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Chapter 1855: All Saints, Son of Tianshan, Guardian of the Northern Territory of the Wasteland

Latest website: The golden figure gradually condensed and turned into a middle-aged man.

He raised his hand, slapped it out, and his palm penetrated the void and appeared in front of the man who had attacked him earlier.

"Sir, save me!"

Seeing this slap in the palm of his hand, the face of the person who shot it changed greatly, and he cried out for help.

But no one showed up.

Bang! The man who shot was directly smashed by this palm and turned into a cloud of blood.

As for the twelve previously controlled people, the man sighed and slapped it with a palm.

Huge golden energy with unparalleled power shrouded the body of the twelve people overwhelmingly.


When his palm was about to cover twelve figures.

The black-robed man in the dark let out a low cry, and the twelve figures exploded directly, and the huge force turned into a torrent, which shook the giant hand away.

However, it did not have much impact on the golden figure.

He looked at one place.

"True Monarch Soul Reaper, since you're here, show up!"

The golden figure said.

"Jiang Kunlun, I didn't expect you to be an ancient star. I really didn't expect it. I really want to know who you really are?"

After Jiang Kunlun spoke.

The void changed, and the hidden man in black robe stepped out and looked at Jiang Kunlun.

"I am Jiang Kunlun!"

Jiang Kunlun said in a deep voice.

"No matter who you are, your strength is definitely a big man in the ancient star organization in the Northern Territory."

The black-robed true monarch, the cold light flashed in his eyes.

When he spoke, countless black lights emerged from his body.

These black lights, like ink, swept through, and even the space became dark, and the whole person was like a demon crawling out of the abyss.

Seeing the changes of the True Monarch, Jiang Kunlun frowned.

The True Monarch of Soul Reaper that appeared here is a bit tricky.

What's more, his identity as a person from the ancient star was exposed. If the war continued for a long time, he would probably be besieged.


While Jiang Kunlun was contemplating, the True Monarch took action.

He will not let Jiang Kunlun have the opportunity to leave.

The monstrous black light gathered in his hand, and finally formed a huge long knife, which was directly cut out.

The long knife smashed the space and appeared on top of Jiang Kunlun's head.

Looking at the slashing knife, the golden rays of light surged in Jiang Kunlun's palm, and he punched out.


The two forces collided, eroded each other, and finally disappeared slowly.

"Attack the Kunlun Temple with all your strength. Those who can be captured alive cannot be killed."

The black-robed True Monarch who took the soul, shouted in a low voice after fighting.

The master of the Kunlun Temple, Jiang Kunlun, is a person of ancient stars, so there must be people of ancient stars in the Kunlun Temple.

As long as one person is found, it may be possible to follow the vine.

What's more, it can disturb Jiang Kunlun's mentality.

Hearing such words, Jiang Kunlun's complexion suddenly changed dramatically.

Many people in the Kunlun Temple do not discriminate against ancient stars, and some are ancient stars.

No matter what, he wants to give these people a chance to escape.

the next moment.

His figure suddenly retreated.

The moment he stepped back, a golden mountain appeared in his hand.

When the golden mountain appeared, the black-robed man was stunned.

An uneasy state of mind rose in his heart.

But Jiang Kunlun already grabbed the golden mountain with his palm, and then bombarded the black-robed man.


Terrifying power erupted in his mountains.

The whole space seems to have a huge gravity appearing.

This is an unusual treasure.

Perceiving this gravity, the black-robed man's eyes changed.

That Jiang Kunlun held the strength that erupted from this mountain to reach the Dao Realm.

"This Jiang Kunlun's origin is definitely not simple!"

At this time, he directly crushed a rune in his hand.

A hole appeared behind him, and the figure was directly integrated into the black hole.

But when he merged into the black hole.

That Jiang Kunlun's palm suddenly changed direction, and bombarded the person who was attacking the Kunlun Temple.


Seeing this scene, the faces of those who took action changed drastically, and some people fled for their lives.

But gravity suppresses them, so they have no chance to escape at all.

It was hit by the mountains and turned into a cloud of blood.

"Escape! Run for your own life!"

That Jiang Kunlun let out a low voice.

The sound spread all over the place.

Inside the Kunlun Temple, those elders turned into beams of light and went into the distance.

"They're gone, you can't go."

At this time, the black-robed man who had previously merged into the black hole appeared again.

Only when he shows up.

After he appeared, he grabbed his palm exquisitely, and a huge black palm of several hundred meters appeared on Jiang Kunlun's back.

A palm shot out.

That Jiang Kunlun sensed this situation and hit the mountain with his backhand.


The palm was directly smashed.

Then he headed towards the True Monarch of Soul Recapture.

"Kill you, who dares to stop me!"

Jiang Kunlun let out a low voice, raised his hand again, his palm joined with the golden mountain, and slammed into the black-robed man fiercely.

The whole body also burst into a monstrous light.

"Wan Beginning to Capture the Soul!"

The black-robed man saw this, his eyes were sharp, and his hand was sealed.

A series of runes appeared in his hands. These runes appeared, and the souls of the robbery realm powerhouses who had been killed by Jiang Kunlun suddenly appeared from the blood mist and gathered towards him.

The souls of dozens of robbery powerhouses all gathered around him, and the whole body swept the heavens and the earth, as if ten thousand demons appeared in the world.

With a punch, it attacked the mountain that hit it.

With the help of the soul power of so many powerful people in the robbery realm, the combat power of this black robe has also reached the Tao realm.


A war broke out in the void.

The devastating impact continuously slammed into the void, shattering the void.

"If this continues, Jiang Kunlun will not be able to leave."

Looking at this situation, some people started talking.

"Yeah, this Jiang Kunlun is strong, but once the Void Royal Family supports him, he can't win."

"Not only the people of the Void Royal Family may come, it is possible that the people of the Wasteland God Dynasty will also arrive,"

"This Jiang Kunlun has built the Kunlun Temple for tens of thousands of years, plus this strength, he must be a big man in the Northern Territory or the ancient star in the wasteland!"

"The people of the Wasteland God Dynasty stationed in the Northern Territory will definitely take action!" "It is rumored that the powerhouses of the Wasteland God Dynasty stationed in the Four Territories are Taoist powerhouses."

One person spoke.

when they speak. Void changes.

A fiery red figure walked out of the void.

The person who appeared had red hair, like a burning flame, and there was a magma-like breath flowing on his The whole person was like an erupting volcano.

Exudes an extreme violent and fiery aura fluctuations,

Gives a very dangerous feeling.

He looked at Jiang Kunlun.

A light flashed in his eyes.

"Ancient star power, Nan Zhengtian, one of the twelve holy children of the All Saints Tianshan, you turned into Jiang Kunlun and lived in seclusion in this Kunlun temple for tens of thousands of years."

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect to catch a big fish. It is rumored that you are the world of the extreme sky, the ancient palace of the five ancient star forces, and the five deputy palace masters. If you catch you, I should be able to find out the whereabouts of the ancient palace."

People laugh.

Seeing the person who appeared, Jiang Kunlun's pupils shrank earlier.

The visitor is the Wasteland God Dynasty, the guardian of the Northern Territory in the Four Domains, Huang Yan, a strong man who has stepped into the Taoist realm.

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