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Chapter 1769: Dao body fusion, Dao realm can be 1 battle

The latest website: But then there was a sneer at the corner of Su Hao's mouth.

Donghuangzhong was originally to suppress him, and as for the latter shot, it was Feiduan, but he wanted to devour this guy's body.

Although it came out from the Eastern Emperor Bell.

The slaughtering people looked very embarrassed.

The body's qi and blood are seriously depleted, and the energy in the body is boiling.

However, due to the characteristics of the Undead Clan, this boiling power soon subsided.

"If you want to suppress me, you can't do it!"

The slaughter looked at the East Emperor Taiyi who was beside the East Emperor Bell and said coldly.

Puff, puff!

At this moment, a light array suddenly appeared in the void.

There was a strong death energy in these light formations, and when Lu Cangsheng didn't react, it directly penetrated his limbs.

"Do you think you can escape from my Eastern Emperor Bell?"

Donghuang Taiyi looked cold and cold, looking at Slaughter Cangsheng as if he were looking at a dead man.

The slaughter Cangsheng who was pierced through his limbs was furious and wanted to cut off the death energy that pierced him, but the death energy gave off a strange aura.

into his body.

His body started to get a little stiff.


Naruto didn't expect to encounter such a situation.

But then his eyes slammed, and the position of his heart suddenly snorted, and a stream of blood erupted.

This blood spring instantly spread all over his body.

Chi Chi!

Cut off the strange death that pierced through his limbs.

At the moment of being cut off, the slaughter Cangsheng roared: "Qi Xinyue, don't take action, you and I know a great secret, I am suppressed, you can't escape!"

While roaring, he punched Ming Zun Duan De.

He felt that Mingzun Duan De was even more afraid of him than Dong Huang Taiyi. Of course, it was not the fear of strength, but the death energy that could make the body stiff.

If he had just used the blood essence left by the Undead Emperor on his body, he would probably still be able to cut off the death energy.


This fist blasted out the dark clouds, and strong fluctuations broke out. The surrounding Origin Technique generated death energy under this force, and some collapsed and disappeared.

Seeing this fist, Ming Zun did not move.

Dong Huangtai made a move and threw a punch, blocking Chu Cangsheng's punch.

At this time, the figure of Ming Zun Duan De appeared behind the Slaughter Cangsheng, his palm was red and covered with hair, and his palm was **** the Slaughter Cangsheng's back.

Hit him directly from the air into the ground.

At this time, he flew behind Su Hao, carrying his sickle, and headed towards the Slaughter.

A cruel and bloodthirsty look appeared between the corners of his mouth.

"Qi Xinyue, why didn't you do it!"

When Slaughter Cangsheng was bombarded on the ground, he looked at Qi Xinyue.

If Qi Xinyue could help him, he would never be suppressed like this.

Qi Xinyue, who was looking at him, was not moved at all.

In fact, he understands killing the world, and he also takes action.

But she couldn't move, because it seemed that behind her, there was an eye watching her.

"You want to suppress me, it's impossible, I want you to die!"

Killing Cangsheng felt like he was at the end of the road, and he punched his heart.

A thud sounded inside him.

Like a heart beating.

With this thumping sound, a torrent of energy appeared on Killing Cangsheng's body, covering his whole body.

And a new will is about to emerge from his body!

But at this moment, an arm protruded out of the void and fell directly into Kill Cangsheng's chest.


That giant hand directly took out the beating heart in Slaughter Cangsheng.


Killing Cangsheng let out a scream.

At this time, Ming Zun Duan De appeared beside him, pressing one hand on the ground, and countless strange runes appeared from the ground, covering the slaughter.

At this time, Fei Duan's formation was activated, and blood lines poured into Kill Cangsheng's body from the ground.


Gu Yu was covered with blood lines, and that Slaughter Cangsheng let out a miserable cry.

"You can't kill me, my soul and body are fused together, immortal and immortal, you will regret it, one day you will break through the seal, and then I want you and me to be buried."

The slaughtering people howled, angry, unwilling, and resentful.

These emotions erupted from the third ancestor of the undead **** race.

He is not reconciled, he is the third ancestor of the undead **** clan, the incarnation of the undead **** emperor in his early years, how can he be suppressed here.

"Repression, you think too much, those who are my enemies have never survived!"

Su Hao said coldly.

While Su Hao was speaking, the bloodline on Feiduan's body continued to cover Killing Cangsheng.

With more and more blood lines.

Slaughter Cangsheng seemed to sense something.

"No, you are devouring my undead bloodline, how can you do it!"

After a while, there was panic in the Slaughter Cangsheng voice.

But no one answered him.

Feiduan has already devoured the two people of the undead **** clan, and when he devours the three ancestors of the undead **** clan, his strength will inevitably step into the third realm.

If you enter the realm of the gods, you will devour the undead emperor.

It is possible for Feiduan to step into the Dao Realm.

Of course, it will take some time for Feiduan to refine this slaughter, and it is not that simple to refine.

At this time, Su Hao's eyes were aligned with Xinyue.

The elder of the Flame Palace.

"Young Master Fang, I am not an enemy of you!"

Qi Xin looked at Su Hao in shock.

She hoped that Su Hao could let her go.

"Elder Qi, you know something you shouldn't know, so you have no choice!"

"Hand over your soul, and I will spare you from dying!"

This Qi Xinyue Su Hao intends to keep, but must control her soul.

This is helpful for him to step into the realm of God after a while.

Hearing Su Hao's words, Qi Xinyue's heart trembled.

As a powerhouse in the Three Realms of Tribulation, how could she hand over her soul, once handed over, the soul would not belong to her.

Your life and death are under the control of others.

Even if she doesn't want this body, she can't hand over her soul.


At this moment, he punched Su Hao with a punch.

Now, only this Su Hao is the weakest, who can open a gap and escape from Su Hao.

Her body is the body of the deity.

If the fall was too deadly for her, she had to escape.

Just when she started.

Above his head, a palm appeared directly, pressing directly on her head.


The entire body was instantly shattered by this palm.

"Give you a chance to live, you don't want it! If you want to die, why bother?"

Seeing Qi Xinyue being slapped to death, Su Hao couldn't help shaking his head.

Looking up at the ancient dust and sand walking out of the void.

Gu Chensha's figure flashed and appeared beside Su Hao.

Finding that the blood magic city is Su Hao is afraid of accidents.

After all, the top ten dojos in the ancient star field, but there have been characters of the Dao level.

Just notified that another clone of Gu Chensha in the extraterritorial Xingchenhai came.

After Gu Chensha came here, he merged with the previous one.

After the fusion, Gu Chensha raised his hand and killed Qi Xinyue, a powerhouse in the Three Realms of Tribulation Realm, which was terrifying.

"Mr. Gu. Has the strength reached the Dao realm after fusion?"

Su Hao looked at Gu Chensha beside him and asked.

"It's still three realms, but the Dao realm can fight!"

"However, the people who have just beheaded have average strength in the three realms of robbery, and the strength of the three ancestors of the undead gods is okay."

Gu Chensha said calmly.

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