Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1721: Arrogant undead

Wu Wuye took out a map from his arms.

Beside Su Hao, Hei Jue went forward to check the map, and then nodded towards Su Hao.

"I have already remembered the third prince, you can take back this map."

Su Hao waved his hand.

"Alright then, I'll just wait in Su City for news from City Master Su Shao."

"There are still Void Fruits appearing. I hope that City Lord Su Shao will not take action. If City Lord Su Shao does not take action, I will tell City Lord Su Shao a shocking secret in return."

Niu Wuye looked at Su Hao and said.

"A shocking secret?"

Su Hao's eyes moved.

Then he nodded, as an agreement.

He could not take action.

But his other identity can be shot.

The Void Fruit, the Void Sacred Tree is also a good treasure for Su Hao, how can one hand over the treasure when it appears?

"Then many thanks to the young city lord. I will take my leave first. Please let me know as soon as the young city lord Su has news."

That Niu Wuye bowed his hands to Su Hao.

and then left with someone.

Su Hao frowned slightly as he looked at the figures of several people leaving.

"But he investigated this place and found the body of the so-called Taoist ancestor."

Su Hao stared at Black and White.

Compared with finding things, black and white absolutely has a natural advantage, that is, there are many people.

Outside the Su Mansion.

The three people walked out of the void night.

"His Royal Highness, the corpse of the Taoist ancestor is not a mortal thing. I'm afraid that this immovable Hades City will have thoughts on the corpse of the ancestor."

The hunchbacked old man beside him said.

"It doesn't matter, even if the ancestor's corpse can only be opened by members of the Void Royal Family, even if they get it, it's useless."

The third prince said quietly.

Naturally, he dared to make a deal with Su Hao.

The three were walking on the street.

However, an invisible wave appeared around them, and the pedestrians on the road unconsciously avoided a path.

Su Mansion.

Let Hei Jue inspect the body of the ancestor of the Void Royal Family.

Su Hao pondered.

The news brought by the third prince of the Void Royal Family.

It made him have to ponder.

"Closely monitor the whereabouts of these three people, and let me know immediately if there is any other news."

Su Hao said to the blood-devouring vine.

Now it is under the ground of Sioux City.

Not only the death worm that Su Hao obtained long ago, but also the blood-devouring vine rhizome, so the blood-devouring vine can monitor anywhere in Su City.

"My subordinate understands!"

The blood-devouring vine said.

at this time

Jilei Mountain.

Now it is still the seat of the underworld.

After the underworld goddess Duan De IX became one, he stepped into the third realm of catastrophe.

Back to Jilei Mountain.

Thinking of fighting against the Supreme Daoist.

But after Taishang Daozun established the Supreme Dao Palace, he did not take action against the underworld, which gave Duan De no chance to show his strength.

Although he did not show his strength, the underworld also sent strong people to occupy the underworld and become the master of a region.

Today, this area is called the Nether Realm.

The underworld is the master of the underworld.

Outside Jilei Mountain.

Minglu and the Immortal King appeared.

Looking at the underworld palace.

That Minglu said, "Undead King, find a way to make this area a breeding ground for my undead clan."

Hearing Minglu's words, the undead king's eyes changed slightly.

He understood the meaning of Minglu's words, that is, to keep the races in the underworld in captivity and become the place where their undead gods eat blood.

The ancient star is revived.

Today, the racial bodies in the ancient stars contain surging power, and for their undead gods, they are the best devouring objects.

"This area is ruled by the underworld."

The Undead King said.

Gu "Aren't we the people who came to see the underworld? I think as long as the conditions are right, they will let them out of this area."

That Minglu said confidently.

while he was speaking.

A shadow of energy appeared in front of them, and it was Duan De's figure.

Duan De appeared, and his eyes fell on the Minglu. From this Minglu, he sensed that the other party was a strong person in the third realm of robbery.

"Immortal King, stay safe. Why did you come to my underworld this time?"

Duan De looked at the immortal king.

Although the Minglu was the third realm of robbery, Duan De didn't say hello.

Unfamiliar, what are you doing to greet each other?

"Xia Minglu, from the undead clan, is the thirteenth ancestor of the undead clan!"

After Duan De spoke.

That Minglu was the first to speak, directly revealing his identity, and also revealed his status in the undead clan.

Thirteenth Patriarch.

That meant to tell Duan De that their undead clan had at least thirteen strong men in the third realm of robbery.

It also has the meaning of deterring the underworld.

When Venerable Ming Duan De heard the words, his expression was indifferent: "The two of you follow me into the hall for a chat!"

Duan De wanted to know the other party's purpose for coming here.

The two followed Duan De's figure into a palace.

When the Ming Lu saw the Ming Zun in the main hall.

He felt a sense of unwillingness in his heart.

But this unease disappeared in an instant.

Let this undead **** clan's Minglu have a trace of doubt in his eyes.

At this time, Duan De's phantom, who led them into the hall, has returned to Duan De's body.

"You two, please sit down!"

Duan De waved his hand; the two sat on the wooden chairs on the side of the temple.

"Thank you!"

The Undying Heavenly Dynasty wrote to Duan De Xie.

Then the two sat down.

"I didn't expect to see it for a while, Duan De brother, actually stepping into the third realm, it's really enviable."

The Immortal King sensed the aura of the third realm on Duan De, and said after sitting down.

"It's just that your own strength has recovered. I don't know why the two of you came to my underworld?"

Duan De asked.

At this time, the Immortal King did not answer, but looked at the Ming Lu.

Although he suggested Minglu to come.

I want to explore some immovable Hades from here.

But he knew that the purpose of Minglu's visit was definitely not limited to this.

"This time I came here to let your Nether Realm join my undead clan."

Although Minglu was amazed at the strength of Mingzun Duan De, he still stated his purpose.

Hearing this, Duan De's brows moved slightly, and an aura appeared on his body.

"Don't get me wrong, this ancient star is now a forbidden star region. If you want to leave this ancient star region and join my undead clan, it should be the best result."

"Forbidden Ancient Star Region?"

Hearing what the Minglu said, Duan De's pupils shrank suddenly.

For this piece, he also heard it for the first time.

Then he looked at the Immortal King Duan De brother, this star field was imprisoned by outsiders and sealed as a forbidden place. People outside the ancient star can enter and exit, but it is difficult for people born in the ancient star to enter and exit. ! "

"If you join my undead **** clan, Brother Duan can freely enter and leave this ancient star field."

The Undead King added.

"You mean this ancient star field is a cage."

"I don't know what kind of powerhouse turned this place into a forbidden place."

Ming Zun Duan De asked in a deep voice.

"Not only big people, but also many big forces, my undead **** clan is one of them."

Speaking of which, the face of the undead god's Minglu was full of pride.

"I don't know what I need to pay to join your undead clan?"

Duan De's face returned to calm, and he asked.

Hearing Duan De's words, Na Minglu said, "I just have something here, and I need your help from the underworld."

"In this ancient star field, some ancient temple ruins are buried in some forbidden areas. I hope your underworld will help me explore some forbidden areas in some ancient star fields."

If Su Hao is here, listen to the other party's words.

He will definitely yell at him. Could this guy dare to say such a thing because of his big face?

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