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Chapter 1835: Lord of Ancient Stars, Ancient Emperor Nether 1 Clan, Duke Qingling...

Latest URL: In his low growl.

An ordinary figure walked out of the void.

"Do you want to know who I am? Let you die peacefully, I will not move Gu Chensha, the second lord of Hades City."

A dull voice rang in his ears.

Then the consciousness of the black-robed man began to disappear, and his eyes became dull.

"Lord, I ask his consciousness to be extinguished, and you can make puppets."

Gu Chensha saluted Su Hao.

Then the black-robed man's body was directly raised in front of Su Hao.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu."

Su Hao sighed inwardly, Gu Chensha is still as strong as ever.

This person from the blue and yellow springs used the yellow spring beads to burst out the power, although it did not suppress the abandoned emperor, but it stopped the abandoned emperor.

"Lord, Abandoned Heaven Emperor went out through the passage. I also had a general perception. I can block the curse tribulation, but when I block the curse tribulation, I am afraid that there will be strong people in the starry sky." At that time, I am afraid that I will be besieged and killed, and even if I block the besieging, I will be wanted!"

"So I can't go out of the forbidden area with you. Although this person's strength is not very good, he is a Taoist powerhouse after all. After he becomes a puppet, he can block the Taoist powerhouse for a while. Under the Taoist realm, if it is not an extremely powerful robbery He can also suppress the powerhouses of the three realms."

"It's good to help you defend yourself."

Gu Chensha said.

Hearing Gu Chensha's words, Su Hao's heart froze.

Previously, he thought that Gu Chensha could go to the outer starry sky with him?

Didn't expect such trouble.

"The powerhouse in the starry sky is very strong, and above the Taoist realm?"

Su Hao said.

"I don't feel that the area is above the realm of knowledge, but there are a few strengths that are similar to my current body strength," Gu Chensha said.

"There is no Dao realm or above, but there are actually a few people with similar strength to the Dao body of Gu Chensha today."

"That's too strong."

Su Hao thought to himself.

"Now that the abyss Ming Pavilion has been destroyed, we return to the ancient star, the underworld and the Daqiangong, and quickly announce that we will join my immovable Pluto City."

Su Hao said.

Hearing Gu Chensha's words, Su Hao also wanted to venture into the outer space starry sky.

At this moment!

Black and white came forward and said: "My lord, my clone has found the whereabouts of the Buddha. He entered the temple of Wanchu and is now returning to Tianji Lingshan."

"Wanchu Temple, what's inside?"

Su Hao asked with a condensed expression.

"Lord, my avatar entered it. From the mouth of the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp, I know that this temple of Wanchu is only a nominal inheritance, and the Buddha became the successor of the temple of Wanchu."

After Black and White entered the Wanchu Temple, he followed the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp all the time.

Learned the secret from their conversation.

"It's just an inheritance quota."

Su Hao's eyes narrowed, he didn't know why the Buddha wanted this inheritance quota. "It should be trying to avoid the curse."

Abandoned God said.

When he stepped into the passage to prepare to enter, he also made some understanding of the curse.

So guess what the Buddha intended.

"That is to say, this Buddha is going to run!"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

The Buddha who has just been solved is not his real body.

"Go back to Guxing first!"

Several figures of Su Hao entered the immovable Hades City.

When Su Hao entered Fudo Hades City, the phantom of Emperor Tathagata appeared in Fudo Hades City. "The Lord God Vulture Mountain has been taken down, but the Buddha is nowhere to be seen. The Buddha who appeared in Foshan is a fake body, and the ancient Buddha with the lamp blew up."

The goddess spoke up.

"Blow up!"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't understand what was going on with the operation of the lamp burning ancient Buddha?

"The Buddha's kingdom has been refined and disappeared. Now, there are no living beings in the Buddha's kingdom."

The Emperor said in a deep voice.

"This Buddha is really unusual. It seems that he has such a plan for a long time."

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Do not move Pluto City, dispatch all the way, suppress other forces, and unify the ancient stars!"

The Heavenly Vulture Mountain was resolved.

Then Su Hao doesn't need to stay behind, he wants to unite the ancient star region as soon as possible.

When Su Hao returned to the ancient star, Fudo Pluto City had already occupied most of the ancient star.

The entire ancient star was in an uproar.

When they were in an uproar, the underworld and Daqiangong also announced that they belonged to the immovable Pluto city.

For a while, some forces that still wanted to resist turned to the forces of the Ten Directions, hoping to keep their own territory.

The abyss Ming Pavilion was destroyed, and there were many fewer strong people in the sea of ​​​​stars outside the territory.

Especially the Death Court, after the death of Di Junheng, the Lord of the Death Court.

The royal family quickly left the Outer Territory Xingchen Sea and joined the Outer Territory Star Force.

The main reason is that before Di Junheng, he had already been in contact with the outer space star forces.

The area of ​​the Death God Court left behind was quickly controlled by the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor Devil Kingdom.

The previous Eternal Kingdom was also occupied by the Abandoned Heavenly Demon Kingdom.

Occupying these two places, the Abandoned Heaven Emperor quickly controlled the entire extraterritorial sea of ​​stars by virtue of his Taoist powerhouse.

Everything is strength.

Strength is that simple.

a month later.

Fudo Pluto City announced that Su Hao became Gu Xing Fudo Pluto City City Lord.

And become the master of ancient stars.

Some forces call Su Hao the ancient emperor!

After this title appeared, it was quickly popularized.

Do not move in the city of Hades.

The sound of the system sounded beside Su Hao's ears.

[The host unified the ancient star field to become the emperor of the ancient star field, rewarding a 16th-level character crystal lottery card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

Hearing this news, Su Hao's face showed joy.

He did not expect that he could become the Lord of Ancient Stars in such a short period of time.

Called the Lord of Ancient Stars.

Su Hao built his own palace on the highest mountain in Gu Xing.

Gu Xi'er and Murong Yue became the mistresses of the palace.

The bedroom is on both sides of the main hall.

at this time.

Under Su Hao's palace mountain range.

Three figures appeared.

One is Tengtian Emperor Teng, and the other is Feng Lanhuai, who blew himself up in front of Youhabach and escaped from the roaring Nether Phoenix Clan.

Next to him was a woman wearing a mask, with a bumpy figure.

I can't see her face clearly, but she is definitely a peerless beauty.

"I didn't expect that Su Hao is the city lord of Fudo Pluto City."

"It's amazing."

Wang Teng looked at the palace at the top of the mountain in front of him and said.

They did not appear directly outside the palace.

That's Su Hao now, but it's not something they can see if they want to. They need to pay a visit.

"It's surprising, but it's just that we thought the Lord of Fudo Pluto City was an old monster before."

"Actually, we can actually guess from various phenomena that this Su Hao is the master of Fudo Pluto City."

Na Feng Lanhuai said.

A pair of beautiful eyes flowed smoothly. "Although he became the master of the ancient stars, he still has the ancient stars. If he wants to make the ancient stars, he still needs our If he sits on the master of the ancient stars, then he will not be willing to nest in the ancient stars. , after all, the starry sky outside is wider."

"I don't know if the ancient emperor will agree to our proposal this time."

Wang Teng glanced at Feng Lanhuai.

"I think he'll agree to our offer."

"After all, Princess Qingling of our Nether Phoenix Clan just wants to be his concubine."

"As long as he takes Princess Qingling of my clan as his concubine, he will be a member of my Nether Phoenix clan. Not only can he obtain Qingling, but he can also walk out of the ancient star region. He has no reason to refuse."

Feng Lanhuai looked at the woman beside her and said confidently.

"Then let's go meet Gu Xing's new ancient emperor!"

Wang Teng and Feng Lanhuai walked towards Su Hao's palace.

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