Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1639: Xuan Ye cloned and fought against each other

Su Hao's figure escaped from the gap cut by the Qing Emperor.

The monk Xuan Ye glanced at the place where Su Hao left, the golden bowl in his hand was shining brightly, and instantly covered the gap.

Outside the golden bowl, Su Hao looked at the golden Buddha light in front of him, his pupils shrank suddenly, a golden light flashed in his eyes, penetrating the Buddha light to see the situation inside.

But found out.

The time and space inside seemed to stand still.

Su Hao can be sure that in that golden bowl, everything is still at this moment.

"This monk Xuan Ye is a bit powerful, but I don't know if he can move himself."

Su Hao thought to himself.

when he thought.

Suddenly not far from Su Hao, a long spear emitting a faint black light attacked Su Hao.

Su Hao didn't have time to think about it, he waved his hand, and the God and Demon Pillar appeared in his hand.

This divine weapon exudes a rolling evil spirit, like magma.


A stick shot out.

Directly pierce the spear from the attack, and after piercing the spear, attack the head of the person who shot it.


The pillar of gods and demons pierced the head of the person who shot it like a long spear.

Blood gushed out from the hole.

The shooter was a detached powerhouse. Just when Su Hao appeared, he thought he was an opportunity, so he shot directly.

Who gave Su Hao the inheritance of Jian Wudao?

The other person saw this scene, his eyes were horrified, and he showed fear.

They didn't expect Su Hao to be so cruel.

After all, the number of Su Hao shots is still very few. Many people don't know how powerful Su Hao is.

I don't know if it was intentional or not.

When the Zen leader Xuan Ye used the golden bowl, he wrapped all the powerhouses of the eternal realm in it.

The rest are some detached powerhouses.

Su Hao didn't look at those people, but looked at the Zen meaning of the sixth patriarch of the Zen sect.

Seeing Su Hao, he didn't look at them.

The rest of the people were relieved, and one of them walked towards the Zen intention of the sixth patriarch of the Zen sect.

When he leaned into the Zen mind of the sixth patriarch of the Zen sect, one of the figures of the sixth patriarch of the Zen sect raised his hand.

Heavenly Buddha Seal.

A huge bergamot fell instantly, sealing the person who rushed into it, and then grabbed it into the Zen space.


Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

Su Hao frowned slightly.

One of them was caught by the seal just now, and when he was caught in the Zen space, it turned into a golden ball.

And the Zen spirit from the Sixth Patriarch of Zen is very strong.

Others may not perceive it, but Su Hao has a strong perception.

"Could it be that the monk Xuan Ye left these detached powerhouses in order to make these detached people the nourishment of the Zen space."

Su Hao thought to himself.

His eyes looked at the Sixth Patriarch of Zen.

It is necessary to suppress them to first take Zen, and then take the Void Buddhahood.

Whether it is the residual Zen, or Buddhahood, it is useful to him, of course he needs it.

But it can't be too long.

First, the golden bowl probably won't be able to hold those people for a long time.

The second is that there may be other people coming here, so he is still ready to seize the time to obtain this Void Zen and Buddhahood.

The powerhouses in the eternal realm were restricted by the monk from entering the Buddha's country.

Maybe the powerhouse of the Sixth Patriarch's Zen Eternal Realm can collect it.

He thought so.

Just when he thought about it, a figure walked towards the Zen space.

Su Hao suddenly turned his head to look at the time of the shot.

This is a cultivator at the peak of transcendence. Judging from the breath emanating from his body, his combat power should be close to the eternal realm.

There is also a vague aura of a Buddhist monk in his detached monk.

This is a monk who practices Buddhism and Taoism.

When his figure arrived in front of the Zen space, a surging Buddha intent emanated from his body.

A golden light shot out from the transcendental powerhouse.

Endless Buddhist runes appear.

Then a huge Buddha figure appeared behind him.

The Buddha figure crossed his knees, and a loud Buddha's name came out of his mouth.


The surging Buddha power stirs the void, and the endless light and shadow of the Buddha, whether sitting or lying down, swirls out.

The back of their heads are flashing rounds of bright light of wisdom, emitting immeasurable Buddha light.

All other energies in this area are removed.

"Is this the monk Xuan Ye?"

Su Hao looked at the statue of the Buddha with surprise.

Although this man's face does not look like the monk Xuan Ye in the golden bowl, the Buddha's meaning emanating from his body is the same.

Su Hao immediately understood in his heart that this might be Xuan Ye's body.

He will use this body to take the Sixth Patriarch's Zen and Void Buddhahood.

"Since the city lord Su Shao came out, he should stay still. If you are courting death like this, then suppress you first! Take the Buddha's will from you!"

A voice sounded beside Su Hao's ear.

Then the tide-like shadow of the Buddha separated like a wave of water.

The huge Buddha palm, like the ancient Taishan Mountain, pressed towards Su Hao with a huge Buddha intent.

Su Hao has Buddha's meaning on his body.

That monk Xuan Ye noticed it at first glance.

Brahma's four-sided Buddha Dharma forms are not easy to condense and form.

Previously, he also thought of obtaining the Sixth Patriarch's Zen Inspiration and Void Buddha Fruit, and then came to clean up Su Hao.

But Su Hao took the lead in revealing his identity, so let's deal with Su Hao first.

Seeing the palm attack, Su Hao retreated like lightning.

With such a huge Buddha's palm, Su Hao might not be able to gain the upper hand if he faced it head on.

The figure retreated rapidly.

When the huge Buddha palm fell, it was worthy of dodging.

And not far behind Su Hao, some detached were smashed to death by this huge palm.

Flesh and flesh smashed into pieces of energy.

After the energy escaped, it turned into blood and went towards the monk Xuan Ye.

After Monk Xuan Ye absorbed the power of flesh and blood, the Buddha's light on his body strengthened again.

The face also changed again, turning into the appearance of the previous young monk, and his eyes were extremely kind.

If you hadn't seen the palm that killed everyone just now.

This is the Buddha in the Buddhist temple.

The secret Buddhist teachings are the most likely to confuse people's minds, make people forget themselves, cut off the world, and escape into the empty door. "City Master Su Shao has Buddhist roots and has a relationship with my Buddhist school. Why don't you join my Buddhist school and return to Tianjiuling Mountain with me to become a disciple of the Buddha Master?" "

That monk Xuan Ye looked at Su Hao's eyes flashing with Buddha's light.

The Buddha's will around him began to become more intense.

A faint Buddha's intent eroded towards Su Hao.

"Hmph, didn't you just shoot at me? Now you want me to escape into Buddhism!"

"You Buddhist is really hypocritical."

Su Hao sneered.

Demonic energy entangled around his body, and the rolling demonic energy resisted the eroding Buddha light.

This Xuan Ye actually wanted to save himself.

In his heart, he wanted to mobilize the people in Pluto City to suppress it.

But after thinking about it, the strength of this monk Xuan Ye is also at the peak of detachment, and his own is completely capable of fighting alone.

[Trigger mission: The host generates the heart to fight alone, kills the clone of the Zen leader Xuan Ye, and rewards a 14th-level crystal character lottery card. 】

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