Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1932: Taking this breakthrough, Lie Shenyang has a strong impact on Gu Chensha.

Su Hao's heart sank.

Don't think about it, it must be someone from the Wild God Sect.

From the current scene.

Another old man, Lie Shenyang, who did not show up in the Wild God Sect's Wild Pavilion, should go to the ancient star, and his ancient emperor's palace took action.

"What do you think of the Wild God Sect? They are fighting on two fronts! They can't win here, how dare they send people to Gu Xing."

Su Hao sneered in his heart.

A clone appeared from Su Hao's body, and disappeared into the void in a blink of an eye.

Then directly use the teleportation talisman to teleport back to the ancient palace.

The few people beside Su Hao sensed the changes in Su Hao's body, but they didn't ask any further questions.

Above the ancient star.

Ancient Palace.

A huge figure is bombarding the screen of the ancient imperial palace.

The fist slammed out, and there was blood between the sky and the earth, and the fist was like a rolling wave of blood.


Above this fist, the screen of his ancient palace disappeared.

The figure stepped out in the ancient palace.

Seemingly aware of where Su Hao was, he looked directly at him.

"You just don't move the ancient emperor of Hades City, come with me!"

The voice was loud and resounding.

Su Hao's figure flashed and appeared in the air, looking at the huge figure in front of him.

"You are Lie Shenyang."

Although it is guessed that the other party is Lie Shenyang, it is still necessary to confirm.

"This seat is Lie Shenyang. It seems that the battle in the extreme sky world is known to you."

That Lie Shenyang looked at Su Hao and said in a deep voice.

"Of course I know that there are two people among the three elders of the Huangge Pavilion, and one person did not show up. They are still waiting there. I didn't expect you to come here."

Su Hao said coldly.

"Don't give me any delay!"

Na Lie Shenyang thought that Su Hao was delaying the time until rescue.

So he punched Su Hao directly.

The fist slammed out, and a huge blood-colored fist shadow fell from the sky between the sky and the earth.

Like a giant fist in the sky. Although this punch didn't fall, Su Hao sensed a force that was pressing on the top of Mount Tai.

The surrounding space collapsed, and huge cracks appeared one after another, which could not be recovered for a long time.

The palace on the ground also began to crack at this moment.

If it falls, I am afraid that the ancient palace and him will be destroyed together.

"Isn't this guy here to catch him?"

"Why does it look like he killed him?"

In Su Hao's perception, this punch did not fall, but suppressed it with endless force, which made Su Hao's knees feel bent.

Su Hao's body exploded with power, trying to block this coercion.

But it couldn't be resisted at all.

This is not to kill him, but to make him bow down and take it away.


In the face of this pressure, Su Hao's whole body was surging with golden rays of light, like casting gold.

And a huge golem appeared behind him.

The golem let out a low roar and hit the fist that didn't fall.

"It's interesting, but it's useless!"

The palm slowly fell down a layer, and the impacting golem shattered in an instant.

The gap between Su Hao and the other party is too big.


Su Hao's body that was covered with golden body also had a feeling of being shattered.

Drops of blood came out from the crack, and in a blink of an eye, it covered the whole body, looking like a **** man.

The coercion brought by the fist shadow continued.

Make him feel as if he is in the endless sea, being slammed into the body endlessly.

Under this pressure, Su Hao's body was exhausted.

But there was a madness in his eyes.

Although this fist put pressure on him, it might be an opportunity for him.

Because he sensed that in his body, the treasures he had taken before were continuously released under this pressure.

Not only this power, but some originally incompatible powers in the body shattered under this pressure and turned into the same power.

Su Hao practiced many exercises.

Buddhism, magic, martial arts.

The generated power itself is different, making Su Hao's breakthrough extremely slow.

But this time, under the palm of Lie Shenyang, all these powers were crushed and integrated into his body.

Once the body fully absorbs this power, he can directly step into the third realm, or can touch the Tao realm.

At this moment, he understood why Gu Chensha didn't take action.

"Just use this to break through!"

Su Hao let out a low growl, all kinds of exercises in his body started to work.

The blood and energy in the body are constantly appearing.

But it was still broken under the pressure of that palm.

It was only after being broken that it turned into a whole new force and merged together.

It began to circulate rapidly within his body.


With the operation of this power, his aura began to skyrocket.

In the blink of an eye, he stepped into the third realm of robbery.

"Since I broke through under my pressure, my qualifications are good, but it's still useless!"

That palm is a layer lower.


Su Hao spat out blood, and cracks appeared in his body again.

Lie Shenyang is a master of Taoism.

No matter how Su Chen breaks through, he is still a small shrimp in the hands of others.

"It seems that there are really no masters here, so I'll take you away!"

A deep voice sounded beside Su Hao's ear.

That big hand grabbed directly towards Su Hao.

The speed was so fast that it seemed that Su Hao was not given a chance to react.

But when the palm was about to grab him.

The void around Su Hao turned into ripples.

His figure became blurred, causing the palm to fail directly.

another place

Su Hao appeared, gasping for breath.

He is not an opponent at all, and he doesn't even have the chance to resist.

And after that Lie Shenyang's blow failed.

His expression didn't change much, his eyes looked around.

"Since your Excellency is here, please show up!"

Lie Shenyang said.

Just when the screen was shattered, he had a feeling in his heart that there was a master here.

Just feel it but don't notice it.

That's why he shot Su Hao to see if he could force him to show up.

But after he made his move, the other party never showed up.

In the end, he wanted to take advantage of the other party's negligence, grab Su Hao and take him away, but he didn't succeed.

When his voice fell.

A figure tore through the void and appeared in front of Lie Shenyang.

It is the ancient dust that has been in the dark.

When the war broke out in the Wild God Territory, he sat on the side of the ancient emperor's palace.

I didn't expect anyone to come here.

"In order to thank you for helping the Lord to break through, I will send you a layer."

Gu Chensha looked at Lie Shenyang and said coldly.

"It's crazy!"

Lie Shenyang looked at Gu Chensha with a cold expression.

Raising your hand is a punch. A huge boxing shadow appeared and bombarded the ancient dust.

Instantly submerged ancient dust.


This time, the fist shadow is more powerful than the last time.

Void cracks appeared and turned into endless abyss.

At this moment, the world seems to be destroyed.

Su Hao felt a pressure in the distance.

But under the shadow of the fist, Gu Chensha looked calm.

Just raise your hand and shoot it with one palm,

This palm penetrated the void as if it collided with the fist shadow.

The fist shadow instantly seemed to be swallowed up and disappeared.


Lie Shenyang's complexion changed when he shot, and his punch was so easily blocked by the opponent,

"Who are you?"

At this moment, he looked at Gu Chenshadao solemnly.

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