Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1947: Holding the stars in hand, King Kong pushes horizontally

He really didn't expect this wild Turing to be able to make a body.

Although I still have one, I don't plan to come out now, I am going to use this body to block the two people to see.

Anyway, there should be a winner there.


On the other side, Su Hao's Demonic Pillar had already slammed down onto the head of the gun-wielding Turing.

Arrogant Turing held the spearman, raised it at the last moment, and collided with the God and Demon Pillar.

The long spear was shattered directly, and finally landed on the body of the wild Turing.


Directly pierced through the body of Turing with a gun.

The moment Huang Turing was pierced, his figure disappeared and appeared on the other side.

A huge scar appeared on his chest.

A golden blood flowed out from that body.

Su Hao won't have any chance to keep his cell phone once he succeeded. Su Hao continued to chase after the victory. The more he fought, the more fierce he was. The gun-wielding Turing was beaten and he vomited blood continuously, and the light in his eyes immediately lost.

After a while.

This body is estimated to be directly killed.

Here, Turing's eyes changed.

That desolate Turing raised his hand, and one after another of ice seals swept towards Su Hao, trying to seal Su Hao in the ice seal.

Su Hao punched out, and the endless sea of ​​fire swept towards the silver-haired man.

boom! The two forces collided, forming countless vapors, making the whole world hazy, and it was impossible to see any place at all.

But this moment.

A figure appeared behind Su Hao.

It was Huang Turing, he didn't go to rescue the avatar with the gun, but took action against Su Hao.

He raised his hand and punched Su Hao's back.

But behind him, a golden figure also appeared, and the figure shot, and it was also a punch.

The ghost who shot the wild map realized this situation and threw a backhand punch.

But the fist that burst out from the golden figure was extremely powerful, and the powerful force shattered the opponent's fist and collided with the opponent's fist.

Wild Turing immediately turned his Qi Jin to protect his body.

But the terrifying power, the energy that had just risen, could not be resisted at all.


A mouthful of blood spewed from the corner of Turing's mouth.

The whole person flew out.

Crash into the mountains of the Wild God Sect.

Leaving a human-shaped trace.

At this moment, both the gun-wielding Turing and the silver-haired Turing seem to be affected.

The body froze suddenly!

At this moment, Turing, who had been seriously injured and armed with a gun, was directly bombarded by Su Hao with the magic pillar.

Golden blood fluttered in the sky.

The silver hair here is not much affected.

After all, this is just a confrontation.

His figure quickly distanced himself from Su Hao's side.

"Su Hao also has two clones here!"

Looking at this situation, some people said, their eyes did not change much.

After all, even if there is another one, they are not surprised.

"Huang Turing just made a sneak attack and let himself be calculated!"

Emperor Shang looked at the trace of the human figure.


At this time, the barren Turing walked out of the humanoid traces, and his body was somewhat broken.

But when he stepped out to face Su Hao, his body was full of vitality.

As if not injured.

"I didn't expect you to have a clone!"

He looked at Su Hao with a gloomy expression.

"Then I have it, but I seem to have one more than you now, and also, my treasures haven't been used much."

"I don't know if you have as many treasures as mine."

Su Hao said coldly.

He has accumulated treasures now, and there are many, only one coffin is used, and there is a ninth bronze coffin, which has not been used yet.

Today he wants to let people know how terrifying his Su Hao's power is.

Hearing Su Hao's words, that Huang Turing's expression froze.

"Since you want to see it, I'll see how many clones you can make out!"

In front of him walked out another gray figure, and this figure was filled with endless death.

"Huang Turing has appeared in the first three lives, and he can no longer condense himself!"

At this moment, Emperor Shang's voice echoed in the void.

"The first three lives of Turing!"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

Unexpectedly, this wild Turing can condense the first three lives.

And the body that appeared was not a clone, but was condensed from itself. No wonder that when the deity was injured, his clone was also affected.


Just then.

On Su Hao's other body, a bronze coffin appeared in his hand.

Nine figures are suspended above the copper coffin.

The shadow of the Ninth Emperor appeared.

"That's the Heavenly Coffin of Jiulong Town, this is the Ninth World Bronze Coffin!"

"I don't know if you can stop it!"

Su Hao said.

Seeing another coffin in Su Hao's hands.

Everyone couldn't help but think that the previous strange coffin gate belonged to the forces that did not move the city of Hades, it felt really normal.

This Su Hao likes to collect coffins.

But this coffin is just as powerful.

At this time, the figure in the void that was resisting the Heavenly Coffin of Nine Dragons Town was already confused, and it seemed that it would not last long.

Wild Turing's face sank.

The silver-haired Wild Turing flashed and came towards Su Hao's body.

And the grey figure was heading towards Su Hao, who radiated demonic energy.

Only Huang Turing was left to look at Su Hao.

"I believe that as long as your body is destroyed, your other two bodies should also perish!"

"I was just careless, and I was beaten up!"

"Now let me see how strong you are!"

Wild Turing raised his hand.

A terrifying power fluctuation appeared in the palm. This power fluctuation also triggered the energy in the surrounding area of ​​the Wild God Sect, and these energies quickly converged towards his palm.

Su Hao looked at the palm, the power in his hand was like the stars in the vast starry sky.

The sky also became dark.

Seeing this phenomenon, not only the expressions of the spectators changed, but even the expression of the Shang Emperor became solemn.

"Huang Turing's unique trick, holding the stars in his hand, the starry sky explodes!"

"Is he going to destroy this area!"

The Shang Emperor said in a deep voice.

When talking, his eyes were staring at the palm of Turing.

Huang Turing raised his palm, turned into a starry sky, and bombarded Su Hao.

The surroundings of Su Hao seemed to change in an instant.

It's like being in a starry sky.

Suddenly there are endless stars shrouded in the surrounding towards him.


Su Hao didn't hesitate, the golden light on his body skyrocketed, and his whole body turned into a golden giant.

No matter what kind of star you are, you will be blasted with one punch and sent to reincarnation.

boom! boom! boom!

Those stars were all blown up and turned into dust before they reached Su Hao.

But the surrounding stars kept appearing.

Continue to swept towards Su Hao.

Seeing this situation, Su Hao's eyes narrowed, and a golden Buddha appeared behind him.

The big Buddha shot, and the endless Buddha light enveloped the starry sky.

The Big Buddha clapped his Countless palm prints were shot from him to push the starry sky horizontally.

at this time!

Outside, Huang Turing raised his big hand and enveloped Su Hao.

Su Hao was shrouded in the stars and bombarded the stars, but then, he saw a giant Buddha flying into the sky, and then saw a huge golden palm pushing out.

Bang! The trick of Huang Turing holding the stars was broken.

Wild Turing's expression changed.

But this time.

He rushed out of the shrouded Su Hao, rose into the air, and stepped out. A huge dragon elephant fell from the sky.


That Wild Turing was directly hit by this.

The bang landed on the ground, and a huge deep pit instantly appeared on the ground.

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