Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1902: Discovery of the first coffin in the world

"I have seen the Lord!"

That old man saw Xu Mufeng. Bow down immediately.

Unexpectedly, the old Taoist of Taixuan Crystal Palace actually called Xu Mufeng the master.

It can be seen that this old man has taken refuge in Xu Mufeng.

"It seems that your young palace master is still guarding you!"

"I didn't tell you the details of that Su Muhai!"

"Then Su Muhai's origin is somewhat mysterious, not necessarily from the Undead Clan, but we still need to find out clearly. I want to know the real purpose of his coming to the Northern Territory!"

Xu Mufeng said.

"Don't worry, Lord, when Xu Qingling becomes an emperor, he should keep me by his side, and then he should be able to find out the details of Su Muhai."

"It's just Lord, the Void Underworld God Statue has been merged by you and turned into a new body. If you investigate tomorrow, what will you do?"

The old man opened his mouth.

"It doesn't matter, I will condense a fake Void God statue and place it in the secret space where I practiced earlier."

"You can guide him when the time comes."

"When she enters, then I will integrate him into my Void Underworld God statue and control her, maybe I can attack the jellyfish and control her!"

A gloomy smile appeared on Xu Mufeng's face.

From their conversation, it can be known that Xu Mufeng has long known the identity of Xu Qingling.

Moreover, his purpose was actually to deal with the jellyfish, the master of the Tianxuan Crystal Palace.

"My fusion with the Void Underworld God statue is not complete, and I need to continue to retreat. If anything else happens, you will notify me."

After Xu Mufeng finished speaking, he turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

The old man left the room.

the next day.

The Void Protoss Emperor was selected, and without any accident, Xu Qingling became the new Void Protoss Emperor.

Xu Qingling's face was very calm when he became the emperor of the Void God Race.

After Jiang Muchen and the others died, Xu Siwei disappeared.

The people of the Void Protoss Imperial Court have no longer dared to compete with Xu Qingling for the throne of the emperor.

After a celebration.

Xu Qingling moved into the palace of the Void Emperor.

Inside the hall.

Su Hao looked at Xu Qingling and said, "Congratulations on becoming the Emperor of the Void God Race, I thought there would be trouble today?"

"Jiang Muchen and the others were all killed by you, who would dare to compete with me!"

"Palace Master Su, let me introduce to you, this is a walker, one of my elders, a strong Taoist."

Xu Qingling didn't introduce much.

But speaking of the elders, Su Hao knew that the Taoist should come from Xuantian Crystal Palace.

"I have seen Palace Master Su!"

The Pao Daoist bowed slightly towards Su Hao, and was also looking at Su Hao in his heart.

The dragon and phoenix breath on his body is strong, and his own strength realm seems to have stepped into the second realm of robbery.

The realm is second, mainly exuding a sense of majesty and oppression, which is a kind of coercion that only those who command the strong can have.

The walkers were very surprised at Su Hao.

"Emperor, I want to make arrangements for the Void Protoss, can you ask Palace Master Su to leave for a while!"

Then the walker spoke up.

He wants to cast a secret technique to find out the location of the Void God Statue.

This matter cannot be seen by Su Hao, that's why he said so.

"Walking man, he wants to help me use the secret method to find the Void God Statue!"

At this time, Xu Qingling's figure sounded in Su Hao's ear.

"Then I'll say goodbye first!"

This step Taoist does not know his identity, and he does not intend to let others know.

After Su Hao left.

The Taoist had a whisk and a gossip plate in his hand.

With the palm of his hand, one after another rune merged into the gossip plate.

gossip plate suspension,

Then the dust whisk in the hands of the footpath man was shining brightly, and it was placed on the gossip plate, and the aura on the gossip plate changed.

After a while, a space appeared in the disk.

A statue is enshrined in the space.

"This is Xu Mufeng's retreat and cultivation place!"

Looking at that space, Xu Qingling's eyes narrowed slightly.

"How come it's there, I've entered that space before, but it's not there!"

Looking at the statue, Xu Qingling frowned slightly.

And here.

Because of the appearance of the Void Underworld God statue, gloomy auras gushed out from the gossip plate, and a gloomy chill appeared in the entire hall in an instant.

"I know where it is, no more probing!"

Xu Qingling said.

outside the temple.

Su Hao, who had just left, sensed the gloomy aura in the hall and asked in a deep voice, "Where does that gloomy aura come from?"

Although cooperate with Xu Qingling.

But Su Hao didn't trust each other 100%.

"A statue, it should be what they said about the Void God statue!"

The voice of the blood-devouring vine came from Su Hao's ear.

"That breath is very terrifying, it should not be a simple statue, and on that statue, I perceive a person's breath."

At this time, the number one coffin in the world suddenly said.

"A person's breath?"

Su Hao was startled.

"Xu Mufeng's breath!"

The first coffin in the world said.

Xu Mufeng was killed by Dong Huangtai, but his body was put into the coffin by the first coffin in the world.

Therefore, he has a strong perception of Xu Mufeng's breath.

"You said that Xu Mufeng didn't die!"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

"That aura is a little different, maybe it's Xu Mufeng's regenerated body!"

The first coffin in the world said.

"If that Xu Mufeng is not dead, then it should be around the Void Imperial Court. See if you can find it."

Su Hao said to the number one coffin in the world.

The first coffin in the world, with the corpse of Xu Mufeng in his hand.

It should be able to find the trace of Xu Mufeng.

When Su Hao spoke, he also came to the palace where he lived.


in the palace.

Die Lanyan and Qiu Cai'er in a black dress are in the palace.

I saw Su Hao appear.

That Die Lanyan stepped forward and said, "Palace Master Su, this is Qiu Cai'er, the daughter of King Jiuying, but one of the most beautiful women in our Wild God Realm."

"The Wasteland God Dynasty Prince Huang Wuwei has been pursuing the object."

Hearing Die Lanyan's words, Su Hao couldn't help but look at Qiu Cai'er.

Wearing a black dress, the skin is as white as blood, the face is delicate, and the figure is even more graceful. One glance makes people unable to move their eyes.

Especially the pair of clear eyes, it feels like a blue lake.

"Are you trying to introduce me to someone?"

"I don't want to compete with other people!"

Su Hao looked away and said, "Why did you guys come to find me this time?"

"Huang Wuwei sent a message that the day after tomorrow, the secret realm of True Monarch Black Water will be opened!"

"We want to cooperate with you and enter the secret realm of True Monarch Blackwater together!"

Butterfly Lanyan said.

"We don't need the inheritance of True Monarch Blackwater, we only need a trace of Taoist thoughts on True Monarch Blackwater!"

Die Lanyan then said.

Dao Realm thoughts, some extremely strong Dao Realm powerhouses will leave Dao Realm thoughts after death.

"That True Monarch Blackwater has been dead for so many years, you are sure that the idea of ​​the realm still exists!"

Su Hao said involuntarily.

"The Wasteland God said over there that True Monarch Blackwater's true body is His true body is intact, and the idea of ​​Taoism must exist."

Die Lanyan said.

"Is that so? If so, you can get some!"

Su Hao nodded.

Contact with these two people may be able to know what the seven princes and kings are conspiring.

Die Lanyan nodded when she saw Su Hao. A happy face.

She didn't expect Su Hao to agree like this.

Could it be that this guy was also bewitched by Qiu Cai'er's beauty.


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