Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1913: Desolate Shenzong plot, the 3 elders of the Desolate Pavilion

Hear the words of Jiuyingwang.

Butterfly Emperor sighed, Hunyuan King and them are also friends for many years.

Unexpectedly, it was inserted.

Somewhat sad.

"I don't know why, this time I always have a bad feeling about what's going to happen?"

"What's the plan on the emperor's side?"

The Butterfly Emperor then asked.

"The emperor will come in person, but the emperor told us not to do anything."

"However, looking at the real-life posture of Tianlu, I won't give us such a chance."

Jiuying Wang said in a deep voice.

"You and I are not weak either. Together, we can protect ourselves. What do you think of the Black Water Zhenjun Dongfu?"

Butterfly Emperor was a little concerned about Die Lanyan, so he asked.

"There is news from the third emperor that the eighth emperor was killed by Xu Mufeng. The person behind Xu Mufeng is the real person?"

"Blackwater Zhenjun Dongfu may be a game, but it's unclear what game it is."

Jiuying Wang said.

"Xu Mufeng isn't dead, he is still the real person behind him."

The Butterfly Emperor's face became solemn.

Heishui Zhenjun Dongfu has been discovered for countless years. At that time, Xu Mufeng presented it to the Shang Emperor.

If Xu Mufeng is a real person, then it can be seen that this bureau has been arranged for many years.

"Then His Royal Highness, do you still want to open the Black Water True Monarch Mansion?"

The Butterfly Emperor said in a deep voice.

"Continue to open, it is estimated that the emperor wants to see what the other party has arranged."

"When you and I arrive, Lanyan and Cai'er will pay more attention to the situation over there."

Nine babies king.

"The prince likes your daughter, but it seems that your daughter doesn't like the prince too much. Sometimes, many things cannot be forced. You should not match them too much."

Butterfly Emperor glanced at Jiuying Wang Dao.

"I just gave him a chance. As for whether he can win Cai'er's heart or not, that is a matter of inaction, and it has nothing to do with me."

"I'll go first, to see the third emperor."

After Jiuyingwang finished speaking, he turned into an afterimage and disappeared again.

the other side.

King Hunyuan, who returned to his own courtyard, sat there, his eyes twinkling.

Unlike all previous performances.

"Am I feeling wrong?"

King Hunyuan said.

when he speaks.

A phantom appeared in front of him, and King Hunyuan immediately stepped forward and bowed and said, "See your lord!"

"King Jiuying and King Butterfly, are they doing anything?"

"If there is any movement, take the opportunity to deal with them tonight."

The figure is the real person.

He wanted to get rid of the characters arranged by the Shang Emperor among the Seven Kings while he was taking action on Fufu Pluto City.

"They haven't done much, but looking at their appearance, it is estimated that they want to protect themselves."

King Hunyuan replied.

"Protect yourself, this time they don't have the opportunity, continue to monitor them, and once there is a move, directly take action to solve the Nine Infants King."

After speaking, the phantom of the real killer disappeared.

at this time.

Another place.

The disappearing Nine Infants King appeared behind a man in a yellow robe.

The man in yellow robe stood with his hands behind his back, standing there like an ordinary person.

Sensing that someone appeared behind him, the man in yellow robe turned around, his eyes were red, and he looked like a burning flame.

It caused ripples in the surrounding space.

This person is the third emperor of the Wasteland God Dynasty.

"Third brother, your strength has grown a lot."

King Jiuying looked at the person in front of him and said.

"Fourth brother, you are humble in front of me!"

The three emperors looked at Jiuying Wang Dao.

From his mouth, he called Jiuying Wang as the fourth brother.

That is to say, Jiuying Wang is the fourth emperor who rarely shows up in the Wasteland God Dynasty.

"Third brother, this time the Wild God Sect has made a big move, and we need to be careful."

Jiuying Wang said in a deep voice.

"Be careful, but don't miss the opportunity to move Pluto City, it's better than we thought."

"If we make good use of this opportunity, our Wasteland God Dynasty can completely rule the Wasteland God Realm."

"As long as the Wild God Territory is unified, the emperor may be able to take this to a higher level."

"How did you check the strange coffin door that appeared?"

The three emperors said.

"There are two people in the strange coffin door temporarily, one is called the first coffin in the world, and the other is called the cosmic supreme coffin. Their weapons are coffins. The first coffin in the world seems to like to collect corpses, I am afraid they are used to increase their strength. "

"Judging from the current situation, they have a lot of connections with Fudo Pluto City, and they may be one of Fudo Pluto's forces in the extreme world."

"It was previously estimated that it has been in a hidden state, and it is difficult to investigate."

Jiuying Wang said.

"It's really scary to move the city of Hades."

"Tomorrow will be able to see their true strength."

The light in his eyes flashed, and it seemed that he was looking forward to fighting tomorrow.

at this time.

Another place.

Tianlu Zhenren was listening to Qin Feishan's report, he had just returned from the place where Xu Mufeng was killed.

"My lord, I have finished investigating over there, there is no trace, it should be fighting in a space somewhere."

Qin Feishan bowed and said.

Hearing Qin Feishan's words, Lu Zhenren's face became solemn that day.

Xu Mufeng was his person, and few people knew about this news.

He had just let Xu Mufeng behead the Eighth Emperor, but now Xu Mufeng was killed, showing a trace of unusualness.

Involuntarily began to ponder.

At this moment, somewhere in the space suddenly twisted, and then an old man in a black robe walked out slowly.

The old man had gray hair, and his eyes looked cloudy, but from time to time, he flashed a bright light that could penetrate the void.

"I have seen Lord Nether."

Qin Feishan, who was standing bowed, saw the person coming, and immediately stepped forward to salute.

This one is the same as the real person Tianlu.

One of the three elders of the Desolate Pavilion in the Desolate God Sect, the Nether old man.

The three elders of the Desolate God Sect, the Real Man of Heaven, the Old Man of the Nether, and the Lie Shenyang.

"Tianlu, it seems that you are in trouble?"

The black-robed old man glanced at Tian Lu and said.

"It's a little troublesome. My dark chess Xu Mufeng was killed. This is a chess piece against Shang Emperor and Tianxuan Crystal Palace."

"When he dies, my loss is a little too big."

Heaven kills the truth.

"Just die, Lie Shenyang has already arrived at Gu Xing."

"As long as we do it from here, he can do it from there. He should be able to take down the ancient emperor Su Hao in one fell swoop."

"Take down the ancient emperor, intimidate the city of Hades, and join hands with us to take down the Shang emperor who came."

The ghostly old man said coldly.

From the meaning of his is someone who wants to use Fudo Pluto City to deal with the Wasteland God Dynasty.

"Is the Shang Emperor sure to come?"

The real Tianlu opened his mouth and said.

"It's certain, when the time comes, he will come with the Shang Emperor with the message from Bai Wuda himself."

The ghostly old man said.

"Bai Wushou is the second emperor, and if he shows up, will the first emperor Araki Chen, who has never been born, show up?"

Tianluzhen asked.

"Should not show up, he is estimated to sit in the Wasteland God Dynasty."

"It's a pity, otherwise, I can take the opportunity to get rid of him this time."

The ghostly old man said with a sigh.

From their conversations, it can be seen that their ambitions are not small.

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