect you to actually understand the aura of the Tribulation Realm, the three auras of the Tribulation Realm, I really underestimate you."

Looking at the energy gushing out of Haas, the Demon God of Darkness was a little surprised.

In the previous investigation of the invisible empire, only Youhabach realized the three auras of catastrophe.

Haas is weak.

But now this Haas has shown the strength to comprehend the aura of the Three Realms of Tribulation.

"You didn't expect there to be a lot more?"

"I said, you can't leave if you come today."

Haas looked at Kuroda Shinto.

"It's so arrogant, it's just three tribulation realms. Do you know how many tribulation realms I have realized?"

The Dark Lord looked at Haas and said coldly.

while he was speaking.

There were fifty aura fluctuations in the Tribulation Realm on his body.

"Fifty auras of robbery, I didn't expect that Heitian Demon God, you are so strong."

Seeing the aura on the Demon God of Darkness, Haas showed a hint of surprise on his flat face.

This Black Sky Demon God appeared in the small battles between them, the Canglan Empire, and the Thirty-Six Buddha Kingdoms, devouring the energy of their souls.

He does know.

Originally thought that the other party was only comprehending a few auras of robbery, but he did not expect that the other party actually realized fifty auras of robbery.

Seeing the surprised look on Haas' face.

The Heitian Demon God said coldly, "Haas, you know the difference now, hand over the source of the troops, and you can become the number two person in my control of the country."

The No. 2 figure under the Fifty Paths of Tribulation Realm powerhouse is not ordinary.

"Really, but in front of Your Majesty, you really don't appreciate your strength."

"Just let you feel the power of His Majesty!"

Haas's tone was flat.

But when he spoke, invisible spiritual energy appeared in front of him, instantly covering his body.

These psychic energies that appeared gathered quickly, like a tide, constantly pouring into Haas's body.

Haas's power rose wildly.

"Ten, thirty, fifty, seventy, this!"

Opposite him, the Black Sky Demon God felt the change in Haas's body's's complexion changed drastically, his heart froze, and he made a decisive decision to flee the space he had previously arranged.

He moved around and disappeared like a ghost.

"This is the Imperial Palace of the Invisible Empire, and it is Your Majesty's underground palace. Can you go?"

Haas looked at the escaping Black Sky Demon God, raised his right hand, and held it suddenly, in the distant space.

suddenly collapsed.

With the collapse of the space, the Heitian Demon God who had escaped before was directly pressed out by the collapsed force.


Haas disappeared and appeared in front of the Dark Lord.

The palm pressed directly on the Demon God of Darkness.


Hei Tian Demon God was furious, and immediately punched out.

Immediately, the huge demonic energy blasted towards Haas's palm like a river.

The force of the impact seems to be able to scatter the space.

But the palm that fell in the face of Haas melted in an instant.

"Well, how is this possible?"

A look of horror appeared on the face of Demon God Hei Tian.

He couldn't imagine why Haas had only three auras of catastrophe before, why he suddenly possessed such a powerful power.

And can perfectly control this power.

However, his horror and disbelief were of no use, and Haas's palm fell on his head.

Afterwards, the eyes of Heitian Demon God went black, and he lost consciousness for a while.

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