Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1622: Magical Powers [All beings are equal], take action (2 in 1)

The latest website: At this time, in this cold place.

Two figures appeared, both of them looked like middle-aged men, one of them looked extra rough, with a body like an iron tower, standing there tightly, as if the ground beneath his feet would tremble a little.


He randomly punched a corpse crawling out of the ground in front of him.

And the aftermath of the fist also crushed the corpse that rushed past.

The middle-aged man beside him had a majestic appearance. If Su Hao was here, he would definitely recognize him.

The origin fairy king of the origin mountain of the extraterritorial sea of ​​stars.

"Shenyuan, the key to the land of God, Brother Yuanyuan, I didn't expect you and I to have such an opportunity, let's go and see."

The tower-like man said.

In the temple space, there has always been the legend of Shenyuan.

After finishing speaking, the man was like a tank and walked towards Su Hao and the others.

The Origin Immortal King who was on the side quickly followed.

The corpses that rushed over were directly shaken back by a wave of air before they touched them.

"My lord, someone is coming this way."

The blood-devouring vine said.

"Suppress that cold vortex first, and I'll take out the key first."

Su Hao said.

The blood of the blood-devouring magic vine soared, and once again raised his hand and pressed the vortex with one hand, the light in the palm of the hand was bright.

When his palm pressed against the vortex.

An ice python exuding cold air appeared in the vortex cold current.

The python has a transparent body, but is huge.

With a low roar, he rushed towards the palm of the blood-devouring vine.


The two forces collided, and the python actually blocked the palm of the blood-devouring vine.

The blood-devouring magic vine glanced at it, and the strength of the palm increased again, forming a wave of qi and blood, which was suppressed towards the python.

At this moment, a pair of huge ice wings appeared on the python's body. With the appearance of this ice wing, a mighty cold air swept out of its body and hit the blood wave from the palm of the blood-devouring vine.

"This python has some abilities."

Su Hao saw this scene with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This palace can condense the atmosphere of robbery, and store the keys of the temple, it must not be a simple place.

Protecting the things here is definitely not easy.


The two forces collided to form a wave of energy.

At the moment when the energy fluctuation appeared, Su Hao's figure suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, his figure had already appeared at the key.

The palm grabbed the key directly, and then threw it into the system inventory.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a temple key, a 14th-level crystal lottery card, which has been stored in the system space, please check it in time. 】


When the temple key was put into the system space by Su Hao.

The python growled low, trying to charge towards Su Hao, but was entangled by the blood-devouring vine.

After Su Hao threw the key into the system inventory, the vortex frantically absorbing the cold air in front of him gradually stopped, a feeling of weakening.

"Well, the suction of the cold air has become smaller. Could it be that this temple key is the foundation of the cold current."

Su Hao thought in his heart.

As the absorption of the vortex cold current gradually disappeared, the python that fought against the blood-devouring vine lost the source of its strength.

In the end, it was smashed by the palm of the blood-devouring vine.

When the boa constrictor disappeared, a cold snap broke out in the area.

A more gloomy aura spread out in this area. Without the absorption of this palace, these gloomy and cold auras seemed to blow out.

"The cold here has become more intense."

"Let's get out of here as soon as possible."

Su Hao said.

"If you want to go, hand over your things."

Just then. Two figures walked in from the gray frost.

"Hmm! Origin Immortal King."

Su Hao looked at one of them.

"Young Master Su Hao, Young Master of Underworld City, I didn't expect Young Master Su to know me."

Seeing Su Hao's figure, the Immortal King Origin was startled and said.

Su Hao appeared in the sea of ​​stars outside the realm. It can be said that he became famous in the eternal kingdom.

Of course the Origin Immortal King knew Su Hao.

He has always been close to the eldest princess, but he did not expect the eldest princess to be killed in the end. It was rumored that Su Hao moved the hand.

After all, it is rumored that Su Hao has a projection left by a calamity realm expert.

"Brother Yuanyuan, I didn't expect you to know each other, hand over that key and I'll let you go."

The burly man said.

"Brother Cheng, this is Su Hao, the young city master of the immovable Pluto City in the astral world."

The Origin Immortal King on the side opened his mouth and said.

There is a posture that wants to persuade the other party.

"Astral world does not move Pluto City, Young City Lord Su Hao?"

Hearing the words of the Immortal King Origin, the burly man's eyes were slightly cold, and a trace of fear passed through his eyes.

It seems that this burly man has also heard of Su Hao, the young master of Fudo Pluto City.

In the sea of ​​stars outside the realm, Su Ha, the young master of the underworld city, does not move, and there is a projection of a powerful person in the robbery beside him.

This matter has spread throughout the Three Realms and the Sea of ​​Stars outside the Territory.

After all, when the robbery powerhouse appears, which powerhouse in the eternal realm does not pay attention.

But then the burly man, his eyes moved slightly, and he said: "Brother Yuanyuan, this is the temple, the powerhouse of the robbery can't appear, what is the strength of the three?"

Hearing the strong man's words, the Origin Immortal King's expression also changed.

His eyes looked at the blood-devouring vine.

The blood-devouring vine has appeared in the sea of ​​stars outside the territory, but when it was shown at that time, it did not reach the level of the evil kings and the abandoned emperor.

In other words, he did not fully comprehend the aura of the Tribulation Realm.

"The strongest did not fully comprehend the aura of the Tribulation Realm."

The origin fairy king replied.

At this moment, Su Hao saw the changes in their eyes and knew that they might want to snatch.

Look at a 14th-level item crystal lottery card in your inventory, and a 15th-level item crystal lottery card.

Directly click on the 14th level item crystal draw card.

[The host consumes a 14-level item crystal lottery card, the lottery is in...]

[Congratulations to the host for winning the Supernatural Ability - Equality of All Beings Card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it. 】

"All beings are equal card, magical power?"

Su Hao immediately checked.

[Equality of all beings]: A kind of innate supernatural power that can bring everything around into an equal state. Once this supernatural power is used, the strength of all surrounding warriors will become the same realm.

Remarks: Only the host can use, the time limit is 10 minutes when the target is below the robbery level.

[Does the host consume 1 million check-in points to realize the equality of all beings? 】

The system's voice sounded beside Su Hao's ears.

"1 million check-in value!"

The check-in value has been useless recently, and there are indeed a lot of check-in values.

Without any hesitation, Su Hao directly consumed 1 million sign-in points to realize the supernatural powers of all beings being equal.

[Consume 1 million check-in value. ]

After Su Hao finished his words, a magical rune appeared in his mind. It seemed that this magical rune had already existed, but Su Hao didn't know it.

At this time, the blood-devouring magic vine was a little impatient, and his face showed a cold color.

"It seems that you have ideas, then let me solve you."

There was a killing intent in the blood-devouring vine's tone.

The Origin Immortal King and the others have seen the Lord, but they have not left, which shows that they are thinking of starting.

Hearing the words of the blood-devouring magic vine, the Origin Immortal King raised his brows slightly and said: "This is the temple, and the robbery powerhouse can't enter. I don't know where you got the courage to say you want to solve us."

The Origin Immortal King looked at the blood-devouring vine tightly, and also let the sturdy man scan the square.

Look around to see if there are people who don't move Pluto City.

If you don't have them, do it forcefully.

"Strength, depends on my strength."

The blood-devouring vine's tone was very overbearing.

The whole body exudes a strong vicious aura, and the blood-devouring vines kill all the way, devouring flesh and blood.

Coupled with his own strength now, he is not afraid of anyone in eternity.

Although there are some restrictions in this world, it is still possible to kill these two people.

Seeing the blood-devouring vine exudes a fierce aura, the Origin Immortal King and the sturdy man couldn't help but shrink.

The opponent exudes a fierce aura, which is not inferior to those powerhouses who have comprehended the aura of the Perfect Tribulation Realm.

This surprised them, and a sense of unease suddenly appeared in their hearts.

The two looked at each other.

At the same time, there was a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

The temple key is related to the source of the gods in the temple.

The source of the gods is the key to the aura of the catastrophe. As long as they get the source of the gods, they may be able to step into the catastrophe.

"There is no one around for the time being."

That burly man, sound transmission.

Hearing the sound transmission of the sturdy man, the Origin Immortal King couldn't help but nodded.

They are ready to do it.

Looking at the blood-devouring vine, as long as the blood-devouring vine is suppressed.

To solve Su Hao and the others, that's a matter of hand.

As for the projection on Su Hao's body, as he said before, this is the temple, and the calamity experts can't come in at all.

As long as they kill Su Hao and the others, who knows they killed them?

The eyes of the two quickly became cold, and the breath on their bodies changed.


A huge aura burst out from the two of them at the same time.

This breath appeared, instantly dissipating the surrounding cold air, forming an independent space.

"Completely comprehend the aura of the Tribulation Realm."

Looking at these two people, Su Hao's face showed surprise.

He did not expect that the Immortal King of Origin was a master who completely comprehends the aura of the Tribulation Realm.

This is somewhat different from the information he got.

Previously, Black and White had investigated the Origin Immortal King, and his strength also comprehended one or two robbery auras.

However, the strength displayed now has completely comprehended the aura of the Tribulation Realm.

"Hidden deep enough."

Su Hao thought to himself.

[Trigger quest: The host obtains a card of equality of all beings, and within the time limit of using the card of equality of all beings, kill the enemy, kill one person with his own hands, and reward a level 14 character crystal lottery card. 】

At this moment, Su Hao's ear sounded the mechanical sound of the system.


Hearing the system's voice, Su Hao couldn't help shaking his head.

In fact, in Fudo Hades City, the Eight Qi Heretic Gods are still there. Although there is no body of misfortune, his strength has also reached the perfect state of robbery.

Coupled with the other people Qingdi, etc., beheading these two people is completely no problem.

But now the task appears.

Su Hao can do anything by himself.

His eyes could not help looking at the other person.

At this time, the burly man had the power of thunder on his face, and the whole body began to rise a little, and waves of physical heat appeared on the surface of his body.

With the thunder and lightning around him, it seemed extremely violent.

"Haha! I'll do it first."

The burly man moved, stomped his foot on the ground, raised his right hand, and the lightning quickly condensed above his fist, forming a lightning vortex.

"Since you are going to make a move, then today this place is your tomb."

At this time, Su Hao stepped forward, a huge aura burst out from him.

When the breath bursts.

Su Hao said in a low voice, "All beings are equal."

He slapped the ground with his palm, and suddenly a lustre appeared from his hand, instantly covering the area.

The sturdy man and the Origin Immortal King who were about to take a shot couldn't help but look stunned.

But when the light enveloped them, they felt that their realm fell rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, he was suppressed in a detached state, the same state as Gu Xi'er next to Su Hao.

Suddenly, in this area, the realm of five people became the same.

"How is this going?"

The Origin Immortal King's face changed and he asked.

"Our current strength is the same. Even if we don't know that our strength is the same, who will be stronger and who will be weaker?"

When Su Hao was talking, Gu Xi'er, who was beside him, appeared in battle armor, and a long spear with golden rays of light appeared in his hand, directly killing the Immortal King Origin.

He moved his hands faster than Su Hao.

Previously, the opponent was so powerful that Gu Xi'er couldn't make a move.

Now that the opponent's strength is suppressed at the same level as hers, she thinks about taking a fight with the opponent, even if she can't win the opponent.

Playing against each other is also good for her.

"In 10 minutes, this magical power will disappear."

Su Hao transmitted the voice to Gu Xier.

"If there is danger, take action again, leave this guy to me."

When Su Hao spoke, golden rays of light all over his body were shining brightly, and runes appeared on his body.

Behind the golden back, a huge ghost appeared.

The magic shadow is monstrous.

"Buddhist practitioners!"

Seeing the changes on Su Hao's body, the burly man's expression changed, but then his expression became ruthless.

Now it's not about the realm being suppressed, but to solve the opponent Su Hao first.

With a loud shout, the sound of thunder sounded between this piece of heaven and earth.

Afterwards, a fist hit Su Hao. Although the lightning on his fist was not as strong as before due to the suppression of his realm, it still roared out like a wave.

"it is good!"

Su Hao let out a low drink and punched out his fist. Endless golden light gathered above his head.


The two forces collided, collided together, and made a rumbling sound. Where the fists collided, ripples of power appeared, spreading around and finally disappeared.

The figures of the two were also shaken back a few steps.

"Is that enough strength? It seems that you are being suppressed, that's all."

Su Hao looked at the burly man opposite and said coldly.

"Looking for something dead!"

Hearing Su Hao's words, the burly man turned grim and raised his fist again.


Thunder and lightning erupted one after another, forming a thunderstorm in the blink of an eye. A huge thunder dragon appeared in the storm, whistling and attacking Su Hao.


The sound of Thunder Dragon's impact swept across the world.

Huge cracks appeared on the gray ground.

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