Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1739: The real body of the emperor, the cemetery of gods and demons


Heavenly Emperor's punch is invincible.

When Dugu Baitian punched the Heavenly Emperor, he felt an air of domineering and destruction.

For the Emperor of Heaven, Dugu Baitian did not underestimate him in the slightest.

Being able to become a Heavenly Emperor, and also obtaining the inheritance of the ancient Heavenly Court, how could he not be taken seriously?

The palm was raised, and a demonic energy burst out above his fist.

collide with the opponent's fist.

The figures were staggered, and the two punched a few times in the void, then retreated to the side.

This time, the two were just tentative shots.

At this moment.

The figure of the bright moon woman appeared like a broken mirror before.

As soon as she appeared in her eyes, the cold light flickered, and the palm of her hand was shot out. The palm that was as white as jade turned into a ghost claw, with a cold and dead aura, and attacked and killed Dugu Baitian's back.

The speed is so fast, the moment you grab it, the void is torn, and it is immediately torn into a void gap by this claw.

Dugu Baitian didn't seem to care about this claw, and grabbed a claw behind him.


When Empress Mingyue's palm was about to hit Dugu Baitian's back.

A magic shield appeared. Directly blocked the claws of Empress Mingyue.

Her palm collided with the magic shield, making a chi chi sound.

The Empress Mingyue's expression changed.

She didn't expect that her claw would not be able to break Dugu Baitian's protective shield.

Now her strength has stepped into the third realm of robbery.

Such strength could not tear open Dugu Baitian's protective shield.

My heart sank.

A gray long sword appeared in his hand, and the long sword exuded a gray and dead aura.

Suddenly, a sword light mixed with death energy turned into a gray light and slashed forward.

when! when! when!

The sharp gray sword ray slashed above the magic shield, and even the sparks shot in all directions, as if it had slashed on the fine iron, and it couldn't cut it at all.

Empress Mingyue couldn't help but feel anxious.


Just when she was in a hurry, the gray long sword in her hand began to shatter directly with a click.

Seeing Empress Mingyue's failed attempt, the Heavenly Emperor's eyes were gloomy and blood began to soar. His whole body was like a burning flame, and a huge sense of oppression swept through him towards Dugu Baitian.

Dugu Baitian stood in the sky, surrounded by demonic energy, and looked at the Emperor of Heaven.

He doesn't look weak at all.

And the magic light all over his body shines through the void.

At this time, he was like a sun that radiated magic light, making it impossible for people to face it.


See Dugu Baitian like this.

Heavenly Emperor's face condensed, and his figure rushed towards Dugu Baitian. When he shot, his fist was terrifying.

The whole person is like a burning furnace, and golden light erupts from the fist, covering Dugu Baitian below.

Seeing this, Dugu Baitian's expression did not change.

With a punch, the demonic energy formed a huge fist and collided with the fist of the Emperor of Heaven.

Then the fists of the two quickly banged a few times in the void.

The void vibrated, centered on their fists, forming a galaxy of ripples.

"This Heavenly Emperor is unusual, and he was able to fight against Brother Dugu."

At this time, in a void, the Demon Lord looked at the faces of the two fighting with surprise.

Empress Mingyue, who was in the void before, looked very ugly.

Today's Heavenly Emperor is like the sun, radiating dazzling golden light all over his body, and the light shines on the empty galaxy, but he can't take this Dugu defeated sky.

Judging from the current situation, it is somewhat impossible for the Emperor of Heaven to defeat Dugu and defeat Tian.

boom! boom! boom!

The two played against each other several times, but the Heavenly Emperor did not take the slightest advantage.

"The real body of the Emperor of Heaven."

The Heavenly Emperor, who couldn't take Dugu Baitian, let out a low growl.

The emperor's figure skyrocketed rapidly, and his figure was as high as several hundred meters. At the same time, the surrounding void began to distort, and invisible ripples formed around Tiandi and Dugu Baitian.

"Domain, bound?"

When the Heavenly Emperor was using the Heavenly Emperor's true body domain, Dugu Baitian felt that the surrounding void began to bind him, and he wanted to set him in the void.

He moved and found that he was affected. Every step he took would consume a lot of his own strength.

"Heavenly Emperor Fist, the fist splits the void."

At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor showed a hideous look on his face, and rushed towards Dugu Baitian.

where the fist goes

The void was twisted and shattered, and the void around the trapped Dugu Baitian also began to collapse.

Heavenly Emperor first trapped Dugu Baitian, and then punched him.

"These forces can't kill me."

Dugu Baitian looked calm.

Directly sacrifice the cemetery of the gods and demons in your body.

As soon as the cemetery of the gods and demons appeared, it directly shattered the real body domain of heaven and earth.

Then there was a monstrous aura.


Afterwards, the cemetery of the gods and demons skyrocketed rapidly, directly shrouding the impacting Heavenly Emperor.


There was no shot of Empress Mingyue next to her, and her eyes were stunned.

Previously, when the Heavenly Emperor used the Heavenly Emperor's real body domain, and then shot to kill, he thought that he could seriously injure Dugu Baitian.

But I didn't expect that the Emperor of Heaven is now covered by Dugu Baitian's cemetery of gods and demons.

Gods and Demons Cemetery.

From the results of the investigation, Empress Mingyue knew that the cemetery of gods and demons was terrifying.

At this time, in the cemetery of the gods and demons.

Heavenly Emperor looked around, filled with a dark space, and his eyes were slightly condensed.


A sharp scream sounded from the cemetery of the gods and demons.


Then a huge figure climbed out from the ground.

This figure was five meters tall, with a lump all over his body like a toad, with a bone wing growing behind him, the bone spurs were crystal clear, exuding a cold glow.

The figure that appeared was full of endless hostility and looked terrifying.

He looked at the Heavenly Emperor who had recovered his true body.

Without the slightest hesitation, the powerful arm smashed directly towards the Heavenly Emperor.


The emperor also threw a punch, but after the blow, he suddenly felt a huge force emerge from the fist.

The whole body could not help but take a few steps backwards.

The guy who appeared was extremely powerful.

With a punch, the Heavenly Emperor was shaken back, and a fierce creature roared, and rushed towards the Heavenly Emperor, with a fast speed and a gust of wind.

The Emperor's eyes darkened.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

A huge long sword appeared in his hand.

The long sword appeared with rays of light bursting out from the long sword.

This is his Heavenly Emperor Sword.


A sword slashed out, and the long sword collided with the fist of the fierce creature, and the fist of the fierce creature exploded directly under the sword.

The murderous creature let out a low roar, and the palm appeared again.

And in the palm of the hand appeared a few feet long nails, curved like a sky hook, sharp and terrifying, flashing with cold light, and slashed towards the chest of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Heavenly Emperor immediately drew his sword.


The long sword emits golden sword energy and slashes on the nails.

The fire was emitted, but this time the nail was not cut off.

Heavenly Emperor's eyes He didn't expect this to be the case, but he didn't have time to think about it, and hot flames appeared all over his body.

The flame shrouded the Heavenly Emperor Sword, and the sword was cut out.

The flaming flaming sword erupted and landed on the attacking arm.


The grasped palm was directly cut in half under this sword.

The severed arm was covered in flames and turned to ashes.

And the murderous thing that had previously shot looked at the Heavenly Emperor with flames all over his body, and a trace of fear flashed in his fierce eyes.

Or rather, he is afraid of the flames on the Emperor of Heaven.

"Dugu Baitian, do you want to use this monster to defeat me?"

Tiandi looked around and said coldly.

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