Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1673: Fight in the dark

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Su Hao raised his head, he felt a huge Buddha power coming from the void.

This Buddhist power is the same as the ancient Buddha of the burning lamp that the glazed golden lamp turned into.

His pupils suddenly narrowed slightly.

"Have you made a move?" he murmured.

His eyes were fixed on the place where the breath swept in.

Not only Su Hao sensed it, but some people watching the battle also sensed it.

"The Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha is about to take a real shot. I don't know if there are any masters who can resist the immovable Pluto City!"

Seeing this situation, some people spoke up.

"It shouldn't be there, if there is, it should have been shot long ago."

Among the people from Heaven and Immortal, someone said.

"Not necessarily!"

Someone in the star realm said.

Fudo Pluto City has always been full of masters.

When you say he doesn't have it, it may pop up.

"At this time, still hiding the strong, how is it possible!"

"What's more, if there is any, it should have been perceived long ago."

beyond the void.

"You said that the city of Hades does not move, how to deal with the ancient Buddha of burning the lamp?"

The Lord of the Primordial Realm said.

"I didn't perceive that the other party was still strong!" Buddha shook his head.

Although they didn't take action, they have been paying attention to the situation in Fudo Pluto Castle.

When his voice fell.

The eyes couldn't help changing.

"That Bodhi Daoist has an accident!"

His eyes looked at the Taoist Bodhisattva who was fighting against Dugu Baitian.

At this time, there was a very ominous breath on Bodhi Daoist body. Although this breath was very weak, it felt very strange.

Exudes a sense of gloom.

He slammed Dugu Baitian away with a palm, and said in a low voice, "Who shot my Taoist body?"

Fangcunshan has his Taoist body.

Dao body damage has no effect on the real body to a certain extent.

But Bodhi Dao Zun is different from other people. His real body has just been completed, and there is a certain connection between the original body and the Tao body.

Especially when the body is destroyed.

His body trembled uncontrollably, and then an ominous and strange energy emerged from him.

affected his body.


Su Hao's eyes lit up when he felt the strange energy appearing on that Bodhi Daoist body.

But at this moment, Dugu Baitian did not miss such an opportunity.


His figure flashed, and he appeared above the Bodhi Daoist like a ghost, and his eyes looked at the horrified Bodhi Daoist below.

Directly clenched with five fingers, and then punched down.

Endless power surged above his fist, and space collapsed wherever the fist passed.

The huge force took his fist as the origin, and frantically pressed against the Bodhi Daoist.


When his fist slammed down, the cemetery of gods and demons began to shrink, and countless gods and demons roared and roared towards Venerable Bodhi.

The roar formed a wave against his spirit.

Fist, sound wave, plus the suppression of the spirit of the gods and devils in the terrifying gods and devils cemetery.

Dissipate all the power in Bodhi Daoist body.

And then pressed to the ground.

Huge palms grabbed Bodhi Daoist to the ground.

The Taoist Bodhisattva made a shrill whistling sound.

But it didn't take long for the whistle to disappear.

That Bodhi Daoist was suppressed by the Gods and Demons Cemetery of Dugu defeated the sky.

Seeing this scene, countless people took a deep breath.

The Taoist Bodhisattva was suppressed or beheaded.

they looked horrified

"What happened to Bodhi, and why did that power appear!"

The Lord of the Primordial Realm said in a deep voice.

His eyes were fixed on Dugu Baitian.

Gu "That power is not from Dugu Baitian, it should be something happened in Immortal Realm."

Yu Hua Tianzun, who was on the side, opened his mouth and said.

The Buddha on the side looked solemn at this time: "That power is very strange, very ominous, I don't know what it is?"

within the astral world.

The mechanical sound of the system sounded in Su Hao's ear.

[The host's subordinate Dugu Baitian kills Bodhi's body and rewards a level 15 character crystal lottery card and a level 15 item crystal lottery card. 】

"So smooth!"

Su Hao thought to himself.

While Su Hao was speaking, the Demon Lord appeared in front of the glazed Buddha of the ancient Buddha.

Punch out.

The endless power suppressed the glazed Buddha's body on Jiutian Xuanzun and the Eight Qi Evil Gods, and the pressure dissipated.

Then the three quickly backed away and merged with Dugu Baitian.

His eyes looked at the ancient Buddha who walked step by step from the void.

The Ancient Burning Lamp Buddha that appeared raised his hand with one hand, and the glazed Buddha turned into a glazed golden lamp and flew back into his hand.

"I didn't expect your strength to be so strong!"

"But in front of me, you don't have any chance of winning. I'll save the four of you first!"

The burning lamp ancient Buddha said.

The voice was loud, but peaceful.

Contains Buddhist meaning.

when he speaks.

Su Hao stepped out.

Appeared in front of the four of them, looking at the burning lamp and the ancient Buddha said: "Buddha, they all came, why didn't they show up?"

Seeing Su Hao's appearance, the ancient Buddha's movements stopped.

"Your current strength, Buddha does not need to shoot!"

Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha said.

Just as he speaks.

A space gap suddenly appeared in the place where Abandoned Heaven Emperor and the others disappeared.

Four figures shot out from the burst.

"Young City Lord, when the time is up, I'll go first!"

After the Abandoned Heaven Emperor finished speaking, his figure turned into a streamer and rushed directly into the immovable Hades City below.

The faces of the three who followed him were extremely ugly.

Just now in the void, the three of them joined forces and failed to kill the Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

The people watching the battle looked at the Taoist Taishang and the three people, as well as the Abandoned Heaven Emperor who fled away.

Heart is very shocking.

Judging from the situation that appeared, the three of Taishang Dao Zun did not take down the Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

Su Hao's expression did not change at this time.

He has Huang Tiandi, his free Dafa, and when the time comes, he directly incarnates the just undefeated Abandoned Emperor, and can completely suppress these three people.

As for the three cleanliness of one qi, his body has already been used, and he can no longer use it.

So he is very calm now.

Of course, his eyes could not help falling to the two lottery cards in the inventory.

Without any hesitation, just click on it.

[The host consumes a 15-level item crystal lottery card, the lottery is in...]

[The host consumes 1 level 15 character crystal lottery card, the lottery is in... ]

[Congratulations to the host for winning the Taikoo Luoshen map, which has been stored in the inventory, please know. 】

[Congratulations to the host who has drawn the character card - one of Duan De's IX body, which has been stored in the inventory, please know. 】


"Duan De's ninth life?"

Su Hao frowned slightly.

Look into your heart for what you get.

[Picture of the Ancient Luoshen]: Ancient God Realm, one of the five ancient gods, the Luoshen is the most precious treasure. It can be transformed into the Luoshen River and condense the true body of Luoshen.

As for one of Duan De's ninth lives, the strength given by the system is at the peak of the ancient realm in the first realm of robbery, and he has not yet stepped into the second realm.

"However, if the astral world merges with the immortal world this time, his body will step into the catastrophe realm, and the two bodies will merge, and I am afraid that he will be able to step into the second realm!"

Su Hao thought in his heart.

"The sea of ​​Buddha is boundless, saving all things!"

At this time, the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp suddenly shot, and the boundless Buddha light enveloped Su Hao.

Su Hao's eyes narrowed, and the Great Emperor Yuanshi appeared.

Now his idea is, no matter what, fight the darkness first, draw out all the people in the dark, and then talk about it.

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