Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1789: 0 The Kingdom of War, Lord White Tiger

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In the Great Thousand Palace.

The Immortal Emperor informed Su Hao of what happened in the Void Sacred Mountain.

"It seems that this Lu family has taken refuge in Niu Wuye. I didn't expect that I would help him unintentionally!"

Su Hao said softly.

He didn't expect this Void Night to take this opportunity to take the Void Sacred Mountain.

"Xiwuye's hand is good, it's a character, but what is the significance of him taking this Void Sacred Mountain at this time?"

Su Hao has some doubts in his heart.

Now that the Void Sacred Mountain is occupied, it can be said that it is of little use.

Why should this Void Night risk offending the Immortal Lord and keep this Void Mountain?

"My lord, there is a master next to that Wuwuye, and his aura is not weak, especially there is a very strong force in his body. If he bursts out with all his strength, it will be difficult for his subordinates to defeat him."

The Immortal Emperor, the master of the Daqian Palace, said.

This is also the reason why the Immortal Emperor, of course, promised the Lu family.

A war breaks out, if you can't crush the opponent, let the opponent leave.

Daqiangong's momentum will be affected.

Daqiangong, who was just born, doesn't want to be affected by this for the time being.

"It seems that the Taoist corpse is useful to the other party, but I don't know how he extracted that power."

"But it doesn't matter, Gu Chensha left a means on the body of the Taoist."

"It's easy to kill the other party by then."

Su Hao believed in Gu Chensha's methods.

"Since they have occupied the site of the Void Sacred Mountain, they should gather the forces of the Void Sacred Mountain as soon as possible, as well as the movements of the Void Sacred Mountain that you are paying close attention to. I feel that they should have other plans!"

Su Hao ordered.

This is to strengthen the momentum of Daqiangong.

At that time, Daqiangong will be included in Fudo Pluto City, which will surely make Fudo Pluto City even more powerful.

It can also allow more forces to automatically surrender to Fudo Pluto City.

In that case, he can quickly become the master of ancient stars.

"This subordinate knows it."

The Palace Master of Daqiangong nodded, and his figure disappeared in front of Su Hao.

After the image of Palace Master Daqian disappeared, Su Hao pondered.

Now the Invisible Empire and the Yinyue Dynasty are fighting against the previous Celestial Realm Lord forces and are expanding their territory.

On the other hand, the Yin-Yang Academy of Dong Huang Taiyi is also expanding.

Completely on par with the Invisible Empire and the Moon Dynasty.

If Buddha Zong wins Tianjiling Mountain.

Then there is no force worthy of their action in the ancient star field.

[The host summons the character Qingdi to evolve, step into the three realms of robbery, and reward a level 15 crystal card, which has been stored in the inventory! 】

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Su Hao's ear.

The Qing Emperor evolved and stepped into the Three Realms of Tribulation.

At this moment, Su Hao felt more and more how fast the characters he summoned cultivated.

Could it be that I didn't practice hard enough?

Su Hao couldn't help thinking like this.

At this moment.

The figure of Qingdi appeared in front of Su Hao.

"Lord, now you can quickly transform the demon plants to help them practice, so I want to find a place to use as a base for the barren tower."

Qing Di opened his mouth.

Hearing Qingdi's words, Su Hao was not surprised.

Reaching the Three Realms of Tribulation can completely rule one's territory.

What's more, Emperor Qing is also the master of the barren tower, one of the ten forces.

"Qingdi, do you have a choice here?"

Su Hao asked.

"Wild State Road."

Qing Di opened his mouth.

The Wild State Road, next to the Shanhai Road where Sucheng is located, is also the area of ​​the former star realm.

"it is good!"

Su Hao nodded.

Qingdi thanked him and left.

Watching Qingdi leave the figure.

Su Hao thought that after the Ancient Star Region was unified, he would start to divide the territory again.

"What's going on on the Tianji Lingshan side, the Shengye Pure Land shouldn't just give up!"

Su Hao faced the black and white beside him.

It seems too quiet these days.

"The other four Buddhas of the five directions have all returned to Tianji Lingshan, and Lord Di Tathagata is ready to attack Tianjilingshan directly."

Black and white.

The Emperor Rulai, who has won one area, has already set his sights on the Heavenly Vulture Spirit Mountain

As long as they win Tianjiuling Mountain, their Buddhist sect can replace Tianjiulingshan.

"Is the Emperor Tathagata so fierce, he has to directly attack Tianji Lingshan."

Su Hao was a little surprised.

He thought that the Emperor Tathagata was ready to wait until he started, but he didn't expect that after winning the Pure Land of Victory Industry, he would start to attack the Heavenly Vulture Spirit Mountain.

"Pay close attention to the situation over there, and notify me immediately if anything happens."

Heavenly Vulture Spirit Mountain is not simple, Su Hao is afraid of any change.

"My subordinates know that the Lord Dugu and the Deputy City Lord have reached the Kingdom of Hundred Wars!"

Hearing Hei Jue's words, Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

Dugu Baitian and they have reached the kingdom of hundreds of wars.

"Show me the video over there!"

Su Hao said.

Black and White Jue immediately began to project the situation on the other side of the Kingdom of Hundred Wars.

in projection.

Dugu Baitian stands in front of the Baizhan Palace of Baizhan Xiaohuang.

The terrifying force of coercion erupted from him, and the powerful force made the void around Dugu Baitian become turbulent, forming ripples. Like the waves in the waves.

At this moment, Dugu Baitian is in the center of the ocean, like an ancient **** emperor, with boundless power.

Such strong fluctuations in power have drawn out a lot of powerhouses from the Hundred Battles Palace, and they soared out.

"Dugu defeated the sky, and the Dugu defeated the sky in the city of Hades, how dare you come to my country of a hundred wars."

One of them roared when he saw Dugu Baitian.

The Emperor Abandoned Heaven, who did not move the Pluto City, killed their prince of the Kingdom of Hundred Wars, the Mountain Master of the Magic Mountain of Wanshi, in the Sea of ​​Demons.

That is the emperor's most outstanding prince.

They haven't done anything to the immovable Pluto City.

Dugu Baitian, the deputy city lord of Fudo Pluto City, has come to oppress their kingdom of wars.

This is total provocation.

Why not make them angry.

"Dugu defeated the sky, I will kill you today for His Majesty!"

A violent aura burst out from within the palace.

A man in a strong suit appeared above the Baizhan Palace.

"Baihu Yuanjun, one of the three giants under the emperor's will definitely be able to kill this Dugu defeated Tian."

Seeing the man in strong suit, the people in the Kingdom of Hundred Wars said excitedly.

There are three giants under Bai Zhan Xiaohuang, all of them are characters in the three realms of robbery. This White Tiger Yuanjun is one of them.

Mainly based on strength, close combat is extremely powerful.

It is rumored that when Gu Xing recovered, his strength recovered, and he once tore and killed a powerhouse in the Three Realms of Tribulation Realm with both hands.

The White Tiger Yuanjun appeared and punched towards Dugu Baitian.

The fist slammed out, and the huge white tiger fist print roared out.

The surrounding void was instantly pierced under this white tiger fist mark, and appeared in front of Dugu Baitian in the blink of an eye.

Dugu Baitian's expression remained unchanged, his palm raised.

one shot

In the palm print, endless rays of light flicker, illuminating the world, with boundless power.

Covered the attacking white tiger fist mark.


The white tiger fist print disappeared under Dugu Baitian's palm.

Seeing Dugu Baitian taking a punch from himself, a look of solemnity appeared on Baihu Yuanjun's face.

"The white tiger is ferocious, and the white tiger splits its claws!"

Baihu Yuanjun let out a low roar, his fierce aura soared, and the whole person turned into a huge white tiger, and his sharp claws grabbed at Dugu Baitian.

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