Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1949: The end of the war

The two clones returned to Su Hao's body.

The look of the Taoist shadow.

That Taoist shadow is a majestic person, but the look in his eyes is not so clear.

But as the aura on his body changed, his eyes began to become clearer.

Looking at the devastated Desolate God Sect.

The figure looked calm.

He looked at Gu Chensha, who was a person who put pressure on him.

"I didn't expect someone to destroy my Wild God Sect. No matter how long the inheritance will be, it will be broken."

"I only have three hits, and after three hits, my body disappears."

The figure then looked at Gu Chensha Road.

When the figure spoke, the void began to change, the world seemed dim, and a terrifying aura spread throughout the space, making people feel the fear of being unable to control themselves.

Su Hao, who just returned, was also throbbing.

His current aura at the peak of the Dao Realm has not dissipated.

It can make his heart palpitate now, the three strikes said by this figure are absolutely extraordinary.

His eyes looked at Gu Chensha.

Gu Chensha's face was calm, but there was a dignified expression on his face.

It seems that there is a fear of these three strikes.

Su Hao couldn't help looking at the fact that he just got 2 Lv. 16 character crystal lottery cards and 2 Lv. 16 items crystal lottery cards.

Directly draw all four cards.

[The host consumes 2 level 16 character crystal lottery cards and 2 level 12 item crystal lottery cards. 】

[Congratulations to the host who has drawn one of the character cards of Guchensha Jiudao, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

[Congratulations to the host for winning the Bone Sea Master: Bone Sea Shadow Character Card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

[Congratulations on getting 1 Zhantian Four Soul Dao Realm Peak Upgrade Card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

[Congratulations on getting a character borrowing card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it. 】

Hearing the system sound, Su Hao took a while, but he didn't expect this time.

It was actually possible to draw a Taoist body of Gu Chensha.

I don't know what it will look like when the ancient dust and sand merge with this body.

The new character is also a character in the emperor's hegemony.

Zhantian Four Souls upgrade card, not to mention.

Mainly look at the debit card.

The content is very simple, that is, you can use the strongest combat power of the summoned characters.

If this is used well, it will be stronger than the Dao Realm Peak Card.

without any hesitation

Su Hao first summoned Gu Chensha's Taoist clone.

at this time

All eyes were on the two of them.

When he sensed his avatar, Gu Chensha's dignified face disappeared, and he became very calm.

It seems to sense the calmness on Gu Chensha's face.

That figure, raised his hand, did not shoot immediately

Instead, whisper.

"Desolate magic skills, a palm of the Nether Huangquan Road!"

Along with his voice, his palm shot out, and a terrifying ghostly aura quickly raged like a storm. Wherever the ghostly aura passed, even the space was eroded, arrogant and domineering. Form a ghostly yellow spring road.

At this time, the world also showed a dark color, and some people's souls seemed to be attracted by this Huangquan Road.

The body did not move, and the eyes became a little blurred.

"Don't look that way!"

Some people roared and moved their eyes. Some people who heard the voice wanted to move their eyes, but there was no way, and their eyes were still staring.

Then it seemed to lose its life.

Covered by the huge Huangquan Road, it turned into bones.

At this moment, everyone began to retreat, even the Shang Emperor and the others began to retreat.

Just the first blow was so terrifying.

All terrifying anomalies.

Gu Chensha was standing, letting this Huangquan Road sweep away by his side.

Standing alone on Huangquan Road.

Endless shadows appeared on Huangquan Road, trying to take away his soul and devour his flesh and blood.

"It's terrifying, I don't know if this ancient dust can be resisted!"

Emperor Shang looked at the scene in front of him and said in a deep voice.

His eyes couldn't help looking at where Su Hao was standing.

At this time, Su Hao was surrounded by a group of people, as if he was afraid that Su Hao would be in danger.

"This Su Hao is really the Lord of the Untouchable Pluto City."

There may be arrangements ahead, but in the event of danger, everyone's first reaction is the most real.

At this time, Su Hao also looked towards Gu Chensha.

Under this blow, the Nether Yellow Spring Road appeared, and Gu Chensha's flesh and blood began to wither, giving people a feeling of life disappearing.

With the loss of vitality, the dry flesh disappears.

I only saw a white bone, and in the head of the white bone, there was a dazzling and unusual soul.

But no matter how the breath changes, the bones and soul cannot be shaken.

"This move will erode my body at the most, and my soul will still not be destroyed by you. Let me see your second move!"

"It's been a long time since I felt this way."

An excited voice echoed in the air.

"Just melt the flesh?"

Emperor Shang looked at this scene with radiance.

In my heart, I was thinking about whether I could stop this move.

After weighing it, he felt that if he blocked it, he would probably suffer half the injury.

Although Gu Chensha's body was melted, he was not injured.

Even the powerhouses of the Tribulation Realm can be reborn in the flesh, not to mention the powerhouses of the Dao Realm?

Hearing Gu Chensha's words, the figure's eyes condensed with cold light, and the next moment, he continued to shoot.

palm slap,

When it was shot this time.

His body began to change,

The body, which was full of energy, began to dim, and these dim energies shrouded the ghostly Huangquan Road with his palm.

"Second blow, Huang Quan eats the soul!"

A low and cold voice sounded in the void.

Blurred figures appeared on Huangquan Road, turning into huge heads. These heads opened huge mouths, and a terrifying suction force was generated to swallow Gu Chensha's soul from the skeleton.

The power of endless devouring swept across Huangquan Road.

Gu Chensha's white skeleton began to change at this moment, and a peculiar Dao Yun began to appear. These Dao Yun suspended beside him, blocking the crazy devouring power.

The two sides are in a fierce confrontation, you come and I go.

Daoist texts appeared on the bones, blocking this devouring power, and the skeleton-like palm.

suddenly lifted.

A palm grabbed the huge head.

Directly tore the opponent from the sky of Huangquan Road.

Then, Gu Chensha's soul flew out, turned into a huge mouth, and swallowed it directly.

The first head was eaten, and the back head seemed to sense terror, and it began to disappear erratically.

This scene shocked the people watching the battle.

The first hit blocks, the second hits back.

The figure looked at the ancient dust sand Taoist realm, and his pupils shrank sharply.

"The last blow, the ghostly yellow spring will destroy all living beings."

When the gloomy voice resounded the entire Huangquan Road began to spread, constantly sweeping towards the surroundings, first of all the remaining members of the Wild God Sect.

what! what!

They let out a scream, and their bodies disappeared into the energy that Huangquan Road spread.

It was just that the figure became even darker, as if it was about to disappear.

"You finish the last blow, then take my blow!"

At this time, a figure walked out from the outside, entered the storm directly, and merged with Gu Chensha's body.

Then Gu Chensha's figure instantly recovered, turned into an afterimage, and appeared in front of that figure.

As soon as the palm was lifted, it fell instantly.


The figure was split in half, and then a big hand grabbed it, and the body burst open instantly and turned into powder.

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