Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1705: The Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons, Xing Wuming's ambition

in the void.

The pitcher plant disappeared, and the black and white figure also disappeared.

Murong Yue's figure flashed, and she landed on the ground and came to Mu Chengxue's side.

"Master, are you all right?"

Murong Yue said with concern.

"It's alright, I'll go recover the injury first, and you'll deal with the rest."

Mu Chengxue finished speaking.

The figure turned into a ray of light and disappeared in front of Murong Yue.

Seeing the figure of Mu Chengxue leaving, Murong Yue also wanted to discuss the situation of Si Nian Hai with Mu Chengxue.

But seeing that Mu Chengxue walked in a hurry.

She wasn't asking questions either, for fear of not disturbing Mu Chengxue's healing.

Inside a secret room.

Mu Chengxue appeared.

After she appeared, a seal was formed in her hand, and all the surrounding areas were banned.

Then a jade card of communication appeared in her hand.

A beam of energy melted into the jade token.

Then on the jade plaque, a figure appeared, burly and tall. Sitting on the throne, there are two resentful spirits floating beside him, emitting a terrifying breath.

At this moment, a bewitching figure appeared on Murong Yue's face.

The figure faced the man in the throne, bowed to meet him, "See the sea lord."

"Second Sea Lord, it looks like your plan is successful, but this Murong Yue is only Su Hao's wife and doesn't seem to know much about Fudo Pluto City. If you want to investigate Furong Pluto City from Murong Yue, I'm afraid It's a little difficult."

A low voice came from the phantom.

"Lord Sea Lord, there are no masters by Murong Yue's side. I will slowly influence her mind, and I should be able to use it for us."

"Once she controls Murong Yue, I think she will be able to learn more about the immovable Pluto City from Su Hao."

The glamorous woman phantom said.

"Very good, it's worth it to take you out of the sea of ​​resentment and become the second sea lord of my sea of ​​evil thoughts."

"This matter, you do your best to do it, and if the news of Pluto City is untouched, I will be able to make deals with some forces of Gu Xing."

After the figure finished speaking, the figure disappeared.

And the bewitching figure that appeared on Mu Chengxue's face also disappeared.

another place

Ancient Star

Sioux City.

Su Hao moved, disappeared into the courtyard, and appeared in the immovable Hades City.

"My lord, when Mo Nianhai made a move against the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor at the Abyss and Ming Pavilion, he sent someone to Guanghan Palace, and the person who came has already been beheaded by me."

"But the second sea lord appeared in the sea of ​​magic thoughts, and she occupied Mu Chengxue's soul."

"They want to control the mistress through Mu Chengxue, whether they want to kill this person."

In the main hall, Black and White said.

"What is the strength of the Sea Lord of the Demonic Mind?"

Su Hao asked in a deep voice.

"The Sea Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons hasn't found any clues yet, but this time the subordinates heard them talking and talked about the sea of ​​resentment. The second sea lord was the Sea Master of the Sea of ​​Demons that was fished out from the sea of ​​resentment."

Black and white.

"Is that so?"

Su Hao pondered.

The Sea Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons is very mysterious, although the outside world knows that there is Sea Master of the Sea of ​​Demons.

But it is rare.

Generally, the shots are the second and third sea lords of the Demonic Sea.

It's just that both of them were beheaded by Su Hao before.

He sent Black and White to investigate the Sea of ​​Demons, but there were so many grievances in the Sea of ​​Demons that Black and White couldn't infiltrate at all, nor was he able to investigate the true body of the Sea Lord.

"Since they want to use Murongyue to investigate the city of Pluto, why can't we use this second sea lord to investigate the sea of ​​magic thoughts?"

Su Hao said coldly.

"How's the investigation on the Buddha's side?"

Su Hao then asked.

"There is no movement from the Buddha's side. After they occupied a continent in the west, they did not expand outward. However, the Buddhist land behind Tianjiuling Mountain appeared, a large Leiyin Temple appeared in the Buddhist land, and three huge statues appeared in the temple. ."

"These three statues are all Sakyamuni. In front of the statues, there are two buddha hands of the lantern-burning Taoist standing."

"This Daleiyin Temple is shrouded in Buddha's light, and there are countless Buddha's voices entangled in it, and the subordinates have suffered countless losses, and I just see this!"

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"Is that so? It seems that this Shakyamuni wants to become a real Buddha."

"A person who stole the name, also delusionally wants to become a Buddha!"

Su Hao now knows about it.

Yuanshi Daozun and these people are all inherited from the Zixiao Palace, and they delusionally want to become the real inheritors.


Su Hao's heart moved.

The figure appeared in the courtyard.

At this time, a figure appeared in the courtyard.

When Su Hao saw this figure, his eyes were slightly stunned.

The person who appeared turned out to be Wu Clan Xing Wuming.

"City Master Su Shao, stay safe!"

When Wuming Xing saw Su Hao, he said.

"Let's go in and talk!" Su Hao waved Xing Wuming into the hall.

That Xing Wuming entered the hall and made a seal in his hand.

An energy shield appeared in the hall.

"City Lord Su, this time, I want to make a deal with City Lord Su. I don't know if City Lord Su is interested in Zixiao Palace!"

Xing Wuming said.

Hearing this, Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Master Xing Wu knows the location of Zixiao Palace?"

Su Hao asked.

"I don't know yet, but I have a way to get a little sense of the location of Zixiao Palace."

"My Twelve Ancestors of the Witch Clan were transformed by a drop of the blood of the Witch Clan in the Zixiao Palace. If I re-condense this drop of blood, after I merge, I should be able to perceive the location of the Zixiao Palace."

"Now that the ancient star has recovered, there are signs of the oldest twelve ancestral witches in our ancestral ancestral pond."

"I came here this time to ask City Lord Su Shao to help me behead the twelve oldest ancestor witches who were about to be conceived, draw out the drop of blood from their bodies, fuse me into my body, and help me become a real one. Lord of the Witch Race."

"Once I fuse that drop of blood, I will help City Lord Su Shao perceive the location of Zixiao Palace."

Xing Wuming said.

"Wizard Master Xing, you are preparing a white wolf with empty gloves. You want me to help you become the real master of the witch clan with the help of uncertain news. Do you think I Su Hao is a fool?"

"If you want me to help you, you need to show your sincerity. If you want to rely on this kind of information alone, you need me to help you. I'm afraid I can't help but slap you to death!"

Su Hao said with a cold expression.

For Zixiao Palace, Su Hao was very moved.

After all, there is the aura of Hongmeng there, which can help the strong in the second realm to step into the third realm.

But he wouldn't help Xing Wuming at will.

From when Xing Wuming came to, I knew that things shouldn't be so easy to do.

Seeing Su Hao's anger, Xing Wuming was heartbroken.

The Zixiao Palace has achieved the existence of the Buddha and the Palace Master of the Three Great Ways.

And the inheritance that these few people got is not complete.

He originally thought that Su Hao would be very moved when he heard such news.

"City Master Su Shao, don't get me wrong, you have to trust my sincerity."

Xing Wuming said immediately.

"If you are willing to let me leave a restraint in your body, I will trust your sincerity!"

Su Hao opened the mouth to Xing Wuming.

Hearing Su Hao's words, Xing Wuming's expression changed.

There is a restraint left in his body, which means that Su Hao will control his life and death.

He didn't want his life to be in the hands of others.

"If you don't want to, Master Xing, you can leave, I won't force others!"

Su Hao waved his hand.

"City Master Su Shao, there is a restriction in the body, I still don't want it, but I can tell you another news."

"On the other side of Xingchenhai, the demon kingdom of the Abandoned Heaven Emperor was dealt with by the Abyss Ming Pavilion. I can tell you the identity of the second pavilion master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion."

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