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Chapter 1828: The ultimate strength, the founder of Jizun Wuguan

The latest website: Watching a palm slap the palm of his hand, the Great Emperor Wu Beginning's eyes narrowed slightly.

He also raised his hand and slammed it out.

But when the palms collided, the Great Emperor Wubei's expression froze, and he felt a huge gravity burst out from the palm.

Not only gravity, but also a huge penetrating force.

Rush to his body through the arms.

The Beginning Emperor's face condensed, and the whole body was shrouded in rays of light, forming a purple light that rushed to his arm, trying to stop the influx of that power.

Just when he blocked the blow.

One of the other phantoms began to shoot.

The palm shot is also very simple, but when it is shot, it reflects a very strong force.

It was as if a piece of earth was pressing down, and it was terrifying.

"The ultimate strength!"

At this time, the Great Emperor Wubei thought in his heart.

He urged the power in his body to block the blow.

However, immediately after that, he felt that something was wrong, and he felt that the power in his body was a little sluggish, as if it was being suppressed.

The beginningless clock in the body is also unable to connect at this moment.

At this time, he could only mobilize the power of his own body.

He was suddenly alert.

The person who shot this is examining the power of his flesh.

Extreme martial arts.

It is rumored that the dojo was founded by the three martial arts masters of breakthrough power, and if they want to pass on the power beads, they may need to test their physical strength.

The Beginning Emperor's eyes narrowed.

His physical body is equally strong.

And the other party is not the power of the Taoist realm in the heyday, and he will not be worse than them.

With a low drink, the physical strength began to work.

The palm print blasts out in the palm

A palm blasted out, and the palm was like a mountain peak, colliding with the opponent's palm.

The palm of the previous collision was quickly retracted.

Then a palm slashed out at an extremely fast speed, slicing on the opponent's body.

The body was chopped back a few steps by his palm.

"it is good!"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but at this moment, the Great Emperor Wubei heard a good voice.

But with good voices came.

Previously, the two of them shot at the same time, and their palms pressed towards the Great Emperor Wubei like two black mountains.

The Great Emperor Wushi withdrew with both hands, blocking the attack of the two men.

The boom sounded.

Beginning Emperor's body was shaken backwards.

But Beginning Emperor's complexion remained unchanged, his palm was sealed, and a wave of divine power poured out from his palm.

Pressed towards the attacking two people.


The strength collided, and this time, the Beginningless Emperor really took a few steps back from the two figures.

After taking a few steps back, the two figures glanced at the Beginning Emperor and dissipated in front of him.

Only the last figure remained.

This figure has no beginning to know that this is the phantom figure hanging in the middle.

Probably the strongest of the three.

That figure came towards the Great Emperor Wu Beginning. Although his figure was not as burly as the two in front of him, his power was a little higher than the previous two. His black hair fluttered, and his eyes were star-like and stared at Wu Beginning. Great Emperor.


Just when he looked at Wuyuan.

Wu Shi's figure flashed and appeared in front of the other party.

Waiting for the opponent to make a move is not a beginningless style, he has to make a move first.

When approaching each other, he felt the coercion of an endless force.

A ray of light flashed in his eyes, his palm waved, and traces appeared in his palm.

The momentum of the whole body also changed, and the whole person was like the king of the world, looking down on the world, and I was the only one.

"Okay! I didn't expect such a strong body in this ancient star, who are you!"

The man looked at the Beginning Emperor and said.

"This is the Untouchable Great Emperor of Pluto City."

Wu Shi looked at Wu Ji Zun and said.

when speaking. Punch out.

The fist slammed out, like a falling meteor, and Wu Jizun also punched at the same time, and the two fists collided, making a banging sound.

Afterwards, Wu Shi Great Emperor's body was shaken and stepped back a few steps, and after a while of shaking his body, he stabilized his body. However, there were no major scars on his body, he was just shaken back.

"Fujian City, I have never heard of this deity, but your physical strength is very strong. If you can come to my supreme martial arts field, that is because of my fate in my supreme martial arts field. The supreme secret scripture created by the three deity, you You can take it away."

Venerable Wu said.

"You don't have to worry that I'm not from Gu Xing!"

Seeing Wu Ji Zun's reaction, Wu Shi the Great opened his mouth and said.

"You have a curse on you, I can feel it!"

That Wu Jizun looked at Wubei Dao.

"However, if you cultivate my Extremely Revered Secret Tome to the extreme, you should be able to resist the curse, but people from the outside world should take action against you when your strength is exhausted after you resist the curse."

"So if you don't have enough power, don't go out of the ancient star!"

After that Wu Jizun finished speaking, his body turned into a streamer and disappeared.

Wu Shi looked at the three people who had disappeared, his eyes slightly condensed.

The figure reappeared in the hall, glanced at the three people in the portrait, bowed slightly to the three, and then put the power transfer bead in the box, covered it and took it away.

The Secret Code of Extreme Respect still needs to be handed over to the Lord.

The Lord's flesh is stronger than him.

If you practice the Secret Tome of Extreme Reverence, your physical body will be stronger.

When Wushi got the teleportation beads, Yaqi Evil God and Hei Jue also appeared in the hall.

"Then the void night is gone?"

Beginning opened his mouth.

"Let's go, as if you were afraid that Wu Shi would attack him!" Yaqi Evil God said.

"Let's go, the Lord should have already started to deal with the abyss Ming Pavilion. If I don't move Pluto City, I will become the Lord of the Star Territory, and the Lord will step outside the Territory!"

said without beginning.

Then the three figures disappeared into the hall.

After the three disappeared.

Three figures came out of the portrait.

These are the three people who fought Wu Shi before.

"Big brother, I didn't expect that the person who fought with our afterimage was not the Lord of the Unmoving Hades!"

"Gu Xing's recovery, there are people who want to unify in such a short period of time. The lord of the immovable Pluto City is not a simple person."

"If we can go out, we really want to meet."

One of the figures spoke up.

"The strength of these three people is not simple. The people who fought with us are already close to the Taoist realm. The other two are also very extraordinary.

"After the other party unifies the star field, they must walk out of this ancient star!"

"Perhaps the three afterimages of the three of us can still make a trip out of the ancient star!"

The leading man said in a deep voice.

"Big brother, our three bodies can't resist the curse robbery. I hope the other party can break the curse robbery! In that case, we can kill the first Hades Hall and avenge the sneak attack that year."

Another person opened the mouth and said there was a hint of hope in his eyes!

"Close the extreme martial arts field and continue to be silent!"

The three figures are integrated into the portrait. After speaking, the Jizun Martial Arts Hall disappeared, turned into a vortex, and disappeared.

The Three Great Emperor Wushi came out of the Extreme Venerable Martial Art Field and appeared in the void, watching the closed Extreme Venerable Martial Art Field.

"I didn't expect that the three of the most respected Martial Chiefs would fuse the surviving spirits with their fleshly bodies, so that their souls would not be destroyed and exist in this world, but it would be difficult to go further."

Wu Beginning, who came out of the Supreme Martial Arts Field, said.

Then they disappeared.

After they disappeared, the city that disappeared before appeared again.

The people in the city didn't seem to have any perception.

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