Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1643: Tsutendou Kage, 8 Kigami

The space fluctuated, and the shadow appeared.

At this time, the people watching the battle were originally horrified and looked at the Taoist shadow again.

That shadow is the appearance of a middle-aged Taoist, with sharp eyes and a murderous aura.

Impressively, he is the master of the Biyou Immortal Palace of the Three Paths Palace, the Taoist Tongtian.

Among the three Dao Zuns of Tongtian Dao Zun, he is the most powerful person to kill.

The appearance of his Dao shadow was definitely not caused by the Wushuang Demon Emperor and others, it should have been caused by the Eight Qi Evil Gods.

Before the afterimage of Jian Wudao appeared, the shadow of Dao also appeared.

Now, the evil spirits of the Eight-Girls have also drawn out Daoying, which means that the strength of the evil spirits of the Eight-Girls may be equivalent to the strength of the final power of the burning sword without Tao.

In this case, the Eight Qi Evil Gods will be a little terrifying.


The Eight Qi Evil Gods did not care about the appearance of the shadow of the heavens, but clenched his palm tightly.

The Wushuang three suddenly felt a huge pressure directly enveloped them, and blood could not help overflowing from the corners of their mouths.

They looked at each other in horror.

The strength of this Eight Qi Evil God is so terrifying, even if it is not a robbery, it is infinitely close to the robbery.

The enormous pressure made their faces distorted.

However, just when they were facing fear, a gleam of light appeared in the originally gray eyes of the Tongtian Daoying in the void.

A long sword appeared behind him, and the sword came out and slashed into the void.


The space previously held by the palm of Yaqi Evil God was instantly shattered at this moment.

The unparalleled Demon Sovereign flew out directly, their faces pale, and they took a deep breath.

Looking at Yaqi Evil God in his eyes, there was not fear in his eyes, but ferocity.

Just now, the Eight Qi Evil Gods almost killed them.

Now that the Baqi Evil God has drawn out the Taoying Tongtian, then the Baqi Heretic God will be dealt with by the Taoying Tongtian.

They can deal with Su Hao.

The three looked at Su Hao coldly.

Su Hao was swept by these three people's eyes, his skin suddenly turned cold, and he felt like he was locked by a poisonous snake.

But Su Hao's expression didn't change at all.

There are still experts around him, even if they make a move, what will happen.

His eyes looked at the shadow of heaven.

He didn't expect that the Eight Qi Evil God's action would lead to the passage of Daoying.

But then think about it and understand what happened.

The Eight Qi Evil Gods is actually a powerhouse in the Tribulation Realm, and it is normal for him to be targeted by Dao Ying.


In the eyes of Su Hao and the others, the figure of the Taoist Tongtian fell from the void.

He looked at the evil **** of Yaqi in front of him.

"Isn't this where you should be?"

His voice was cold and his eyes were sharp.

"This is an open space, why can't I come."

Yaqi Evil God said coldly.


When Yaqi evil **** opened his mouth.

Such a sentence popped out of Tongtian Daoying's mouth, and his eyes became cold.

Along with this coldness, a monstrous murderous aura swept out of him.

Originally just Daoying's body, it began to change at this moment, and the thick power continued to gather in his body, and the huge power pressure spread toward the surrounding.

Some weak people, under this coercion, knelt directly to the ground.

Across from him, Yagi's expression didn't change.

Standing there, as if connected to the ground, a monstrous evil spirit poured out of him frantically.

The imposing manner of the two figures is amazing, and they collide with each other, which makes people watching the battle feel extremely exciting.

This is more exciting than Jian Wudao's sword.

"Could it be that this Eight Qi Evil God has taken that step, otherwise, how could he be so strong?"

Some people whispered.

"But the previous Eight Qi Evil Gods were not so strong. Could it be that what appeared before was not his true body."

"Looking at the situation, maybe this is not the real body."

"There is a second Tribulation Realm powerhouse in Fudo Pluto City. It's terrible."

Some people were talking quietly.

Hearing other people's conversations, the three of them were injured and looked at each other and looked at Su Hao.


The three of them actually killed Su Hao without any hesitation at this time.

There are too many strong people who do not move Pluto City.

They are destined to flee as soon as they leave this temple space.

They were already destined to flee, so why should they hold back and prepare to attack Su Hao?

Those who can become strong are all ruthless.


When these three people moved, the shadow of the heavens also moved, and a powerful force rose to the sky, the next moment.

He took a step forward, his body was like lightning, carrying a monstrous aura, and he directly confronted the Yagi Evil God.

He raised his hand, and a long sword appeared, slashing towards the Eight Qi Evil Gods.

The Eight Qi Evil God's complexion froze, fierce light surged in his eyes, madness and evil spirit surged in his hands, and then he punched out.

Under this punch, the crazy evil energy turned into a ferocious dragon, biting the space, causing the space to become distorted.

collided with the slashing long sword


The two figures collided fiercely, and a terrifying shock wave of power rushed towards the surroundings.

One after another space cracks opened up in the place where they fought.

Afterwards, they all retreated.

The bodies of the two people were shaken back, just stabilized, and the next moment they shot out again, and two violent shadows were seen entangled in the sky.

And this side.

The unparalleled Demon Sovereign and the three killed in front of Su Hao.

The Sword Emperor and the Fist Emperor looked solemn.

They didn't expect that the three unparalleled Demon Sovereigns would do it even when they saw that Fudo Hades City was so strong.

They immediately stepped forward to block the three.

But the strength of the two is the same as the three, and under the siege of the three, they seem to be unable to hold on.

"This Unparalleled Demon Sovereign and the others are not going to let Su Hao some people said in horror.

It's all about this time, and there's nothing left to let go.

If it hadn't been for the appearance of Tongtian Daoying, the three of them would have been beheaded by the Eight Qi Evil Gods.

Since it is an enemy, what is left?

At this time, the peerless Demon Sovereign and others mobilized their own strengths as much as possible.

The violent power, combined with their ferocious offensive, made the space shake and twist.

"Originally it was just a broken arm, I had to take my own life, hey!"

At this time, Su Hao said with a sigh.

"Kill you first!"

At this moment, a palm suddenly penetrated the void, with a strong killing intent, it slapped towards Su Hao like lightning.

"The devil's palm!"

At this time, the unparalleled Demon Sovereign attacked Su Hao.

It is necessary to kill Su Hao with one palm.

Just when his palm was about to touch Su Hao's arm, a blood-colored rattan suddenly burst out from the ground.


Directly pierce the palm of the attack.

Then the blood-colored rattan turned into a figure.

The figure's eyes were fierce, exuding a vicious beast-like aura.

It is the blood-devouring vine.

The blood-devouring magic vine sensed the change here and quickly escaped from the ground.

Previously, Su Hao was going to let a page book in Fudo Pluto City.

But I didn't expect the blood-devouring vine to come back.

"My lord, the young lady has obtained the inheritance of kendo and is on her way back."

The blood-devouring vine transmitted the sound to Su Hao.

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