Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1806: The Temple of Wanchu, the reappearance of Bodhi Daoist

Gu Chensha shot and crushed the pseudo-twelve ancestors.

Su Hao would not admit that these people are the real ancestors, they just got the inheritance of the ancestors.

After Xing Wuming got the blood essence, he stayed in the Wuzu Hall to absorb the blood essence of the ancestors.

And use the resources in the Ancestral Witch Hall to quickly improve the strength.

Su Hao lived in the Wu clan.

He was waiting for Venerable Bodhi to come.

When the time comes to capture Venerable Bodhi, you will know where the Zixiao Taoist Palace is.

at this time.

In an ancient star field.

Buddha, Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha, and Leng Wushuang appeared on a small island.

"Buddha, the Temple of Wanchu is under this island!"

"It's just that there are restrictions outside. Once the restrictions are touched, there will be energy fluctuations. Once the energy fluctuates, it will attract attention here."

Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha said in a deep voice.

After speaking, he looked at Leng Wushuang beside him.

Leng Wushuang agreed to help the Buddha to get the disciple quota of the Wanchu Temple.

Seeing the burning lamp ancient Buddha, Leng Wushuang's expression remained unchanged, and a rune appeared in his palm.

This rune has a divine character engraved on it.

The words of the gods are a little vague, but they emit a strange halo, similar to the atmosphere of a small island.

"Wanchu talisman! I didn't expect Leng donor, you would get the talisman of the Wanchu Temple."

Seeing the magic rune in Leng Wu's hands, there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Buddha.

"This rune can help us not trigger these restrictions and enter the center of Wanchu Temple."

Leng Wushuang's voice was calm.

At the moment of speaking, a stream of energy poured into the rune in the palm of the hand.

The rune instantly expanded, and then he was directly driven into the island.

The ban on the island was not triggered, and an invisible ladder loomed.

Leng Wushuang took the lead to set foot on the invisible stairs and walked towards the island.

"Let's go in too!"

Buddha and Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha followed and entered the island together.

Island Center.

At this moment, a shadow appeared.

The light and shadow were looming, and finally condensed into a palace.

Although the palace is not broken, it seems to be very withered.

Leng Wushuang and the others fell in front of the palace.

Open the palace gate.

A gust of dust came from the palace, but was blocked by the strength of several people.

inside the palace.

There is a fragmented statue, and in front of the statue there is a token placed on a desk.

"That token is the disciple's inheritance token. Buddha, you can become a disciple of Wanchu Temple as long as you refine that token."

"Although Wanchu Sacred Mountain has been destroyed, it is not so easy to become a disciple of Wanchu Sacred Mountain. Buddha, you need to obtain it yourself."

"I can help you to integrate this island into the void, and the energy fluctuations here will not be detected by the outside world."

Leng Wushuang looked at the Buddha Road.

"As long as I can cover up the energy fluctuations here, I am confident that I can still achieve the quota of disciples."

Buddha opened his mouth.

In the Temple of Wanchu, he has been planning for a long time.

What he was worried about earlier was that when he obtained the Temple of Wanchu, energy fluctuations broke out, attracting the attention of all forces.

Once the various forces appeared, it would be difficult for him to obtain it.

Now Leng Wushuang helps him solve this trouble.

He can explode his strength without any scruples, obtain this inheritance token, and become a disciple of Wanchu Temple.

"Okay. Burning the ancient Buddha, let's go out! This place is left to the Buddha."

Leng Wushuang lit the ancient Buddhist way beside him.

Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha nodded.

The two entered the hall.

When stepping out of the hall, Leng Wushuang's aura began to change, and his palms became imprinted.

"The blue and yellow springs, the ghosts reach the sky! Escape!"

Valley Pisces

A handprint burst out in his hand, quickly covering the entire island.

Gradually the island disappeared above the sea.

After the island disappeared.

A figure appeared in the void, it was a clone of Black and White Jue.

He looked solemnly to investigate the situation around him.

But he didn't see any fluctuations, and his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly.

This avatar has been investigating the Wanchu Temple that the Buddha Land was looking for.

Some time ago, I heard the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp appear in this area.

He has been searching this area. But no trace of the ancient Buddha was found.

There was an energy fluctuation here just now, and he came immediately, but he didn't find anything.

"Looks like I'm missing something?"

Black and White said in a deep voice.

Then he merged into the void, and he has to wait here to see if he can wait for something.

Three days in a flash.

Inside the Ancestral Witch Hall of the Witch Clan.

After Xing Wuming obtained the blood of the twelve ancestors, he successfully broke through to the three realms of robbery.

Of course, the main reason is that the bodies of the other twelve ancestors were refined by ancient dust and sand into the great formation of the gods and gods of the twelve capitals.

if absorbed.

His strength will definitely improve a lot, and it is estimated that he can fight against one or two ordinary three-level powerhouses.

But this also made Xing Wuming happy.

There was an unconcealed smile on his face.

"Lord, Venerable Bodhi should be here today. I don't know what the Lord needs to order here."

Xing Wuming bowed and said.

"However, when Venerable Bodhi came, it's not necessarily the real body. You still need to pay attention. If it's not the real body, you can't show any flaws here!"

Su Hao said.


Xing Wuming nodded.

As for Su Hao, after he finished speaking, his figure was hidden in the darkness.

Stepping into the Tribulation Realm, Su Hao can hide himself.

It didn't take long for Su Hao to hide in the darkness.

A figure appeared from the void, and then came directly towards the Ancestral Witch Hall.

When he entered the Ancestral Witch Hall. His eyes changed slightly.

In the Ancestral Witch Hall, only Xing Wuming was alone.

He looked condensed.

"Master Xing, what about the twelve ancestors of the nobles?"

The visitor came to Venerable Bodhi from Zixiao Taoist Palace.

"Not the real body! Hold him steady!"

At this time, a voice came from Xing Wuming's ears.

"Zun Bodhi, the Twelve Patriarchs of our clan are tempering the great formation of the twelve gods and gods, and they are at a critical juncture, so I am here waiting for you, Venerable Bodhi, I don't know if Venerable Bodhi will bring you the promised resources. "

Xing Wuming said.

"Tempering the Twelve Capitals, it seems that you have obtained a lot of resources recently!"

"Well, Xing Wuzhu also stepped into the three realms of robbery."

Hearing Xing Wuming's words, Venerable Bodhi's expression moved slightly.

In the past few days, the Wu clan has been occupying resources He knows all about it.

To understand the other party's mind is to use resources to create a three-level robbery to compete with the three of them.

Of course, it was only at this time that he realized that Xing Wuming had stepped into the three realms of robbery.

"Thanks to the cultivation of several ancestors."

"Bodhi Dao Zun, let's make a long story short, the ancestors said before retreating that if the resources arrive, they will be given to them immediately."

Xing Wuming said. ".

"I brought half of the resources, but I don't know if the ancestors can follow me to the Zixiao Taoist Palace today."

Bodhi Dao Zun did not want to let the strength of the Twelve Ancestors improve before going to the Zixiao Dao Palace.

"I'm afraid this will not work. The ancestor said that after obtaining the resources, he will leave in two days."

Xing Wuming said immediately.

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