Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1618: The temple opens, all parties gather (in 1

"That palm just now?"

At this time, some people came back to their senses, their eyes were horrified, but they asked the people beside them in a low voice.

The person beside him had not recovered from the shock, when the palm appeared just now.

He felt that his body and soul were frozen, and only his eyes could see something.

Very scary.

"Maybe, it may be the powerhouse above the Eternal Realm. There are powerhouses in this underworld of the Immortal Realm."

The man then stammered.

Some people also roughly guessed, they just wanted to hear what others said.

In the void, Gai Jiuyou didn't speak, and walked towards the Naihe Bridge.

He pressed his palm on the Naihe Bridge, and the Naihe Bridge turned into a ray of light and disappeared into Gai Jiuyou's hands.

dark place.

A hint of joy flashed in the eyes of the Lady of the Golden Spirit of Biyou Asgard.

"Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, can you come back to Jilei Mountain with me?"

Su Hao sent a voice transmission to Our Lady of the Golden Spirit in the dark.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit needed Naihe Bridge to enter the other side of the river to wash his wounds, and he also asked about the Buddha.

"I will return to Jilei Mountain with Young Master Fang."

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit replied.

Although they said they would return with Su Hao and the others, the Lady of the Golden Spirit did not show up, but followed behind Su Hao and the others.

The underworld suddenly became hostile to the Buddha clan. As a disciple of Biyou Immortal Palace, it is better not to appear face-to-face for the time being.

After Su Hao and the others left.

A group of spectators also quickly left.

After people leave for a while.

In the void, the Shadow King reappeared, and he grabbed the white bone that was beheaded by Tan Yue in the Wangchuan River.

Ordinary people who fall into the Wangchuan River will definitely have no bones, but the skeleton of Tan Yue is intact on the Wangchuan River.

It can be seen that his body bones are extremely hard.

Of course, many people have seen this action, and they are also curious. Why did the Shadow King come to take this corpse away?

It is not easy for the Shadow King to escape into the void with the corpse.

when he left.

A **** light and a dark shadow appeared in the void, it was the blood-devouring vine and the black-and-white absolute.

The blood-devouring vine took root here a long time ago, but after all, he didn't show up because he didn't move the city of Hades.

"I'll follow you, you go back to the young master first."

After Black and White finished speaking, the figure turned into a black light and disappeared.

The blood-devouring vine turned and left.

The Shadow King drove for a while and stopped.

Two figures appeared in front of him, the Immortal King and the Prison King.

"Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, I brought back the corpse?"

"This is not the place to talk, let's leave first."

As the Undead King spoke, a star rune appeared under his feet, wrapped the three of them in a blink of an eye, and then disappeared.

Black and white Jue appeared in the place where they disappeared, and the divine consciousness searched, but did not find any energy fluctuations.


At this moment, a vortex suddenly appeared under Heijue's feet, and the vortex was directly swallowed by Heijue.


At the moment of devouring, Hei Jue's body directly blew up.

in some space.

The Undead King looked slightly startled, and murmured in his mouth, "Since he blew himself up directly, is it someone from the underworld, or someone else?"

Feeling the strangeness of the Undead King, the Prison King couldn't help but ask, "Senior brother, what happened?"

"There was an ant staring at us. Just as he was about to swallow him into my Immortal Yellow Spring, the other party actually blew himself up."

The Undead King said softly.

"It's alright, let's go back as soon as possible. Today's matter needs to be carefully investigated."

The Immortal King doesn't have much interest in a dead person.

When he was talking, a door of light appeared in front of him, and the three stepped into it and disappeared.

Just now, the Undead King didn't leave, so I wanted to see who the person who followed the Shadow King came.

But I didn't expect that the moment the other party was caught, he directly blew himself up.

In addition, there is a fairyland.

The Buddha Palace.

The face of the middle-aged man in the black robe with gold threads changed slightly.

"I didn't expect that the underworld would directly dispatch a robbery master. Is this a warning or what?"

"Let's go to the Buddha Tower first."

The middle-aged man slowly got up.

Walking towards the back of the palace, he didn't know how long he had walked, and he came to the door of a palace emitting dark flames.

The middle-aged man didn't care about the dark flames, he pushed open the door of the palace, and stepped inside.

Inside the palace.

There is a pagoda suspended, the bottom of the pagoda exudes billowing black flames, and the whole body exudes extremely terrifying light.

It's just that the tower's foot seems to be missing a piece, giving people a feeling of losing some of its power.

The middle-aged man came to the pagoda.

With a seal in his hand, one after another radiant runes emerged from his hand and poured into the pagoda.

The Buddha Pagoda shone brightly, and a vortex appeared above his head, and energy poured into the Buddha Pagoda one after another in the vortex.

During this process, the middle-aged man's complexion became pale, and beads of sweat kept falling from his forehead. It could be seen that the runes formed in his hands were extremely exhausting.

Time passed little by little.

A figure appeared on the pagoda.

The figure gradually became clear, and finally turned into a man in a black robe.

He appeared in front of the middle-aged man.

It was the man who was the head of the three who were beheaded in front of Su Hao before.

It's just that now the man's strength has fallen, he is only at the peak of the eternal realm, and there is no aura of catastrophe on his body.

"Why did you start?"

Seeing this figure appear, the man in black robe with golden silk asked in a deep voice.

"I want to divert the attention of the undead king, and bring back Yao Bingyu's body to bring back the real body of the Queen Mother of the West, but I didn't expect that this underworld's robbery realm powerhouse would directly take action and kill the three of me. It's a pity that I have cultivated masters for so many years."

The figure said in a deep voice.

With a sigh in his voice.

He can be resurrected, but the other two cannot.

"Although you are a member of the Buddha's royal family, you have a chance to be resurrected, but every time you revive, you have to use the true source of the Buddha Tower. Now the corner of the Buddha Tower can't be repaired, and the true source is limited, so you can't be resurrected perfectly."

"What's more, the powerhouses in the Tribulation Realm didn't care about you for the first time. When they reappear, they won't give you a chance to be resurrected, so be careful in the future."

"You can sense the breath of the undead king."

"Some perceptions, when I was beheaded by the underworld powerhouse, I sensed the fluctuation of his clone's breath."

black robe man

"It seems that the strength of this undead king's real body should be restored."

"Since I sensed a little bit of his breath, then I know that the third elder will calculate it. As long as the position of the undead king is calculated, I will go and find him in person."

The man in the golden silk black robe said calmly.

"Then the underworld will not avenge this revenge, and the real body of the Queen Mother of the West, should we not want it?"

"When you recover, go to Jilei Mountain and ask the Lord of the Underworld to make a deal with him. After all, the real body of the Queen Mother of the West is also the backhand left by the Queen Mother of the West. There are treasures to make up for the damage. I think they will agree to our deal."

"As for revenge, I don't need to think about it for the time being. The other party has a strong robbery. If I take action, it will be a war. We will talk about everything after contacting the Buddha clan."

The man in the golden silk black robe said in a deep voice.

"Go to Jilei Mountain Mansion, you are not afraid that they will kill me."

"This underworld has a bad impression on us. If I go, maybe it will really be wiped out. You should go find someone else. I will restore your cultivation first."

Seeing this, the man in the black robe with golden silk nodded: "Then my Lu Changsheng will go."

After speaking, he turned and left.

He also needs to recover. Although the seemingly simple runes just now cost him a lot, he needs to recover.

at this time.

In the mountains of Jilei.

Su Hao and the others returned, and Gai Jiuyou said to the Lady of the Golden Spirit, "I will sacrifice the Naihe Bridge to enter the other side of the river to wash away the wounds on my body."

"Then thank you Mr. Jiuyou."

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said.

The two then walked towards a large hall in Jilei Mountain.

As for Su Hao, he went back to his room.

"The Shadow King was discovered and was almost swallowed up. Do you know who did it?"

Su Hao asked.

"I don't know, the subordinate just arrived at the place where the Shadow King disappeared, and was swallowed by a black vortex. If it hadn't exploded, I'm afraid the soul would have been invaded."

black and white

"Is that so? It seems that the strength of the person who took over the Shadow King is terrifying."

"This immortal world should not be as simple as the power of the Three Great Dao Palace, but I don't know why they are silent."

Su Hao frowned.

"After we left, did anyone show up?"

Su Hao thought of the Buddha clan, there must be someone around in the ancient underworld, did the Buddha clan not take action?

"I didn't notice other auras, so there should be no other people in the Buddha clan?"

At this time, the blood-devouring vine on the side opened his mouth and said.

His roots were all over the Wangchuan River at that time, and even some were arranged in the void.

He went there with his real body, his strength was not compromised at all, and he was able to distinguish the breath of the Buddha clan.

"Isn't it? That's all, I don't know why. The temple will open tomorrow, so be prepared to enter the temple."

Su Hao thought to himself.

Then he glanced at the inventory, and the last three people died of spontaneous combustion, and the system did not admit that he did it.

So the system just gave him a reward for getting Naihe Bridge.

So he only has 2 lottery cards in his inventory.

1 Level 14 item crystal lottery card, 1 level 14 character crystal lottery card.

In the end, if the three of them were crushed to death, it would be fine. Let them ignite spontaneously, and the loss will be a little big.

Su Hao sighed in his heart.

Directly click on the level 14 character crystal lottery card.

He wanted to see what kind of characters he could draw this time.

[The host consumes 1 character crystal lottery card, the lottery is in... ]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing the character card of the third world of Duan De, which has been stored in the inventory, please check]

"Duan De has a third life, and Duan De has a ninth life. When will this be drawn?"

Su Hao couldn't help shaking his head.

Today, Duan De's strength is average in the underworld.

Integrating this third life, the strength will inevitably increase.

Su Hao thought so in his heart.

Immediately, his eyes fell on the level 14 item draw card.

Also click it.

[The host consumes 1 level 14 item crystal lottery card, the lottery is in...]

[Congratulations to the host for winning the item segment. The ancient emperor's decree belonging to the third life has been stored in the item column, please check it. 】

It's all Duan De's stuff.

This is to increase his strength.

Not bad.

Right at this time.

Duan De walked in from outside the palace and saw Su Hao with a smile on his face.

"My lord, there is news from the Three Avenues Palace that the temple will be opened one day later, and the strength of those who can enter is unlimited. Location: Dingxian Mountain in the North of the Immortal Realm."

Duan De said.

"Doesn't limit your strength? The location is at Dingxian Mountain." Su Hao frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Did Fangcunshan Baimei come to talk about this?"

Su Hao asked.

"My lord, Bai Mei didn't come to talk about this, but his subordinate consulted. He said that it was a sudden decision by the Three Great Avenues today."

"My subordinates guessed that it might be related to our underworld robbery realm powerhouse?"

Duan De said in a deep voice.

"Is that so? No matter what tricks they play, we don't have to be afraid!"

While speaking, Su Hao directly summoned Duan De's third generation, and handed over the Ancient Emperor token to Duan De.

Seeing his third life, Duan De smiled.

Now he has only realized the aura of catastrophe, but if he integrates the third body, his strength will definitely increase greatly, coupled with the source art on his body and the ancient emperor's decree in his hand.

Even if you encounter a complete catastrophe, you should be able to fight, and if you lose, you can walk away.

"This time, you brought people into the temple, and I will enter with the people from Fudo Pluto City."

Su Hao did not intend to enter it as Fang Muyun.

"And Yao Bingyu, who will stay in the underworld for a while?"

Su Hao thought for a while.

The body of misfortune stayed in the underworld to prevent sudden incidents.

So Yao Bingyu is best to stay in the underworld.

Wait until he comes out of the temple.

at this time.

When the news that the temple will open tomorrow came out, the entire fairyland began to boil.

Some of the Eternal Realm, comprehending a hint of Tribulation Realm aura, looked at Dingxian Mountain in the Northern Territory one after another, and their eyes showed incomparably fiery expressions.

Even some transcendental powerhouses got up one after another and went to Dingxian Mountain in the Northern Territory.

This time, the Three Great Avenues Palace opened the temple, giving the major forces a place to enter.

Many people know that it is bound to be extremely dangerous, but they still go.

Because in the temple, there is a temptation that these strong people can't resist, and that is the [Aura of Tribulation].

Although the detached realm, the eternal realm, and the powerhouses who comprehend the aura of a few catastrophe realms, in the eyes of ordinary people, they have the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

But only when you stand high will you know what's beyond the mountains.

Beyond the hazy mountain, there are higher peaks.

The perfection of the aura of the Tribulation Realm is what they pursue.

Any martial artist who cultivates, they all have a heart to pursue the extreme state of martial arts.

If you don't have this heart, you won't be able to reach this state at all.

Of course, the powerhouses who have already understood the aura of the catastrophe, they all know how important it is to understand the opportunity and resources of the aura of the catastrophe.

In the temple, people can comprehend the aura of catastrophe, or have the power to condense the aura of catastrophe.

This is almost fatal to them.

Especially those Eternal Realm powerhouses who have comprehended one, or who have not comprehended a little bit of Tribulation Realm breath.

They must go.

After getting the confirmed news, countless strong men began to prepare for the battle and set off.

in a void.

In the Taoist Palace.

Daoist Xuandu, True Monarch Guangcheng, True Monarch Duobao, and Daoist Baimei, the four of them are gathering together.

The four of them looked solemn.

"The appearance of the people of the Buddha clan also involved the powerhouses of the Underworld Tribulation Realm. At this time, the opening of the temple may cause a **** rain."

Zhenjun Duobao said.

"This is the last time the temple will be opened. We must make good use of it. The more people who enter, the more aura of catastrophe will be generated. This is an opportunity for our Four Great Dao Palace to grow. Don't miss it. All the twelve masters of my original Dao Palace will enter."

Zhenjun Guangcheng said.

"This matter has already been decided, so don't discuss it any more. To prevent people from the outside world from coming, we are now opening the protective shield of the Immortal Realm."

At this moment, the Taoist Xuandu said.

The aura of catastrophe can be produced in the temple, which will definitely make people peep.

They dare to start so blatantly, of course, they have their means.

When the voice fell, a lustrous jade tablet appeared in the hands of Taoist Xuandu.

Seeing that Taoist Xuandu took out the jade tablets, the other three did not hesitate to take out three jade tablets from their arms.


After the four jade cards appeared, they were suspended directly in front of them.

The four of them formed seals in their hands, and the energy merged into the jade card, and a series of runes appeared on the jade card.

These runes appeared one after another of rays of light, converging in the middle of the four jade cards.

These rays of light converge into a fairyland.

When the appearance of the fairyland appeared.

Rays of light appeared in the outer space of the Immortal Realm, covering the entire Immortal Realm, and then the Immortal Realm began to hide and disappear, as if it did not exist.

In the underworld palace.

The eyes of the body of doom who had closed his eyes suddenly opened.

"The immortal world actually disappeared into the void, and you can't perceive the situation outside the void. What kind of means is this?"

Evil murmured in his mouth.

Later, he informed Su Hao in the hall of the news.

When Su Hao got this news, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He came to the Immortal Realm to lead to the Star Realm Teleportation Array, but found that the Teleportation Array was extremely unstable and felt like it was about to collapse.

If people enter, they may not necessarily be able to teleport to the astral world.

"This should be the reason why the three Taoist palaces dared to open the temple. I was still thinking about how they would deal with people from the heavens and the sea of ​​stars outside the realm. It turns out that there is such a method."

"The fairy world is even simpler than I thought."

Su Hao said softly.


He appeared in Fudo Pluto Castle.

Began to use the projection ability of Fudo Pluto to connect with Dugu Baitian in the astral world.

Let them investigate the teleportation formation from the astral world to Jileishan.

In a while.

Dugu sent a message during the day, informing that the teleportation array could not be used.

Immediately, his brows wrinkled, and the people of Pluto City could not come.

However, in Fudo Pluto Castle, there are still some ascetic people.

When the time comes, enter the temple and see if you can get some resources.

"I made some mistakes this time, and I was a little arrogant!"

Su Hao said secretly.

Previously, he thought that he had the temple teleportation talisman, so he could take people there, but now he can't receive people, so he can't take people there.

Some mistakes.

Afterwards, Su Hao didn't think about this matter and contacted Gu Xi'er to go to the temple together tomorrow.

God of War.

Gu Xi'er looked at the news in her hand, and light flashed in her eyes.

After fully merging with the God of War, Gu Xi'er has become stronger.

"The temple, according to the records of the God of War, the energy inside can help the transcendental powerhouse step into the eternal realm. Maybe I can take this opportunity to step into the eternal realm?"

"In this case, I may be able to enter the forces behind the God of War Palace, the God of War."

Gu Xi'er murmured in her heart.

After the complete fusion of the God of War Palace Master, she knew the existence of the God of War family.

It's just that the God of War family is not in this world, nor in the sea of ​​stars outside the territory.

However, judging from the situation in memory, once the star realm starts the passage of all realms and the three realms are unified, the God of War family will definitely perceive this.


At this moment, the jade card appeared in his hand.

It was Su Hao's message. He came here and entered the temple with her.

Seeing this information, Gu Xi'er showed a smile on her icy face.

Su Hao and Yao Bingyu appeared at Wangchuan River. She knew that she was still a little jealous at that time.

But today Su Hao sent a message that he wanted to enter the temple with her.

According to Su Hao's character.

Shouldn't let other women follow.

What's more, Yao Bingyu is only the woman of Fang Muyun, the young master of the underworld, not Su Hao, the young master of the Underworld City.

Definitely can't show up with Su Hao.

The next day.

Su Hao's figure appeared outside the God of War Palace. Wearing a black long gown, his body is tall and straight, and his body reveals a calm temperament.

He stepped into the God of War Palace.

Behind him, the blood-devouring vines followed.

In the God of War Palace.

Gu Xi'er is waiting for Su Hao.

At this time, she was wearing a pair of battle armor. The battle armor showed her proud body, slender body and beautiful face, which made Su Hao's eyes light up as he stepped in. He wanted to go up and conquer.

"You came!"

Seeing Su Hao, Gu Xi'er's cold and glamorous face changed and she walked in front of Su Hao with a smile.

"let's go!"

Su Hao calmed down and said.

The three turned into three streams of light and headed towards Dingxian Mountain.

At this time, a stream of light flashed across the void from time to time, all of them heading towards the Northern Territory.

Some people from all over the world watched the streams of light appearing in the sky, and there were waves of fluctuations in the void from time to time. They all felt that something big happened in the fairy world.

Immortal Realm, Northern Territory, Dingxian Mountain

Although it is called Dingxian Mountain, it is extremely desolate. There are isolated peaks standing straight, without too much life, and some are just lonely.

But at this time, there are countless strong people gathered here.

In the void, there are some people standing on the mountains, and they seem to be waiting.

at this time!

Suddenly, a figure appeared from the void.

When that figure appeared, everyone's expressions became serious.

"The current leader of the Primitive Dao Palace is the True Monarch Guangcheng."

Su Hao looked at the figure that appeared and murmured.

When Zhenjun Guangcheng appeared, the Immortal World Temple was about to open.

Light flashed in Su Hao's eyes.

They are not far from Su Hao.

When the Nine Heavens Succubus appeared this time, she followed everyone in the underworld this time.

Except for the misfortune and the evil kings of the heavens, the underworld did not come, and everything else arrived.

As for the Queen Mother of the West, she didn't show up. I don't know if she was caught by the Buddha clan, or she went there secretly.

Su Hao doesn't know.

in the void.

A seal rune appeared in Zhenjun Guangcheng's hand.

This rune appeared and was directly punched into Dingxian Mountain by him.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura emerged from the bottom of the mountain.

With this breath gushing out, everyone's eyes looked in the direction of Dingxian Mountain.

As far as the line of sight, the originally isolated mountain peaks began to crack, and then hundreds of thousands of cracks appeared.

The crack could not be seen at a glance, it looked dark, but there were streaks of golden light on the periphery of the crack.

This golden light isolates the crack from the outside world.

"The power in there is very strong, and there is a hazy aura fluctuation. Could it be the power that can generate the aura of catastrophe?"

Some people sensed the situation in the dark crack, and said involuntarily.

Among the underworld crowd.

Looking at the crack, Jiutian Succubus couldn't help but frown slightly.

She has entered the temple before, but that time she clearly entered the gate of a temple, how could it be a crack this time?

Just when she wondered, a door radiating divine light appeared in the dark crack.

"The gate of the temple?"

Looking at the gate, Jiutian Succubus's eyes lit up.

"The temple is open, everyone can enter."

In the void, True Monarch Guangcheng formed a handprint in his hand, which was printed towards the gate of the temple.


The gate of the temple was opened directly, and golden light illuminated the dark cracked space.

Then, the twenty figures behind the True Monarch Guangcheng stepped into it first.

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