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Chapter 1719: The Void Royal Family is nothing at night, the body of the ancestor of the Taoist rea

Sioux City

In the wing of an inn.

Sandalwood curls in the wing.

A young man with blond hair and handsome face in a long gown with golden fringe was looking at the street outside by the window.

In his hand he was playing with a white jade wrench.

Behind the young man, on both sides, stood two old men in gray robes.

One of the old men was stooped, with a hunched back, looking like a hill.

The other has a goatee beard, a gloomy face, and thick arms, which are somewhat out of tune with his body.

"His Royal Highness, his subordinates found out that the young city lord of Fudo Pluto City is now in the Su family."

The old man with thick arms bowed and said.

"Here, let's meet the Su Hao who killed my Void God Race."

The young man called His Royal Highness said.

The voice was calm, and no thoughts could be heard.

"His Royal Highness, although this immovable Hades City beheaded the Supreme Dao Palace with the Three Realms of Tribulation, it's not worth seeing him in person!"

"From the investigation information and my calculations, this does not move Pluto City, it is just the power of this star field, not the power outside the rumored outside world."

"We don't need to care too much about this force."

The hunchbacked old man said.

"Because this immovable Pluto City is the strength of this ancient star field, we should go and meet."

After the young man finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the door.

The two old men followed closely behind the young man.

The group soon came to Su Mansion.

The old man with thick arms beside him handed over the invitation.

"I am the invitation to our Highness. I have come to see City Lord Su Shao, please inform me."

Seeing the post outside the door and seeing the imposing manner on the other side, he didn't dare to neglect, and quickly entered the Su residence.

Inside the Su Mansion.

Su Hao is sighing at the character he has drawn this time.

I was quite surprised.

I was about to summon a character.

"My lord, the third highness of the Void Royal Family is here in the night!"

Black and white Jue appeared beside Su Hao.

"The Void Royal Family, the third prince, is the one that the Void Sacred Mountain's five families want to greet?"

"I didn't expect to arrive without making a sound." Su Hao frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, the third prince of the Void Royal Family would appear in Su Cheng silently and come to see him.

He originally thought that the third prince of the Void Royal Family would be amazing when he appeared, but he didn't expect that the other party would come in a low-key manner.

Thinking of this.

Su Hao thinks that there should be a lot of foreign forces in this world.

"Take them into the hall."

Su Hao said.

In my heart, I was also thinking what was the purpose of the third prince of the Void Royal Family who came to find him?

He beheaded the people who greeted him.

Are these three princes so generous?

Not long after Hei Jue left, Su Hao also left for the hall.

Step into the hall

I saw the third prince of the Void Royal Family.

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, the realm of these three princes is at the ninth level of eternity.

And there is also a huge power in the body.

Then his eyes fell on the two people beside him.

The aura on the two of them was very strange, with a gloomy coldness.

There is an aura similar to that of Heihe Jue and Orochimaru.

It was completely different from the aura on the third prince of the Void Royal Family.

The aura of the third prince of the Void Royal Family is strong, and there is a feeling of disappearance.

"I have seen City Lord Su Shao."

The third prince of the Void Royal Family, Xu Wuye, saw Su Hao and stepped forward.

There is enthusiasm in his tone and expression.

It made Su Hao a little doubtful.

"Third prince, to be honest, we don't seem to have anything to do with each other. I don't know why the third prince is visiting me?"

Su Hao looked at the third prince and said.

"City Master Su Shao, the purpose of my coming to Su City, as you must know, is the fruit of the Void."

"Of course, this is just an obvious purpose. This time I came to the ancient star forbidden area, mainly for the corpse of a strong Taoist!"

Gu "I think City Lord Su Shao will help capture the corpse of this powerful man."

The third prince looked at Su Hao and said.

Hearing the third prince's words, the faces of the two behind him were slightly stunned.

They did not expect that the third prince would tell this matter.

"The corpse of a strong Taoist?"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

On his side, he only knew about the Tribulation Realm, not the Dao Realm at all.

"Three princes, the corpse of a strong Taoist, let's take a look!"

Su Hao said calmly.

The third prince has been paying attention to Su Hao and saw the change in Su Hao's eyes.

However, he couldn't guess whether Su Hao didn't understand Dao Realm or was surprised by the corpse of a Dao Realm expert.

"The corpse of a strong Taoist I'm talking about is the corpse left by an ancestor of my Void Royal Family in this forbidden star field."

"I came here and brought the corpse of my ancestor back to the Void Clan."

"Of course, as a reward, I am willing to send City Lord Su Shao a rune to leave this forbidden star field."

The third prince said.

"Forbidden Star Territory!"

When Su Hao heard the third prince's words, his expression remained unchanged.

But he was surprised.

The other party called this place the forbidden area.

Thinking of this.

Su Hao couldn't help but said, "The star field has been opened to become the gateway to all realms. How can it be a forbidden star field?"

Hearing Su Hao's words, the third prince's eyes flashed with light.

"It seems that City Lord Su Shao is the person from this world."

The third prince looked at Su Hao and said.

Actually, when he said this, he was actually testing Su Hao's details.

Although it was previously speculated that Fudo Pluto Castle is located in this world, it was speculation after all.

Listening to Su Hao's question now, he obviously doesn't know the situation outside.

Therefore, it can be determined that Fudo Pluto is the power of this world.

Otherwise, how could a young city lord not be aware of the outside world?

"A long time ago, this ancient star region was indeed a passage to all worlds, but I don't know why a war broke out in the ancient star region."

"The energy in the war is shrouded in the ancient star field, forming an energy storm circle. When ordinary powerhouses enter this energy storm, they will be instantly eroded by the storm and turned into ashes."

"Entering here requires a great price. Of course, the same goes for going out. I just mentioned the transmission rune, which can help City Lord Su Shao to teleport out of this ancient star field."

The third prince continued.

Hearing this, Su Hao's pupils suddenly condensed.

He had doubts in his heart before, why the ancient star field would shatter.

It can be known from the mouth of this nothingness that it is because of the war.

As for the reason for the war, that Niwuye didn't say.

Su Hao didn't ask.

Because he knew that even if he asked carefully, the other party probably wouldn't tell him.

"I don't know how the third prince asked me to help?"

Su Hao opened his mouth and asked Of course he was going to help this nihil night.

It is to see what is the corpse of the Taoist ancestor, and what kind of strength is this Taoist realm.

"Here is a map. I want to ask City Lord Su Shao to send someone to investigate for me?"

"I think with the ability to move the city of Hades, it can be done quietly."

The third prince looked at Su Hao in the dark night.

He told such a secret.

He just wanted to let Su Hao find the corpse of this Taoist ancestor quietly.

The Void Fruit is a task assigned by the Void Royal Family.

The corpse of the Taoist ancestor was the main purpose of his coming here.

This purpose cannot be accomplished with the help of Void Sacred Mountain.

If the Void God Mountain people know his purpose, I am afraid that the Void Royal Family will know about it.

Then the corpse of this Dao Realm ancestor probably doesn't belong to him.

But it is a little difficult to find the body of the Taoist ancestor by himself.

So he found Su Hao.

As long as the corpse of the ancestor of the Taoist realm is merged.

His strength is bound to be able to step into the Tribulation Realm, and it is never impossible to step into the Dao Realm in the future.

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