Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1651: Master Guangcheng hands-on

With the surging vicious aura, the pillar of gods and demons swept, and the space oscillated.

When the murderer saw this, the giant elephant behind him roared and merged into his fist.

Immediately, the light above the fist was bright, and it collided with Su Hao's Demonic Pillar.


The two forces collided and a huge sound erupted, and the terrifying shock wave spread around.

Su Hao's figure was also shot back by this terrifying shock wave.

The footsteps supported the ground for a few meters to stabilize the figure, and clenched the palm of the **** and demon pillar.

He looked solemnly at the figure in front of him who was also shaken back.

Startled for a moment, he looked down on each other a little.

He also thought that the breath of the opponent was much worse than that of the outside world, and that he could simply defeat the opponent.

Now it seems that I underestimate each other a bit.

The murdered man's eyes were red and he locked on Su Hao.

These murderers were refined, and their consciousness may have been wiped out long ago.

He looked at the other eight figures, and the domineering figure sat still.

But the breath on his body is dwindling.


Su Hao looked at the murderer in front of him again, but found that the aura of the other party didn't decrease.

His eyes were slightly condensed, but now is not the time to think about these, let's deal with the other party first.


The **** and demon pillar in his hand suddenly soared, like a giant pillar, and he suppressed the murderer with rolling suffocation.


The murderer let out a low growl, raised his hand, and a terrifying force spread from the ground into his arm.

His arms turned into elephant feet, blocking Su Hao's fallen pillar of gods and demons.

But when he blocked the magic pillar.

A giant elephant also appeared in the sky.

The giant elephant stepped down, and the space shook.

The terrifying giant elephant fell, and it was the murderer who resisted Su Hao first. After Su Hao's blow, his figure was slightly bent.

Seeing this, Su Hao's figure jumped into the air at this moment, he stepped out, the space distorted in the next instant, endless power poured out from under Su Hao's feet, and finally landed on the murderer's body.

The murderer's body was directly pressed to the ground by Su Hao.


The murderer roared and wanted to get up, but Su Hao's body was sending out an astonishing fluctuation of power, like Mount Tai, not giving him a chance to get up at all.

One move to solve you! The moment to suppress the murderer.

Su Hao raised his fist in his hand, and the Six Paths Samsara Fist landed directly on the opponent's head.


The opponent's struggling head shattered directly under Su Hao's fist.

After the explosion, there is no blood mist but a blood-colored token.

"One of the nine evil tokens."

When the token appeared, Su Hao unknowingly knew what token it was.

The token to control the Nine Ominous Pillars.


Su Hao directly absorbed the token in his hand.

At this time, the second figure appeared in front of Su Hao.

This time, Su Hao found that the aura of the other party was weaker than the first one.

"It seems that the strength of entering this martial arts stage will not change before the fight."

Su Hao thought in his heart.

feel the other person's breath,

The breath on the other side is weaker than the previous person.


After Su Hao dealt with the murderer, the murderer who had previously fought against each other in the outside world also disappeared into a mass of murderous energy and returned to the nine murderous pillars.

After losing one person, the others quickly suppressed the remaining eight murderers.

at this time.

inside the temple.

A group of people who entered, looked at the empty temple with stunned expressions in their eyes.

"What's going on here, the power of Divine Origin?"

The black-robed old man looked at the empty space and let out a low roar.

The Ancestral Wudi Jiang's eyes are also not good.

Not far from them, the God of War's face was also not good.

They frantically searched the entire hall.

Still haven't found anything.

He looked at Taoist Xuandu.

The Three Great Dao Palace has always been headed by the Taishang Taoist Palace, and Xuan is the person in charge of the Taishang Taoist Palace, so he must know where the source of the gods is.

"Tell me where Shen Yuan went?"

The man in black robe looked at Xuan Dudao.

Xuandu's expression was also extremely solemn at this time. He did not expect that the source of the gods would not be found here.

He wanted to find the source of the gods just now, so he left after grabbing it.

But now this scene, but he did not expect.

"Shen Yuan should be here."

He said quietly.

Looking at Duobao and Guangcheng: "What do the two junior brothers think?"

Duobao also looked astonished at this time.

As for Zhenjun Guangcheng, his expression did not change in the slightest, and he said, "It should be here, but if it is not here, it should be elsewhere."

"But you don't need to know, the three of you will do it."

When Zhenjun Guangcheng spoke, he raised his right hand and pressed it on the ground, and countless rays of light appeared in his hands, covering everyone.

The three people behind him also stepped out at this time.

At this time, next to Duobao, the Underworld Venerable, his figure flashed, and he went out of the beam of light.

Di Jiang raised his hand to grab Xing Wuming and the three, rushed out of the beam of light, and raised his hand to smash the void with a punch, throwing the three out.

It is dangerous here, and it may be dangerous for the three of them to stay.

As for Heipao and his subordinates, as well as the people of the God of War, they also quickly left the beam of light.

But when Duobao was about to rush out of the beam of light, he was stopped by a cyan figure.

"True Monarch Duobao, you can't make a beam of light."

It was Qingniu who stopped him.

The other Xuandu and Baimei were also stopped by the ancestor of the Jun family and the clone of the immortal king.

A beam of light rose in an instant and enveloped them.

True Monarch Guangcheng also stepped into the beam of light.

"Three, originally wanted to solve you outside the temple, but after Dao Zun's phantom was beheaded, the nine fierce pillars suddenly appeared, so we could only choose to solve you in the temple."

"As long as the power of the same source is extracted from the three of you, I will take the power of the source of the gods. I believe that I will definitely be able to step into the robbery realm."

True Monarch Guangcheng opened his mouth and said.

"Shenyuan is not here, do you know where it is?!"

"Could it be that the source of the gods in the temple disappeared, it was your hands and feet."

Xuandu Taoist looked at Guangcheng Zhenjun Dao.

"I know where it is. Didn't you find that the people from Fudo Pluto City didn't come in? They must have collected the source of the gods outside, and the power of the source of the gods should be inside the Nine Vicious Pillars."

"This is not my hands and feet, it should be the actions of the three people above us."

True Monarch Guangcheng opened his mouth and said.

"You said that the source of the gods is in the Nine Vicious Pillars?"

Hearing Zhenjun Guangcheng say The expressions of Xuandu and the others couldn't help changing.

They did not feel the power of the divine source on the nine fierce pillars.

How did True Monarch Guangcheng know this?

"This time the old man is not in the real body, but the old man's body is a powerhouse in the robbery realm, and of course he can perceive the aura of the gods."

"When the nine fierce pillars were recovering the murderer's injuries, there was a slight fluctuation of the divine source, and the divine source was in the nine fierce pillars."

"I can feel that the Eight Qi Evil Gods can definitely feel it. That's why people who didn't move Pluto City didn't follow up."

At this time, the undead king took off the black hat on his head and said.

"The Immortal King!"

Seeing the face of the person who spoke out, Xuandu couldn't help but change his expression and said.

He didn't expect the Undead King to join forces with True Monarch Guangcheng.

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