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Chapter 1831: The hand of death, immortal

Latest website: Hearing Su Hao's words, there was silence in the void for a while, and all eyes looked at Su Hao in horror.

Su Hao's strength is only in the Tribulation Realm.

He would actually be the Lord of Fudo Pluto City.

That Leng Wushuang looked at Su Hao, he didn't believe what Su Hao said.

Su Hao's strength is too weak.

How could it be the lord of the immovable Pluto city.

"Meet the city master!"

At this time, Dugu Baitian and others all saluted Su Hao at the same time.

Dugu Baitian is the first deputy city lord of Fudo Pluto City.

The Demon Lord is also the Deputy City Lord, the other Chen Zhans are the Lords of the Ten Directions, and the Ghost Lord is one of the Eight Great Demon Lords.

These people all saluted Su Hao.

One has to believe.

"I didn't expect that Su Hao would be a spider from the City of Pluto. No wonder Gu Xing's affairs are always driven by his hands. Those masters of Pluto have been moving around Su Hao."

Some people know about Guxing and Fudo Pluto. Said involuntarily.

"I didn't expect it, but if this Su Hao is the city lord of Untouchable Pluto City, then their strength should not be as strong as we imagined."

At this time, the first-level member Sifang City Lord opened his mouth and said.

As soon as his words came out.

The members of the Abyss Ming Pavilion who were in shock were startled, and then the light flashed in their eyes.

It is exactly as the Sifang City Lord said.

If Su Hao is the city lord of Fudo Pluto City.

Then as long as Su Hao beheaded, the momentum of the immovable Pluto City will definitely drop.

The stunned Leng Wushuang also heard these words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Su Hao.

Su Hao admitted that he was the lord of Fudo Pluto City.

If Su Hao beheaded, it would be an absolute blow to Fudo Pluto City.

Even if they elect a new city lord. Then he can also carry the momentum to suppress Su Hao.

After all, there are other people in the city of Pluto, and the fundamentals are not clear. The people in the ancient stars will not believe that they are the ancient stars.

Killing intent erupted in his eyes.

"It seems that Leng Wushuang, you are going to kill me, but I dare to say that I am the Lord of the Untouchable Pluto City, which means that I have absolute confidence to crush you."

Su Hao looked at the people in the abyss with a calm voice.

Hearing Su Hao's words, the eyes of the people in the Abyss Pavilion turned cold.

They are all strong, how could Su Hao be so contemptuous.

"Ming Zun, just let me see what your strength is?"

At this time, Yun Tong, who was in front of Ming Zun, spoke up.

As long as the defeat does not move the Pluto City this time, the Abyss Nether Pavilion can unify the ancient stars,

Then the resources available will be endless.

There is also the ancient star dojo to excavate the origin, they can also get it, and then they will have the opportunity to step into the Dao realm.

But if they landed in the immovable Pluto City, there would never be such a chance.

Not to mention the Leng Wushuang hole card he knew.

A strong Taoist.

Su Hao became the city lord of the immovable Hades City. He didn't believe that there was a strong Taoist behind Su Hao.

So he took the lead to fight against the Ming Zun Duan De he invited.

when he speaks.

There were dazzling energies in his body, and these energies gradually turned into a glaze-like luster, covering his body.

With the appearance of the color of colored glass, terrifying power fluctuations erupted from Yun Tong's body.

And at this time.

The skeleton-like beads around his neck were also held in his hands.

In front of him, Venerable Duan De, looking at Yun Tong's eyes slightly condensed, his face became solemn.

The power fluctuations that erupted from the opponent were very powerful.

And the string of skeleton-like beads in his hand exudes a strange wave, which is somewhat similar to his Origin Technique power.


At this moment, Venerable Ming Duan De did not hold back, and the power in his body shot out into the sky like a vast galloping ocean wave.

And there were rays of light all around him.

Light enveloped the two of them.

"Let me see your source power!"


That Yun Tong took the lead, punched out, and a black force erupted from his fist, quickly infecting the void in front of him.

Let the void become dead silent.

"Your power is somewhat similar to Origin Technique, and I also really want to try your power!"

Ming Zun Duan De said in a low voice, when he spoke, his figure was like a ghost and disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared in front of Na Yuntong.

Yun Tong, who punched, turned his fist directly, and a glass-like fist appeared in front of Ming Zun Duan De.

Duan De punched out.

The two fists collided.

The two forces collided without making an earth-shattering sound, but only saw the endless black airflow spreading in the void.

These black airflows collided with a member of the Abyss Nether Pavilion.

The member let out a scream, and the whole body was instantly separated from flesh and blood, turning into a pile of bones.

The other members quickly backed away.

Stay away from this black airflow.

On the other side, the Immortal Emperor looked at the Death God Court Emperor Junheng.

Di Junheng looked at the Immortal Emperor, his eyes narrowed.

"Death God Court Emperor Junheng, experience the strength of your immortal emperor."

While speaking, the death **** court emperor Junheng burst out with a terrifying death aura.

In this dead air, a palm covered with death runes slowly stretched out from the dead air.

When this death palm appeared, in an instant, the entire void seemed to freeze.

An extremely powerful fluctuation of power was revealed.

Di Junheng stared at the Immortal Emperor and said in a low voice.

"Immortal Emperor, this is one of the secret skills of my death court, the hand of death."


As Di Junheng's voice fell, the huge palm with the aura of death directly crushed the void and grabbed it towards the Immortal Emperor.

A huge shadow shrouded the heavens and the earth, blocking all the space around the Immortal Emperor.

There was no chance for the Immortal Emperor to step back.

Di Junheng used all his strength to make this move, and he wanted to decide the outcome with one move.

At this time, everyone's eyes are looking at this palm.

The light in Leng Wushuang's eyes flashed, if the Immortal Emperor couldn't stop this palm, then the Immortal Emperor would have no chance of winning.

Look at the big hand that shrouded her.

Dark golden stars appeared around the Immortal Emperor, and immortal gods appeared in these stars.

After these divine seals appeared, a huge figure appeared behind the Immortal Emperor.

The figure exudes an immortal aura.

Eternal immortality appeared.

There is a dark golden light on the body, mottled colors, incomparably ancient, as if it has experienced countless battles.

The divine seal runes on the body are entwined, exuding a mysterious breath, standing in the void, exuding a heart-pounding power fluctuation.

Seeing this figure, the hearts of the people in the Abyss Ming Pavilion jumped wildly, and they sensed the domineering aura of this figure.


The figure appeared and punched out.

The golden fist directly penetrated the void and collided with the palm that was With just one click, the golden fist pierced the huge palm.

The fist that pierced through the palm of the hand did not stop, and directly bombarded Di Junheng in the death court.

The strength of the immortal emperor is close to the realm of Dao.

He is much stronger than Di Junheng. At this time, he broke out all his combat power, not Di Junheng can resist.

When Emperor Junheng was pierced in his palm.

The figure was shaken back, and when he raised it, he saw the golden fist coming towards him, his complexion changed greatly, and he wanted to escape.

But the whole body was shrouded in fists, and there was no chance to escape.


His area was pierced with a punch.

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