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Chapter 1861: The first coffin in the world, the supreme coffin of the universe

Latest website: Su Hao directly summoned these three people.

The chaotic three coffins fit perfectly, look like a lake, and can't see his face clearly.

After being summoned, they quickly separated and divided into the first coffin in the world. The coffin of the ghost king, and the three people in the coffin of the cosmic supreme.

Together with Emperor Wu and the Seventh Pluto, Su Hao suddenly has five more powerful people.

"I have seen the Lord."

The five people saluted Su Hao.

"There may be a curse robbery in the future, you can take action to absorb that lightning power!"

Su Hao said.

"Lord, can you give me that headless body, and I will put him in my coffin."

The voice of the number one coffin in the world rang in Su Hao's ears.

He looked at the headless body that fell to the ground and sprayed blood and flames with fiery eyes.

Huang Yan's head was in the hands of the Abandoning Heaven Emperor at this time.

People are not dead yet.

But for the corpses of the strong, the number one coffin in the world likes to collect them.

In Thunderbolt, he likes to collect the corpses of the number one person in the world, but when he got here, he sensed the aura of several people in the void.

He felt like he had to improve his strength.

If Desolate Yan's body could be collected in his coffin, it would definitely increase his strength.

Look at this situation.

Su Hao informed the five of the situation.

After getting Su Hao's information.

The ghost king coffin's eyes flickered: "My lord, can I leave a person from the Wasteland God Dynasty? I want to contact him,"

"See if you can enter the Wasteland God Dynasty."

Ghost King Coffin said.

Now that the Lord has no foundation here, it is the opportunity for him to develop his grand plans.

If you help the Lord to get the information of the Wasteland God Dynasty.

Then it can definitely be reused by the Lord.


Hearing Ghost King Coffin's words, Su Hao's heart moved slightly.

In his hand, he just obtained a pass for the Wasteland God Dynasty, and handed it directly to the ghost king coffin

"I will tell you to go down and let one person go. You can act on your own when the time comes."

Su Hao said.

"Thank you Lord!"

Then Su Hao looked at the cosmic coffin.

After hearing Su Hao's message, the cosmic supreme coffin was in deep thought and never said a word.

"Can't you absorb this robbery cloud?"

Su Hao said.

"It's not the Lord, I can absorb this robbery cloud. I'm thinking about how to use this robbery cloud. With my special ability, I should be able to infiltrate the ancient star forces in this extreme sky world."

"Judging from the situation of Jiang Kunlun, there must be many people in the ancient star forces in the extreme sky world who are still under the curse of calamity."

"If I help them absorb this robbery cloud in the dark, they may dare to fight. At that time, they may be able to disrupt this extreme world. As long as this world is in chaos, Lord, don't move Pluto City. After that, it should be able to develop steadily.”

Cosmic Supreme Coffin said.

"This is a bit difficult. I can't hide the people from the ancient star forces in the extreme sky world."

"It's a little hard to gain their trust."

Su Hao said.

There are ancient star forces in the extreme sky world, but from the perspective of Jiang Kunlun's side.

It's hard to reach them.

But it's really a way.

His eyes could not help looking at Goddess Yuehua and Jiang Kunlun, maybe a gap could be opened from these two.

Just how to get in touch.

Some brains are needed.

As for Emperor Wu and the Seventh Pluto, they didn't speak, their strength was in the third realm of robbery.

They hoped to follow Su Hao temporarily.

When improving his strength, he helped Su Hao fight.

Then several people looked into the void again.

Grabbing the head, Abandoned Heaven Emperor watched four people appear, and slowly raised his palm.

"Are you here to save him?" "What a pity, you don't have that ability!"

when speaking. Demonic energy surged in the palm of his hand.


That Desolate Flame's head exploded directly.

at the moment of the explosion.

It was the first coffin that was next to Su Hao. The figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared on the corpse of the desolate flame.

Then the coffin appeared.

Directly put the corpse of Huang Yan into it.

This action is quick.

Many people paid attention to Abandoning Heaven Emperor's actions, but no one cared about Huang Yan's corpse.

In this way, he was put into his coffin by the number one coffin in the world.

"Emperor Abandoned Heaven, you are so arrogant, you dare to kill my emissary of the Wasteland God Dynasty."

One of them looked at me and said loudly.

This man was burly, holding a stick that radiated golden light in his hand, and looked at the Abandoned Heaven Emperor with horror and anger.

Beside him was an old man wearing a black robe, the old man was thin and his eyes were hazy.

His eyes were like those of a viper.

The other person is carrying a long sword, and the sword is full of people, tearing the sky.

As for the Void Protoss Xu Muye's eyes are calm, there is no breath on his body, but it is self-contained.

Abandoned Heaven Emperor didn't look at the three, but looked at the Void God Race Xu Muye.

"Those three have average strength, your strength is good, who are you?"

Abandoned God said.

The weak he didn't even want to ask.

Hearing the words of Emperor Abandoning Heaven, the three of them showed angry expressions in their eyes.

They did not expect that they would be despised by the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor.

"Emperor Abandoned Heaven actually ignores the guardian mansion of the Wasteland God Dynasty!"

Seeing this scene, some people whispered.

"This Abandoning Heaven Emperor is very powerful. The strength of these people is estimated to be similar to Huang Yan. It may be worse than Huang Yan. Abandoning Heaven Emperor is useless to kill Huang Yan. It is normal to look down on these people."

some said.

"Do you want to die? Then I'll kill you first."

Abandoned Heavenly Emperor looked at the three of them.

But although the three were angry, they looked at Xu Muye with their eyes.

They perceive the strength of Abandoned Heaven Emperor and know that they are not necessarily opponents.

"Xu Muye, this is the territory of your Void Protoss. If you don't move the area where Pluto City appears, you should be the one to kill the Emperor Abandoned Heaven."

"We can cast a curse to suppress the Abandoned Heaven Emperor!"

At this time, the black-robed old man said.

"it is good!"

Xu Muye didn't say anything, just nodded.

He also needs to give an account to the Wasteland God Dynasty for the death of Huang Yan.

And Abandoned Heaven Emperor is still a strong Taoist stronghold in that stronghold.

Killing the Emperor Abandoned Heaven would be a huge blow to Fudo Pluto City.

"Abandoned Heaven Emperor, if you want to fight with me, then I will fulfill you."

Xu Muye stepped forward.

A terrifying force erupted from him wantonly in the sky.

A vortex formed in the sky, more powerful than the aura of the wild flames.


The violent force savagely bombarded the abandoned emperor.

Charge each other in the most primitive and brutal way.

This level of offensive, powerful, but its own power consumption is huge.

The Void God Race Xu Muye wanted to consume the power of the Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

Seeing this, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven did not give in at The demonic energy all over his body was violent, and he also attacked brutally.

The collision between the two seemed to be endless.

At this time, the wasteland **** looked at each other and the three of them looked at each other, their palms were imprinted, and the robbery clouds changed in the void. regenerated,

The power of the robbery cloud that appeared was actually stronger than the previous generation of the desolate flames.

Dark clouds shrouded the heavens and the earth, and the power of thunder appeared again.

far away.

Look at the thunder that appears in the sky.

The cosmic coffin beside Su Hao disappeared.

Then, under the robbery cloud, a huge coffin appeared.

The coffin opened, like a lightning rod, and the shrouded robbery cloud, as if being pulled, gathered in the direction of the coffin.

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