Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1805: Solve 12 ancestor witches, refining

The unification of the ancient stars will be completed soon.

So he needs to think about the situation after going out.

Increasing your own strength is an important step now.

"Let's go!"

While talking, Su Hao's clothes began to change.

The original ordinary clothes were transformed into a golden robe, and a strong aura erupted from his body.

Inside the Ancestral Witch Hall.

The twelve ancestor witches who were training at first suddenly stopped.

"Did someone step into the robbery?"

An Ancestral Witch said, his face full of doubts.

"It's not our Wu clan, it's an outsider, Xing Wuming brought that person here!"

The leader, Emperor Jiang said in a deep voice.

When he spoke, he frowned slightly.

Others have also sensed the situation.

"What does this Xing Wuming want to do, bringing an outsider to my Ancestral Witch Hall, it seems that this Xing Wuming must be abolished as soon as possible."

One person spoke.


Just as he speaks.

A large formation appeared in the land of the Wu clan, and the formation appeared very quickly, quickly filling the entire Wu clan.

In the blink of an eye, the Wu clan seemed to disappear in place.

"He started the Witch Race, what is he trying to do?"

Seeing this situation, Di Jiang's expression changed.

The other ancestor witches also showed gloomy expressions on their faces.


At this moment, the door of the Ancestral Witch Hall was pushed open.

Xing Wuming, Su Hao, and Black and White Jue pushed the door in from outside the main hall.

"Who are you, dare to come to my Wu clan at will, Xing Wuming, what do you want to do?"

One of the ancestor witches looked at Xing Wuming, who walked into the hall.

When he was talking, a surging force pressed down on Xing Wuming and Su Hao like a tide.

Feel the pressure.

Su Hao's body's aura skyrocketed, and the ancient ancestral sorcerer body in his body also moved out instantly, sending out a force that enveloped Su Hao's body.

As for Xing Wuming, he reluctantly resisted this pressure.

Black and white absolutely seemed to be nothing, and did not take this pressure as one thing.

"This is the city lord Su Shao of Fudo Pluto City. I invited Su Shao city lord to come here this time, just to ask a few ancestors to abdicate and hand over the blood of your body."

Xing Wuming said in a deep voice under the pressure.

Gu Chensha's strength is in the Taoist realm, he can now use Su Hao to invite Gu Chensha out.

Now he doesn't care about the twelve ancestor witches in front of him at all.


Just after Xing Wuming finished speaking, he only heard a rumbling sound in his ear, and the surrounding situation changed.

It seems to be in a void.

The surrounding void continued to collapse, forming a huge torrent of void.

These torrents are opening their big mouths, wanting to swallow him in one bite.

"Xing Wuming, are you courting death? You want our blood!"

The voice of Emperor Jiang Zuwu came from the void. The voice was extremely domineering, with supreme coercion, making him feel like he immediately knelt down and surrendered.

When he spoke, an overwhelming force was overwhelming Xing Wuming.

To kill Xing Wuming directly.

But at this moment, an invisible big hand suddenly appeared in this area.

He grabbed Xing Wuming and grabbed him directly from this space.

Inside the hall.

Xing Wuming was sweating coldly on his forehead.

If someone hadn't made a move just now, he would have been killed directly.

At this time, the eyes of the twelve ancestor witches all looked at Black and White Jue.

"Three Realms of Tribulation!"

"But you are in the three realms of robbery, you dare to be presumptuous in front of us, you are really courting death!"

An Ancestral Witch beside Di Jiang snorted, stood up directly, and struck Black and White Jue with a punch.


The fist slammed out, and he saw endless blood energy bursting out of his fist.

It collided with space and made an earth-shattering roar.

One of the twelve ancestor witches.

Besides Di Jiang, he is also an Ancestral Witch who has stepped into the Three Realms of Tribulation Realm.

But he punched

Where the fist slammed, Su Hao and the others disappeared like blurry phantoms.

He missed the punch.

The figure disappeared into the hall.

Gu Yi

Seeing this, the figures of the other eleven Ancestral Witches also disappeared quickly.

In an instant.

Fifteen figures appeared in the sky above the land of the Wu clan.

"Run, how can you run when you come?"

After the shooting sentence Mang appeared, he snorted and prepared to shoot again.

But the black and white Jue opposite him had a look of disdain on his face.

And looked at him in a deadly manner.


Seeing the sentence, Mang's complexion became extremely gloomy, and the aura around his body began to pour out frantically.

The world immediately turned blood red, and the blood-colored aura permeated every space here, making people feel that this force was oppressive and powerful.


As soon as these energies rose, they encountered a terrifying force, directly suppressing this force, and then dissipating invisible.

see this situation.

The eyes of all the twelve ancestor witches changed.

They looked in the direction of the wave of power.

A figure emerged from the void.

This is what teleportation came to Gu Chensha.

Gu Chensha's body is normal, and there is no bright light emitting from his body.

But in the eyes of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, there is an incomparable terror.

They did not feel any power fluctuations from Gu Chensha.

But they felt a suffocating power from Gu Chensha.

This suffocation makes them feel terrified.

"Who are you?"

For the first emperor Jiang to suppress the fear in his heart, he asked such a question.

"This seat, Gu Chensha, kill your twelve ancestor witches today!"

When Gu Chensha was talking.

The palm is raised.

Shot out.

A seemingly ordinary palm, but enveloped all the twelve ancestor witches in it.


Facing this palm, that Dijiang growled lowly.

The other eleven people did not hesitate, and their bodies turned into streaks of blood light directly into Di Jiang's body.


The breath of Emperor Jiang's body is constantly rising, vaguely surpassing the third realm of robbery.

But it didn't break through to the realm.

The blood around his body was as bright as a blood-colored armor, and his body began to skyrocket, turning into a towering giant.


Lightning flashes in the sky, shrouding the giant.

boom! The giant punched Gu Chensha with a punch.

With one punch, the whole world seems to be under this fist. Endless power fluctuations erupted above the fist.

Not far away, Su Hao and the others all felt the pressure of a heavy mountain.

"After the Twelve Ancestral Witches have joined forces to merge, it is much worse than the Great Elder of the Abyss, and at most is about the same strength as the Great Emperor Wu Beginning."

"However, if all twelve reach the Three Realms of Tribulation, the strength is estimated to catch up."

"It's just that your strength, in front of Gu Chensha, is really too far behind!"

Su Hao said with a sigh.

The fist collided with the palm blasted by Gu Chensha.

The palm pushed the huge fist back like a bulldozer.

Not only did he push it back, he threw his fist, but when the palm was pushed back, it burst into a cloud of blood.


The shot giant growled and turned to flee.

Not an opponent at all, can only escape.

But Gu Chensha's palm fell directly into his body without any restriction.

Bang! The huge body was directly divided into twelve figures by one palm.

The moment these twelve figures fell to the Gu Chensha grabbed the palm of his hand, and a drop of blood appeared on each person.

Essence and blood gathered into a drop of essence and blood.

"Mottled blood."

Gu Chensha looked at the drop of blood essence and said with disdain.

Then it was directly ingested into Xing Wuming's body.

However, he grabbed the twelve gods and gods from the opponent's body.

All the twelve figures on the face will be refined into the twelve great formations of gods and gods.

"Young master, smelt these twelve people into the great formation of the twelve gods and gods, and you can use them for your ancient ancestors!"

Gu Chensha said.

Gu Chensha took action without Xing Wuming's consent at all.

But Xing Wuming did not dare to say anything.

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