Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1867: Dong Huang Tai 1, Curse Fusion, Elimination

Inside the flying boat.

At this time, Su Hao felt that his previous judgment was somewhat wrong.

Because after entering the flying boat.

The dominant position is not the middle-aged man.

It was the woman whose eyes were as calm as water from before.

This woman's name is Zhou Yan, and she is a direct descendant of the Zhou family of the Yingzhou aristocratic family.

The Yingzhou area is about the same size as the wasteland, but its strength is stronger than that of the wasteland.

Zhou Yan came to the wasteland this time for the treasure in her arms.

It was a water-attribute treasure called the Heart of the Ocean.

It has been integrated into Zhou Yan's body.

But it hasn't fully integrated yet, so Su Hao was able to perceive it earlier.

This is also the reason why they were hunted down by the guards of the Void Protoss Imperial Court.

Of course it makes sense.

A guard leader of the Void Protoss is not a threat to them.

Mainly because.

When they obtained the heart of the ocean, they were injured.

And his own treasures were also used at that time, so he seemed a little passive.

Zhou Yan looked at Su Hao, her mind moved slightly.

She told the other party the information about her treasure and her identity, in fact, she wanted to see the other party's reaction.

But the other side looked very calm.

The mind is also very calm.

Not only is she not greedy for the heart of the ocean she has acquired, but she doesn't even seem to be too interested in her own identity.

"I don't know where Su Gongzi is planning to go?"

Zhou Yan calmed down and said.

"I originally wanted to go to the Void Protoss Imperial City to see the five-party talks, but I didn't expect the Void Protoss to cancel the talks here.

However, I also want to see the prosperity of the Void Protoss Imperial City. "

Su Hao said.

"Going to the Void Protoss Imperial City, Young Master Su killed their guard commander just now, I am afraid to go to the Imperial City..."

The middle-aged man beside Zhou Yan said.

"It doesn't matter. Just take a look. Besides, everyone has been killed, and no one will know that it was me."

Su Hao said indifferently.

Now the Void God Race is probably very nervous inside.

How can I have the mood to manage these little things.

"What happened to the Void God Race?"

When Zhou Yan heard the words, she asked with some doubts.

She came to the wasteland and went straight to the place where the treasure was. When she got the treasure, a war broke out. Then he escaped to the Void God Race.

Before he could stop, he was met by Sima Xiao and the others.

So they don't know what's going on here.

"The ancient star forces did not move the city of Pluto, and opened up a stronghold in the territory of the Void God Race."

"A major event just happened, that is, Jiang Kunlun, the master of the Kunlun Temple within the jurisdiction of the Void Protoss. He is one of the holy children of the ancient star All Saints Tianshan."

"When Huang Yan, the guardian of the Northern Territory, took action to kill this Jiang Kunlun, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven who did not move to Hades City appeared."

"He not only killed Huang Yan, but also killed Xu Muye of the Void God Race and two worshipers of the guard house of the Wasteland God Dynasty."

Su Hao said.

When finished speaking.

Su Hao observed the other party's mentality.

She wanted to see Zhou Yan's attitude towards people from ancient stars.

Hearing Su Hao's words, Zhou Yan and the middle-aged man beside him showed horror.

The news that Su Hao gave was shocking.

Regardless of the identity of Jiang Kunlun, the master of the Kunlun Temple.

It is still the news that the Emperor Abandoned Heaven who did not move the city of Hades killed Xu Muye, and that the God of the Wasteland was guarding the Northern Territory and others.

It's hard to believe.

"I didn't expect Gu Xing's power to be so strong. It seems that there is another turmoil in the wasteland. I hope it will not affect our Yingzhou."

Zhou Yan said with a sigh.

"It shouldn't affect it. After we took over Yingzhou from Yingzhou to Zhou Emperor, we did not encircle and suppress the ancient star forces."

"It is rumored that Emperor Zhou still has some origins with the ancient stars, the Cihai Destruction Realm."

The middle-aged man beside him said.

"Yingzhou Emperor Zhou!"

Su Hao groaned to himself in his heart.

"We don't care about these things, we better not touch them."

When Su Hao was singing to himself, the middle-aged man said.

Dealing with the ancient star forces is something that some ancient forces have been doing.

Those ancient forces are extremely powerful.

It is not something that can be discussed at will.

Afterwards, there was a simple exchange. Then Zhou Yan had recovered from her injuries, so she said goodbye to Su Hao.

"Master Su, this is my identity plate. If Master Su goes to Yingzhou and Chaoshan, you can come to my mansion as a guest."

A jade card appeared in Zhou Yan's hand and handed it to Su Hao.

"Thank you Miss Zhou, we regret it for a while."

Su Hao said.

Then they flew on the boat.

Only Zhou Yan and the middle-aged man were left in the open space.

"Uncle Fifth, who do you think this Young Master Su is?"

Zhou Yan said.

"I don't know, but the aura of the two people beside him unintentionally made me feel powerless. They are very strong."

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"This person's identity is not simple. I just mentioned the heart of the ocean, and my Zhou family. There is no turbulence in the other party's heart."

"And that look, tell me that the other party not only didn't see the heart of the ocean, but also didn't like my Zhou family."

Zhou Yan said.

She obtained the Heart of the Ocean, which is one of the treasures of the water attribute.

Has a strong perception of mental changes.

But she didn't sense any aura fluctuations on the other side.

It's not the kind that is deliberately suppressed, it's a natural expression of the whole person.

"Miss, this person is not simple, it's better for us to have less contact?"

The middle-aged man beside him said.

"I have a feeling in my heart that there is no harm in getting in touch with her. Fifth Uncle, we have already got the things, so let's go back to the family first."

Zhou Yan said.

After the two finished speaking, they left quickly.

On the flying boat that continues to travel.

"My lord, the heart of the ocean on the other side is not simple."

"Subordinates can perceive that there is a space inside, and within the space, there is a huge sleeping blue dolphin."

Behind Su Hao, Emperor Wu spoke.

"It's not a simple treasure. This time, it should be a good relationship."

"Now that the Void Protoss five-party talks have been delayed, some forces should be returning."

"Look for the two of you. Those of these forces have encircled and suppressed the people from the ancient star forces. Find a way to control some of these forces."

"The Void Protoss is just delayed, not cancelled. It should be waiting for the foreign aid of the Wasteland God Dynasty."

"At that time, this meeting will still be opened, and then it will increase the difficulty for the other party."

"Act, you arrange it yourself."

Su Hao said to Emperor Wu and the Seventh Pluto The two just appeared in this world, and being by his side would limit their performance.

So Su Hao let them do their own thing.

"Thank you, Lord!"

The two had excited expressions on their faces.

When Ghost King Coffin and the others left, they also wanted to go out.

But they wanted to protect Su Hao for the time being, so they didn't bring it up. I didn't expect the Lord to see their thoughts.

The two then left.

Su Hao on the flying boat is preparing to dive in.

After all, he also needs to practice.

When he was preparing to practice.

The sound of the system sounded in his ears.

[The host's subordinate Dong Huang Taiyi integrated the curse in his body into his understanding of the law of yin and yang, eliminated his own curse, and awarded a 16-level crystal item lottery card. 】

Hearing this voice, Su Hao's eyes froze.

Unexpectedly, Donghuang Taiyi actually eliminated the curse.

She couldn't help looking at the lottery card in her inventory.

5 Crystal Draw Cards for Level 16 Items, and 1 Crystal Draw Card for Level 15 Items.

Su Hao was ready to take them all out.

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