Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1871: Qi Coffin Gate, Xu Mufeng


Just after the first coffin in the world killed the eldest prince, a huge handprint appeared above the palace.

One palm shattered the defenses arranged by the number one coffin in the world.

"Who killed people in my Void Protoss palace?"

The voice was rough and furious.

With the appearance of the voice, Xu Mufeng's figure appeared above the first prince's hall.

He stared at the coffin suspended in the Palace of the First Prince.

"It's really shameful that the Taoist realm powerhouses of the unmoving Hades City came to kill me, a junior of the Void God."

Xu Mufeng said coldly.

"Xu Mufeng, this old man is the number one coffin in the world, from Qi Coffin Gate, you Void Protoss has offended people who shouldn't be offended!"

"It is destined to be destroyed. Your body is very suitable for my collection. I believe that your body will lie in my coffin before long."

A gloomy voice sounded inside the palace.

The number one coffin in the world did not answer the other party's words, but said that he came from the strange coffin gate.

Hearing the words of the number one coffin in the world, Xu Mufeng's eyes sank.

The breath all over the body soared.

Regardless of whether the other party does not move the Pluto City or what kind of strange coffin gate, the other party must be left behind today.

He stepped out abruptly.

Immediately, endless power surged behind him.

These forces gathered in the big hand and swept away towards the first coffin in the world.

"This is?"

At this time, many people felt the situation on the Void Royal Family's side.

They all looked towards the palace.

Especially the people in the palace, they were all awakened.

Inside the Palace of Princess Qingling.

She and Xue Ruolan leaped over the palace, watching the scene not far away.

"Is that the first prince's palace?"

Xue Ruolan said to Princess Qingling.

A purple light flashed in Princess Qingling's eyes, and then the light seemed to be able to penetrate the void.

You can clearly see the situation in the First Prince's Palace at this time.

The suspended pitch-black coffin, and a bloodless corpse lying on the ground.

The First Prince is dead.

She wanted to feel the pitch-black coffin, but then her eyes stinged, her body swayed, and she spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Lord, are you alright!"

Beside her, Xue Ruolan quickly supported Princess Qingling.

"It's a strong Taoist."

Princess Qingling said.

"And there is no aura of curse or robbery on the Dao Realm powerhouse. Is it the power of the City of Untouchable Pluto in the Extreme Heaven World?"

Princess Qingling secretly said in her heart.

His eyes continued to look over there.

Xu Mufeng's shot should not end so easily.

Not only him, many people looked at that palm.

Just then.

On the ground of the palace, a huge blood-colored hand appeared.


The vast blood energy roared out like a wave of ten thousand feet, and the terrible blood energy was as thick as magma, invading the surrounding void into a black hole.


The two forces collided, but unexpectedly, there was no shocking sound.

Because when they collided, the two forces were eroding each other.

Void traces appeared in the void around the two forces.

Out of the void, the countercurrent of the void roared down like a meteor.

see this situation.

The expression on Xu Mufeng changed.

Take back the palm.

If it is not taken back, the Void Protoss Palace below will be destroyed by this force.

When he took back his palm.

The first coffin in the world, which was originally in the palace, rose into the sky in an instant and rushed into the void.

"Xu Mufeng, your body will be put into the coffin by me sooner or later."

A gloomy voice echoed over the Void Protoss Palace.

Xu Mufeng looked at the disappearing coffin with a gloomy expression.

"If you want to come, you can leave if you want. Do you really think I'm just a decoration?"

That Xu Mufeng snorted coldly, his hands changed, and a gray light appeared in the originally pitch-black void.

After this light appeared, a huge handprint was formed.

Void Mahamudra.

The handprint appeared, and a palm slapped towards the place where the first coffin in the world disappeared.


Although I don't know if it hit or not, there was a rumbling sound in the void.

Then a wave of terrifying power burst out in the depths of the void, shaking the entire palace a few times.

"Strange coffin gate, not moving Hades City, are you related?"

Xu Mufeng looked at the bursting void and frowned slightly.

His eyes looked at the palace of the eldest prince.

With a sigh, the figure disappeared.

The two who watched Princess Qingling and Xue Ruolan returned to the palace.

Enter the palace.

Princess Qingling's hands were sealed, and there were runes around them to prevent their conversations from being heard by others.

"Are you saying that this is a move from Fudo Pluto City?"

Princess Qingling asked with some doubts.

"It should be, but that person doesn't have the aura of curse robbery? He also said that he came from a strange coffin door."

"It just feels a little creepy."

Xue Ruolan said.

"There is no curse robbery. However, if you can cultivate to the realm of Dao, there are always some people who can eliminate the curse robbery, but I have never heard of this strange coffin door."

Princess Qingling frowned.

There is no curse robbery breath, she didn't care too much.

Although the curse robbery is very strange, some strong people can still eliminate this curse robbery at some cost.

She was a little curious about the strange coffin door.

The first coffin under the sky did not say that he was a person who did not move the city of Hades, but only said that he was a person from the strange coffin gate.

What is the connection between this?

"Lord, do you think this strange coffin gate will not be the power that does not move Hades City in the world of extreme heaven?"

Xue Ruolan said.

"There is time to investigate this strange coffin door. The coffin that appeared this time is different from the coffin that absorbed the cursed tribulation in the last battle of Abandoning Heaven Emperor. The breath and texture are different."

Princess Qingling said.

She peeped at the coffin just now.

So she found something different.

"My lord, now the eldest prince is beheaded by the number one coffin in the world at Qi Coffin Gate. Do you think the ancestor will investigate us?"

Xue Ruolan said.

She had previously thought that the people of Fudo Hades City would resort to assassination to kill the eldest prince.

Who knows that people directly send a Taoist powerhouse.

"Just wait and see. I don't think the people of Pluto will come to see us soon."

"I'd love to see who's going to see me."

Princess Qingling said.

The East Emperor Taiyi said that as long as the eldest prince dies, someone will come to meet him.

at this time

another place

Inside the inn, Su Hao disappeared and came to Fudo Hades City.

The number one coffin in the world and the blood-devouring vine appeared in front of Su Hao.

At this time, the first coffin in the world was surging, and it looked like he was injured.

"Lord, this Xu Mufeng's strength is very strong. I abandoned a corpse that I just obtained before walking away."

The first coffin in the world said.

When he escaped into the void, Xu Mufeng slapped it with a palm, with unparalleled power. He directly used the Tao collected in the previous coffin to self-destruct the body of the strong man before blocking it.

But they also suffered some Of course, if the three coffins of chaos were put together, Xu Mufeng couldn't hurt them.

"His strength is stronger than Xu Muye? How much stronger?"

Su Hao asked.

"It is estimated that I can fight against Lord Abandoned Heaven."

The first coffin opened his mouth that day.

"Fight against the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor."

Su Hao's heart moved slightly.

He believed in the saying of the first coffin in the world.

"Lord, after killing this Xu Mufeng, can you leave his body to me?"

The number one coffin in the world said here, a fiery light appeared in his eyes.

As long as Xu Mufeng is buried in his coffin, his strength will definitely increase a lot.

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