Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1795: Fire Ancestor VS Demon Lord

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I felt that the fighting spirit emanated from Dugu Baitian and others.

The Hundred Battles Xiaohuang's eyes narrowed slightly.

The name Baizhan Xiaohuang knows that he is very fanatical about fighting, so they have the deepest perception of the fighting spirit exuding from Dugu Baitian.

Of course, he also knew from the fighting spirit of Dugu Baitian and several people that there should be no one else coming to Fudo Pluto City.

It's a combat perception.

Sioux City

Su Hao looked at this scene, his face slightly condensed.

"I didn't expect so many people to come to the Abyss Ming Pavilion at once. How many people are there in the Abyss Ming Pavilion?"

"Come on, take me there to see!"

Su Hao said to Black and White.

With so many strong people, he thought about signing in, maybe he could sign in for something different.

Or use these popular fields to improve your luck.

He also has a crystal lottery card for items obtained from the evolution of Qingdi and stepping into the three realms of robbery, so that he can draw good things by luck.


Black and White said immediately.

A magic circle appeared under his feet, his figure disappeared, and Su Hao and the blood-devouring vine stepped into it.

A ray of light dissipated.

until they show up again.

It has already appeared in a tower in the Kingdom of Hundred Wars, and can clearly see the battle scene.

Su Hao came to sign in first.

[The host signed in today to get 1,000 sign-in points, and randomly obtained a key to the secret realm outside the Halloween Cave. It has been stored in the inventory, please check it. 】

"In this case, I have obtained all three keys, which means that I should be able to know the dojo of All Saints Tianshan."

There was a hint of joy in Su Hao's eyes.

Then he clicked on the crystal lottery card of the level 15 item obtained by the evolution of Qingdi.

[The host consumes 1 level 15 item crystal lottery card, the lottery is in... ]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing a seven-day hatching card for the ancient dragon egg, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it. 】

"I didn't expect to get an emulsifier, but I can't use it for the time being. I'll talk about it when I get out of the forbidden area."

Unification of the ancient star field, he is bound to win.

But aside from Gu Xing, he also needs to keep some means.

His eyes looked at the battlefield in the void.

in the battlefield.

The figure of the Hundred Battles Emperor slowly emerged, and the strength of the old corpse demon and the ancestor of the flames was not weaker than him.

Both of them shot. Then he needs to show up.

In the Baizhan Palace, the figure of Baizhan Xiaohuang disappeared.

"Brother Yuntong, who do you think will win this battle?"

Di Junheng of the Death Court looked at Yun Tong and said.

"Brother Emperor, isn't it here?"

"Can you still make the Emperor Bai Zhan Xiao Huang have an accident?"

Yun Tong looked at the emperor Hengdao in front of him.

Among them, he also said Di Junheng's surname.

Hearing Yun Tong's words, Di Junheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

If there are no outsiders present, it doesn't matter, but now Mingzun Duan De is still there, and Mingzun Duan De is not a member of the Abyss Ming Pavilion.

"Is this Yuntong deliberately saying my surname, is it forcing me to take action? Or is it just telling this Ming Zun my identity?"

Di Junheng looked at Yun Tong and thought.

His eyes looked at Ming Zun Duan De.

The strength of the Underworld Venerable is unknown, but the fluctuations on his body are very strange, and there is a breath of the ancient star field source **** sect.

Rumor has it that this underworld had formed an alliance with Fudo Hades when it first appeared in the Immortal Realm.

Of course, there were still Fangcun Mountain.

It's just that Fangcun Mountain has been destroyed.

It was the first king of the underworld and the ancient underworld who destroyed him.

It's just that the first king of the ancient underworld disappeared after the recovery of the ancient star field.

Now this underworld has become the overlord of the ancient star.

"The energy fluctuations are somewhat similar to those of the Origin God Sect, but are they the inheritors of the Origin God Sect?"

Di Junheng actually had some doubts about the inheritance of the Origin of God Sect of the Underworld.

But now is not the time to speculate.

in the void.

The newly emerged ancestor of the flames, a vast ocean of flames appeared around him, and within the ocean, the monstrous flames and magma roared. boom!

He punched first.

With a punch, hundreds of meters of red beams of light emerged from the fist. These beams of light were like collapsing magma, extremely violent.

Looking at this punch, the Demon Lord's eyes narrowed.

A monstrous demonic energy appeared behind him, and the demonic energy formed a monstrous piece of training that swept away toward the scarlet beam of light.


The two forces collided together, and an earth-shattering sound suddenly erupted.

After the sound, a huge wave of power was formed, impacting the void, forming huge cracks in the void.

Watch this scene.

The fire ancestor's eyes narrowed slightly.

For the Demon Lord to take a casual shot, he can block his blow, which makes him a little surprised.

His eyes became serious.

The strength of this Demon Lord was no worse than the previous Dugu defeated Tian.

"Is this your strength?"

The Demon Lord snorted coldly, and when he was speaking, his figure suddenly burst into flames, and in the next instant, he appeared in front of the ancestor of the flames.

The demonic energy in his body skyrocketed, filling the sky.

As soon as the palm was lifted, the Praying General Platform appeared.

A monstrous aura erupted from Taichung.

Bai Jiangtai rose with the storm, turned into hundreds of feet, and stood in the sky like an ancient beast.

The demon master held the worship platform in one hand and smashed it towards the flame ancestor.

The terrifying power fluctuations shook the surrounding space into shattered ripples.

The strength of the Demon Lord itself is strong, and coupled with the strength of the worshipping platform, this attack has been strong to an astonishing level.

Look at the Prayer Terrace that is attacking.

The eyes of the flame ancestor became cold, and he clenched his palm and punched out.

Crimson flames swept toward the Demon Lord.

The crimson flames formed a giant stick and collided with the Demon Lord Prayer Stage.


The two forces collided, and the giant stick formed by the flame was shattered by the worship platform and hit the body of the flame ancestor.


The figure of the flame ancestor was shocked and flew out, and the figure took a few steps back before stopping.

But a drop of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He didn't expect that he would be injured by the Demon Lord as soon as he fought.

"So strong!"

The Emperor Hundred Battles and the old corpse demon who didn't make a move couldn't help but speak up.

They also did not expect that the ancestor of the flames would be injured in one move.

"With this little strength, it's worthy of Abyss Ming Pavilion is just that."

The Demon Lord snorted coldly.


When the flame ancestor heard the words, raging fire burst out in his eyes. It was a great insult for the demon master to say such words to him.

How could he bear it, his figure flashed, and he attacked the Demon Lord directly.

Crimson flames, burning the sky.

However, a red bead appeared in his hand, and the bead emitted terrifying flame energy fluctuations.

"Blazing Divine Pearl! Ancestor Raging Flame is going to work hard, that's his fire-type life orb!"

Seeing the red bead appearing, the ancestor of the corpse demon opened his mouth not far away.

Being able to become a first-level member of the Abyss Ming Pavilion is a bit of a hole card.

"Your strength, against me, is a lot worse!"

Looking at the ancestor who attacked the flames, there was a cold gleam in the black eyes of the demon master, and he said in a cold voice.

The voice that was spoken reverberated between heaven and earth like thunder.

Fighting the enemy is a kind of physical, but it is also a kind of momentum and spirit.

He raised his hand, the worship platform disappeared from his palm, and the terrifying demonic energy gushed out from his palm, and then formed a long sword hundreds of feet long.

A sword slashed at the blazing ancestor who was charging.

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