Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1774: Cloud Drum and Thunder Peak, Abyss Nether Pavilion Council

The latest website: What do you really want?

I've been really thinking about it lately.

Or the system wants him to unify the ancient star field as soon as possible.

In addition to being excited, Su Hao checked the Buddha's head of the Six Realms of the Emperor Tathagata, the strength provided by the system, in the third realm of robbery.

"In this case, with the integration of the previous Emperor Tathagata, I am afraid that the strength will be close to the Dao realm!"

Su Hao thought to himself.

First come here and immediately summon the Buddha's head from the Six Realms of the Emperor Tathagata, enter the Fudo Pluto City, and merge with the Emperor Tathagata.

After waiting for the integration of the Emperor Tathagata, let the Emperor Tathagata begin to take action on the Heavenly Vulture Spirit Mountain.

The pace has already begun, but it cannot be stopped.

Good luck today, let's sign again.

[The host has signed in to get 1000 points of sign-in value, and randomly obtains the Yungu Leifeng of the Emperor Rulai Mountain Gate, which has been stored in the system space, please check it. 】

"This. Is this a base for the Emperor Tathagata?"

Su Hao thought in his heart.

"Where to put this cloud and drum thunder peak, we should wait for the Emperor Tathagata to integrate and then negotiate!"

Of course, Su Hao had an idea in his heart.

He thought about finding a Buddhist ruin, maybe he could dig Tianjiling Mountain.

at this time

In the Heavenly Vulture Mountain.

The huge body of the Buddha sat cross-legged in the hall.

"Buddha, the location of the Wanchu Temple has been locked, but some of the restrictions need to be broken. Within five days, these forbidden areas should be able to be resolved."

The lamp is reporting to the Buddha.

"Five days? It's a bit long. Try to speed up. I have a bad feeling recently."

"Buddha has a karma, I'm afraid this may be the catastrophe of my Tianji Mountain."

"Wanchu Temple is one of our breaking points. As long as I get a place in Wanchu Temple, I will be a member of Wanchu Temple."

"The master of Wanchu Temple and the other masters in the temple were beheaded by the mountain master of Wansheng Tianshan in the first battle."

"If I get this quota and step out of this ancient area, I will not be affected by the curse, and I will be able to become the new temple master of the Wanchu Temple."

Buddha opened his mouth.

"My Buddha, I will open the Wanchu Temple as soon as possible."

After the lamp finished speaking, the figure disappeared into the hall.

"Do not move Pluto City, you are moving very fast! But what about the unified ancient star field? Isn't it still trapped in this ancient star field?"

"As long as I leave this ancient star field, I will be able to step into the Taoist realm, become a hegemon, and rule more Buddhist kingdoms."

The Buddha said in a deep voice.

Afterwards, his eyes were slightly closed, and the rays of light from his body merged into his own Buddhaland.

at this time.

in the void.

Inside the Zixiao Dao Palace.

Yuanshi Taoist, Tongtian Taoist, and Bodhi Taoist gathered together.

Among them, Yuanshi Daozun and Tongtian Daozun have already become the powerhouses in the three realms of robbery. As for the Taoist Bodhi, he has to step into the three realms of robbery.

"When Bodhi steps into the three realms of robbery, we will go out and destroy the immovable Hades City."

Tongtian Daozun said in a deep voice.

"Junior Brother, this immovable Pluto City is probably the power of the dojo before the ancient star field was banned. There should not only be some powerhouses in the three realms of robbery. Even if the three of us step into the realm of robbery, we may not be able to destroy others. "

Yuanshi Daozun said.

"What do you mean, senior brother, we will not avenge this revenge!"

Tongtian Daozun asked involuntarily.

"It's not that we don't report it, but we need to increase our strength a little bit, and then take action against the immovable Pluto City. This Zixiao Dao Palace is an extraterritorial force. By bringing together the three inheritances of Buddhism, Dao and Witchcraft, we can finally master this Zixiao Dao Palace. Control."

"Once we get control, we are the disciples of the palace master of Zixiao Dao Palace. In this way, we will not be affected by the curse! Get out of this ancient star field."

"As long as we go out of the ancient star field and get the help of Zixiao Dao Palace, it should not be a problem to deal with this immovable Pluto City."

Yuanshi Daozun said.

"But we just inherit the Dao vein. The Buddha vein and the Wu vein are not there. How can we control this Zixiao Dao Palace?"

"The Buddha Jiushan was not with us that day. His ambition is very big. First, he must get rid of his control and become the master of one party. He will not help us to become the disciples of this Zixiao Dao Palace's master!"

Tongtian Daozun shook his head.

"Senior brother has already arrived, so he cultivated Bodhi. In fact, Bodhi has inherited the line of Buddhism, and he can be regarded as a person of the line of Buddhism, but we are now of the line of witches. "

"As long as we take down the Twelve Ancestral Witches, we will be able to master this Zixiao Taoist Palace."

Yuanshi Daozun said.

"Wu Clan, Twelve Ancestral Witch, where they are now, I don't know."

Hearing Yuanshi talking about the Wu clan, Tongtian frowned slightly and said.

"Don't worry, if all the twelve ancestor witches of the Wu clan are resurrected, they should be able to perceive the Zixiao Dao Palace!"

"They perceive Zixiao Dao Palace and will definitely come to Zixiao Dao Palace, we can just wait here."

"However, we also need to pay attention to the situation in the ancient star field. After all, the depth of the city of Pluto is not changed, and we also need to investigate it!"

When he was speaking, a figure appeared on Yuanshi Taoist body.

This figure quickly exited the Zixiao Taoist Palace and headed towards Gu Xing.

at this time

Extraterritorial sea of ​​stars, among a star.

A dark sun hung in the sky.

The light and heat emitted are black.

Makes the star look gloomy.

Among the stars, a pitch-black palace sits atop a bare black mountain.

A strong aura of death emanated from the palace.

These auras of death are very pure, like a tide, reverberating around.

inside the palace.

It presents an arched shape with five seats in the middle and twelve seats in front of the five seats.

Three rows are presented, three in the front, four in the back, and five in the last row.

At this time, on the twelve seats in the middle, people in black robes appeared one after another.

In the last row, the first and third pavilion masters of the Abyss Ming Pavilion are sitting in it.

The two sat together.

"Who do you say will become the elder of the Fifth Council this time!"

The first pavilion master said in a deep voice.

"I hope it's not Emperor Hao, the Emperor of Hundred Wars, otherwise, I'm afraid you and I will be in trouble!" The third pavilion master Yuanzhu sounded.

While speaking, his eyes couldn't help looking at a man in a golden robe on the front three tables and chairs.

This man exudes endless domineering.

In the domineering, there is also the spirit of the emperor, it can be seen that he is ruling a world hegemony.

Hearing the words, the first pavilion master nodded involuntarily.

The Emperor Hao, the Emperor of Hundred Battles, was the father of the Mountain Master of the Magic Mountain of Wanshi.

Some time ago, they dealt with Unmoving Hades and Mo Nianhai. The two of them were fine, but the Mountain Master of Wanshi Moshan died.

It would be difficult for them if the Emperor of Hundred Wars became the elders of the Fifth Council.

"You and I each have one vote, and your master has two votes. We vote for one person. In this case, the chance of Bai Zhan Xiaohuang becoming an elder of the council will be much smaller! Can you tell me who your master chooses?"

The first pavilion master sound transmission.

Hear the words of the first pavilion master.

The Yuan Lord shook his head and said, "I haven't received the notification from Master yet. If Brother Nan Ming wants to join us, you might as well give me your votes, and I'll vote for you together!" The Yuan Lord said.

"This is not enough, I'll vote myself!"

The first pavilion master shook his head.

Although he is called the first pavilion master in the outside world, he is actually only one of the three members of the abyss name. His voting rights can bring him benefits.

cannot be given to others.

when they speak.

All the people on the twelve tables and chairs below appeared.

Some people were talking to each other in whispers.

Suddenly the hall became quiet.

Four figures appeared on the top five tables and chairs. Two of the four were wearing masks, and two were not.

1 spot is vacant.

Sitting in the middle was an old man without a mask. He glanced at the crowd and said, "The Abyss Ming Pavilion Council begins, and the fifth council elder is elected."

"Voting now. 1 vote for third-level members, 2 for second-level members, 3 for first-level members, and 5 for council elders. The candidates are as follows."

The voice fell, the old man waved his palm, and a black list was suspended in front of everyone.

There are only three names on the list: Emperor Hao, the Emperor of Hundred Battles, the Old Man of the Sea of ​​Nine Corpses, and the Ancestor of Raging Fire and Raging Flames.

These three names are sitting in the front three people.

They are vying for the fifth council elder place in the abyss place.

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