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Chapter 1746: 1 palm to kill, about to fight the sea master

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Just when Su Hao was speaking.

A storm suddenly appeared in this void.

He looked up quickly, and then saw a dark figure appearing above the previously boiling Demonic Sea.

The space beside the figure actually rippled like ripples, and circles of ripples continued to spread.

When the ripples were rippling, the souls of everyone seemed to be disturbed by something.

It's kind of like getting out of your body.

"The Sea Lord of Demonic Mind has taken action. This ripple will affect the soul, and he cannot be allowed to enter the soul."

Sun Yuan, who was beside him, saw the phantom in the sky above the Demonic Sea, and hurriedly warned.

In fact, needless to say, the people watching the battle have long since raised a defense in their souls.

Su Hao looked at the phantom.

At this moment, a black light erupted from the phantom.

Within this black light, a huge and incomparable Suzaku figure appeared vaguely.

Compared to Suzaku's body covered in monstrous flames, this Suzaku figure was shrouded in a dark mist.

It exudes a palpitating aura, as if it can devour a person's soul at any time.

Suspended with this figure.

Previously, the figure of the Sea Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons also appeared in front of everyone.

Wearing a black robe, the whole body is shrouded in demonic thoughts, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"The Abandoned Heavenly Emperor has come, why don't you dare to enter the sea of ​​my devil's thoughts?"

He looked at Abandoned Heaven and said.

"The Sea Lord of the Demonic Mind!"

Seeing the appearance of the Sea Lord of the Demonic Mind, Emperor Abandoned Heaven's eyes narrowed slightly, and his figure stepped out of the Demon Abyss.

When the aura on his body came out of the Demon Abyss, it climbed wildly, and the terrifying demonic energy erupted from his body, shattering the surrounding void, forming an extremely terrifying void countercurrent.

All the momentum condensed from the previous appearance of the Sea Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons was shattered.

"What a domineering aura, this Abandoned Heaven Emperor may be stronger than this Demonic Sea Lord."

Some spectators felt that the magic thoughts that affected them disappeared, and they couldn't help thinking like this.

Seeing this, the Sea Lord of Demon Nian frowned slightly.

"I thought you'd been hiding in your lair and couldn't come out?"

"I didn't expect it to come out now. It seems that it is because your subordinates are going to be suppressed by my side."

The Emperor Abandoned Heaven said coldly while looking at the Sea Lord of the Demon Nian Sea.

Su Hao has arrived here.

Wubei and Gu Chensha are already in the dark, if anyone comes.

They shoot each other to death at any time.

So he can do it here.

At this time, in the dark.

The man next to Yuanzhu, the master of the third pavilion of the Abyss Ming Pavilion, looked at the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, his eyes glowed with cold light, and said in a deep voice, "This Emperor Abandoned Heaven is really rampant."

"He has the arrogant confidence. Before the ancient star field recovers, this Abandoned Heavenly Emperor will be able to resist the Three Great Dao Venerables."

"Now that the ancient star region is recovering, and his strength is restored, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

The Yuan Lord said in a deep voice.

Previously, the Origin Immortal King cooperated with the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, and he did an investigation on the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, and he felt that this person was terrible.

"Then why hasn't the Origin Immortal King started yet?"

When it came to this, the Yuan Lord thought of the Origin Immortal King.

Once the Emperor Abandoned Heaven and the Sea Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons fought against each other, there would be no chance for the Immortal King of Origin if he wanted to make a sneak attack.

At this time, the sea master of the sea of ​​demons, when he heard the words of the abandoned emperor, his pupils shrank sharply.

But he didn't do it.

He knew that someone would plot to abandon the Heavenly Emperor first, and he was waiting.

"Why doesn't the Sea Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons do it?"

Looking at this situation, some people are a little puzzled. The Sea Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons has appeared. Shouldn't they act immediately?

Abandoned Heaven Emperor looked at the sea master of the sea of ​​thoughts, with a sneer on his face.

He knew what the other party was waiting for.


Just when the atmosphere stopped, an afterimage appeared not far from the Emperor Abandoning Heaven, which was the Immortal King of Origin.

As soon as he appeared, he saluted the Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

"I have seen Your Excellency Abandoned Heaven."

The Emperor Abandoned Heaven frowned slightly when he saw the origin of the Immortal King. "Original Immortal King, you abyss Ming Pavilion is also here, what do you want to do, take down the sea of ​​magic thoughts with me?"

Abandoned Heaven Emperor's voice was not loud, but everyone watching the battle could hear it.

"Original Immortal King, Abyss Ming Pavilion, Origin Immortal King joined Abyss Ming Pavilion?"

Hearing the words of the Emperor Abandoning Heaven, the spectators began to discuss.

"This Origin Immortal King actually joined the Abyss Ming Pavilion. The Origin Immortal King is a member of the Eternal Imperial Court. Isn't the Eternal Imperial Court a grudge against the Abyss Ming Pavilion?"

Sun Yuan who was beside Su Hao couldn't help saying.

"Original Immortal King's previous strength was not strong, and now you feel his breath, it should be stepping into a robbery."

"It is estimated that it is the reward from the Abyss Nether Pavilion." Su Hao said aside.

"The realm of robbery, it is true that if the abyss Ming Pavilion can let me step into the realm of robbery, I will also join."

"But now that the Sea Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons has come out, we can take the opportunity to escape into the Palace of the Sea of ​​Demons."

Sun Yuan said here, his eyes lit up.

Just then.

"You dare!"

While they were talking, the angry voice of Abandoned Heaven Emperor came out in the void.

Accompanied by this voice, Emperor Abandoned Heaven's palm carried a monstrous demonic energy, and slapped the Immortal King of Origin behind him.

The devilish energy in the palm of the hand is like the substance, and the ferocity shrouds the Origin Immortal King.

The shot is full of killing intent, and there is no holding back.

A cone-shaped weapon appeared in the hands of the Origin Immortal King behind him, facing the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, and it seemed that he wanted to sneak up on the Emperor Abandoned Heaven.

Discovered by the Abandoned God.

At this time, the face of the Origin Immortal King changed greatly.

He didn't have time to think about it, and threw a punch.

A huge star appeared in his fist, attacking the palm print shrouded by the Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

But the star was directly destroyed when it collided with the palm print of the Emperor Abandoning Heaven.

In the end, the huge palm power of the Emperor Abandoned Heaven fell on the body of the Origin Immortal King.


The Origin Immortal King let out a scream.

"I'll fight with you!" The origin fairy king who screamed directly blew himself up.


The area where he was located exploded directly, forming a storm.

After the void storm.

The place where the Origin Immortal King is located is a void, and there is no trace of the Origin Immortal King.

And Abandoned Heavenly Emperor stood in the void in perfect shape.

Seeing this situation, the faces of those who watched the battle before showed horror.

They didn't expect that the Origin Immortal King who had just gone to see Abandoned Heaven Emperor disappeared like this, and was killed by Abandoned Heaven Emperor with one palm.

"This Origin Immortal King is really trash, and he was discovered before he started."

Yuanzhu shouted in his mouth.

It took him a lot of thought to refine that thing.

"This is also normal. How could the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor not be on guard against the Origin Immortal King? After all, the Origin Immortal King is a person from the Abyss Ming Pavilion."

The man beside was not much surprised.

"Master of the Sea of ​​Demons, your plan is not good. I will fight, and I will give you a ride."

The Emperor Abandoned Heaven said coldly while looking at the Sea Lord of the Demon Nian Sea.

while speaking.

One after another terrifying aura erupted from Abandoned Heaven Emperor's body.

This force shattered directly in the space, and rolled away towards Chairman Mo Nian Hai Hai above Mo Nian Hai.

The huge force calmed the previously boiling sea of ​​demonic thoughts.

That Demonic Sea Lord, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

The coercion of the Abandoned Heaven Emperor made him perceive a huge crisis.

But now that Emperor Abandoned Heaven had already made an appointment to fight, he could not refuse to fight.

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