Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1915: Killing the incompetent quest

The world became silent.

"what happened?"

Seeing this situation, some people watched the pillar appear with vigilance.

Su Hao and the others also stopped.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this appearing column.

When they stopped, the void changed, and a **** vortex appeared.

Then a phantom appeared in the vortex, it was the phantom of nothingness.

"Welcome to my Heavenly Slaughter Formation, become the blood food, and help me step into the Dao Realm!"

The appeared Huang Wuwei said.

The low voice echoed in this space, making people feel a dull pressure.


As Huang Wuwei's voice fell, a **** light instantly penetrated the body of a Tianjiao. He let out a scream and fell to the ground.

In an instant, the countless blood-colored energies on the ground decomposed and turned into nothingness, and not even the bones remained.

Upon seeing the others, protective shields burst out from their bodies, defending them.

what! what!

But this defense was still shattered under the blood light, and finally died tragically.

It's just that Su Hao and the others seemed to be taken care of and not attacked.

The swirling inaction in his eyes, his eyes couldn't help narrowing, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Of course, the cold light circulated in his eyes, and the cold light also circulated in the Huang Wuwei's eyes.

Huang Wuwei is the first pride of the Wasteland God Dynasty.

On the other hand, Su Hao killed Zuo Jibai in the identity of Su Muhai, and he has a tendency to become the first person.

"Huang Wuwei, your wasteland gods are plotting against us, even if you die, I will let you take off a layer of skin."

"Battle Body Overlord Fist!"

A low voice came out, and then a figure with golden rays of light rose into the sky.

And punched out.

The fist slammed out, and a force of force burst out from the man's fist.

Attack the past towards Huang Wuwei.

"Desolate God Territory, the young sect master of the Overlord Sect fights martial arts."

Xu Qingling saw the person who shot and said.

Su Hao didn't know much about the genius of the Wild God Realm, so she helped Su Hao to introduce it.

"The Overlord Sect, the first-class sect in the Wild God Realm, this martial arts ranks third on the Tianjiao ranking!"

Su Hao looked at the Zhanwu rushing out and shook his head slightly.

Zhanwu's strength is a little worse than Zuo Jibai's. This Huang Wuwei's strength is vaguely close to the realm of Taoism, and Zhanwu is not an opponent.

When Su Hao was speaking.

Huang Wuwei in the void watched with a sneer at the corner of his mouth when he saw the battle.

Then he slapped it with a palm, and the light in the palm of his hand was dazzling, illuminating the world, and the power was extremely terrifying.

Zhan Wu also sensed the power of this punch, and with a low roar, the qi and blood all over his body began to burn rapidly, and the light above his fist became stronger and thicker.


The two fists slammed together, and a terrifying shock wave raged, and the surrounding space quickly collapsed.

But these energies hit the blood pillars, but failed to shake those pillars.


After the power was over, the impacted warrior body was also hit directly on the ground by the powerful force.


A mouthful of blood sprayed out, and the arm that had just attacked was broken, and the blood flowed.

With a single blow, Zhan Wu was severely damaged, and he was not an inaction opponent at all.


A blood bead pierced through his body and devoured him.

After the war weapon was swallowed.

Huang Wuwei's palm was imprinted, and the huge blood column erected on the ground began to burst out with blood-colored rays of light.

These rays of light are shrouded in the wilderness.

With the shroud of blood, the power of Huang Wuwei began to increase.

"His momentum is growing, and he is going to break through to Dao Realm!"

Sensing this change, Die Lanyan who was beside Su Hao said.

There was horror in his eyes.

The strength of the inaction itself is strong.

If they step into the Dao Realm, they really have no chance to leave alive.

His eyes couldn't help looking at Su Hao.

Su Hao's eyes were calm, as if he didn't care about the change in Huang Wuwei's aura.

He previously had 2 early stage experience cards on his body, he had used 1 card, and there was still 1 card left.

What's more, his current strength has stepped into the second realm of robbery, and his physical body has become stronger.

He wanted to see how far his combat power was from Huang Wuwei who had just stepped into the Dao Realm.

Seeing that Su Hao didn't move, Die Lanyan couldn't help looking at Xu Qingling.

At this time, Xu Qingling looked at Huang Wuwei with solemn eyes.

Unexpectedly, Huang Wuwei actually used the secret realm of Black Water True Monarch to refine the blood energy of Tianjiao and help him step into the Tao realm.

"Could this be the purpose of the Wasteland God Dynasty to start the secret realm of True Monarch Blackwater?"

Xu Qingling thought in his heart.

Perceived Die Lanyan's gaze.

and the direction the corners of the mouth are pointing.

The meaning is very clear, just want to let Su Hao take action.

Xu Qingling, who had seen Su Hao's greatness, shook his head.

Su Hao must have his own plans, he will do it when he should.


Just then.

In that desolate body, a vast force erupted in him like a storm.

The void around him became twisted under this power.


Perceiving this change, Die Lanyan's expression dimmed.

There may have been opportunities to resist before, but now there is absolutely no chance.

The surging energy quickly subsided, Huang Wuwei finished feeling the power in his body, and then his figure flashed and appeared not far in front of Su Hao.

"Let me put a ban on you, and I can spare your life!"

Huang Wuwei looked at Su Hao and said with a cold expression.

Hearing this, Su Hao had a smile on his face, and then a force burst out in his body. In the surrounding space, under the fluctuation of this power, there is a heavy feeling, as if a mountain is pressing down.

Makes it difficult to breathe and move.

The three Xu Qingling quickly retreated into the distance.

Seeing Su Hao's burst of energy, Huang Wuwei's eyes suddenly became cold, and a silver spear appeared in his palm.

"I originally wanted to spare your life, but you are stubborn, so today I will make you the ghost of my gun."

Huang Wuwei stood in the air with a long spear in his hand, and the power of the Dao state swept out beyond his body.

That voice was extremely tyrannical.

Su Hao glanced at Huang Wuwei, his eyes narrowed slightly. After entering the Dao Realm, Huang Wuwei gave him a sense of oppression.

Before stepping into the realm.

Huang Wuwei gave him the feeling that he was just a little bit stronger than This pressure can still be endured. I wonder if I will be suppressed during the battle. "

Su Hao thought to himself.

[Trigger quest: Huang Wuwei steps into the Dao Realm, wants to kill the host, kill the opponent, and reward a 16-level character crystal lottery card. 】

"Is there a mission?"

A slight smile appeared on Su Hao's face.

Looking at Su Hao's smile, Huang Wuwei's expression became very gloomy.

Immediately, he stepped out abruptly, and the long spear in his hand turned into a silver spear rainbow and swept out.

Powerful and overwhelming.

In the shot, the power of the strong Taoist body in the body rushed out.

This Su Muhai dared to face him like this, he must have some means, so he didn't need to stay behind.

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