Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1965: The 3rd Evil Monarch, the 9th Evil Monarch, the Zhou Emperor

at this time.

In a mountain range outside Mu City on the border between the Northern Territory and Yingzhou.

within a deep hole.

The Ninth Evil Lord and the shadow are in the cave.

"Where is Emperor Zhou now?"

The deep voice of the Ninth Evil Monarch echoed in the cave.

"Reporting to the lord, after a while, we will reach the mountains outside Mucheng."

The black shadow said.

"It's almost here. That means my third brother should be there!"

The ninth evil monarch opened his mouth and said.


The shadow couldn't help but reply, but then reacted.

"My lord, subordinate!"

He wanted to say something, but at this time, the Ninth Evil Monarch, a human skin floated from his body, covering the shadow directly.

"Ah! Your lord spare your life!"

A miserable voice came out of the human skin.

"Betray me, do you think you can survive, betray me in the future, and don't let me find out, but you don't have such a chance!"

The Ninth Evil Lord said in a cold voice.

Then he raised his hand, and the human skin entered directly into his body.

"As my chess piece, I even dare to rely on others. It's not such a way to die if you want to die!"

"But I have to thank that evil **** for helping me find such a traitor!"


As he spoke, a dark shadow appeared inside the cave.

"My lord, the evil **** you mentioned appeared in Jiutianyu, as if he was in contact with the people from the Jiuqing Temple. It is estimated that he wanted to obtain Jiutian Qingqi."

The shadow replied.

"Pay close attention, I want to know if they need nine days of fresh air!"

The ninth evil monarch opened his mouth and said,


The shadow then disappeared into the cave.

"It's time for me to meet my good third brother. Qiqiao Linglong has something to do with my heart repair. I want to see what you want with this heart?"

The Ninth Evil Lord murmured in his mouth.

After he finished speaking, he turned into a shadow and disappeared into the cave.

Another place.

Thousands of miles away from Mucheng, a flying boat was moving forward at a very fast speed.

on the flying boat.

Emperor Zhou, who was dressed in imperial clothes, sat upright in the middle. Below him was Luo Wang Luo Xingyu, and on the right and to his left was a burly man who was over two meters tall.

The face is resolute, and there is a wordless expression between the eyebrows, which makes people dread.

He was King Chen, one of the other kings that the Zhou Emperor sat down on.

"Emperor, there is news from Fudo Pluto City that the ninth and third evil monarchs of the Heart Demon Hunters will attack us."

"You said this news, will it be true?"

King Chen said with a glass of wine.

"Now that we are in an alliance, they won't want me to be born. I don't know if the third evil lord will show up, but the ninth evil lord should come to me."

"There are rumors that there is something wrong with the Ninth Evil Lord's heart. It should not be wrong for him to take my seven orifices exquisite heart."

Zhou Di opened his mouth and said.

"Emperor, this time the ninth evil monarch dares to appear, I will help the emperor squeeze his head."

The King Chen said.

"Don't be careless, the other party dares to shoot, I feel that the other party must be prepared!"

"But I never thought about why the other party came to take your heart, the emperor."

Luo Xingyu, who was on the side, frowned and said.

Emperor Zhou's strength was so strong that even the ninth evil monarch himself would not be able to take away Emperor Zhou's heart.

But if the inner demon hunter dares to take action, it means that the other party must have made sufficient plans, otherwise, they will not take action.

"I'd love to see what means they use."

Zhou Di didn't know either.

Inner demon hunters, hunting many times, there are failures, and there are successes.

From past experience, it is difficult to see the opponent's means.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover with the soil!" King Chen said.

As for King Chen's words, Luo Xingyu continued to ponder.

"Luo Wang, you don't have to worry, Fudo Pluto City should have a layout."

"This is the first time they have formed an alliance with a force in Jitian World, and it will not be destroyed."

"What's more, even if I was attacked and my heart was taken away, it would only be the loss of a body, no way, no need to be overly nervous!"

Zhou Di opened his mouth and said.

"Emperor, this is majesty, and they must not be allowed to succeed!"

Luo Xingyu replied.

Hearing this, Emperor Zhou stopped talking.

The flying boat is very fast.

When approaching the mountains outside Mucheng, the flying boat suddenly stopped, and a powerful space barrier appeared in front of the flying boat.

In the enchantment, a black shadow was suspended in it, exuding a terrifying aura.

The black shadow, when the flying boat appeared, began to change and transformed into a black-robed man.

The black-robed man looked at Zhou Di's flying boat, and a strange color erupted in his exposed eyes.

"Emperor Zhou, hand over Qiqiao Linglong to this seat, and this seat will let you go."

A low, hoarse voice came from the black-robed man's mouth.

"Presumptuous, dare to be rude to my lord!"


The sound fell, and a huge fist burst out from the flying boat, forming a rainbow-like shape, penetrating the sky and the earth, and bombarding the enchantment with a destructive power.

The black-robed man in the enchantment looked at the attacking power without the slightest fluctuation on his face.

When the energy was about to reach the barrier, the black-robed man raised his hand, and a gray aura appeared in his palm. This aura was not domineering at all, but the moment it fell, it formed a circle of ripples, which followed the Changhong. Like forces collide together.


The rainbow-like power was directly shattered under that power and dissipated.

"King Chen, Emperor Zhou, I didn't expect you to bring King Chen here. Is there one more person to die?"

The man in black robe looked at the flying boat and said.

"The Third Evil Lord!"

At this time, Zhou Di took Chen Wang and Luo Xingyu out of the flying boat, standing in the air, looking at the black-robed man.

"I didn't expect Emperor Zhou to know me. It seems that you all knew that I was here. Did my ninth brother tell you?"

The third evil monarch looked at Zhou Di and said.

"Leave your traces yourself, don't rely on me. I originally dealt with Emperor Zhou this time. Why did you appear here."

A low voice sounded behind the third evil monarch.

"It seems that the subordinate who betrayed you was solved by you, and the speed was quite fast!"

The third evil lord looked at the ninth evil lord and said with admiration.

"This is not for you to reminisce!"

At this time, King Chen gave a low voice, his body vacated, and then he punched the third evil sovereign. The fist roared out, condensing endless power fluctuations, pulling all the surrounding space in, and punching through the opposite barrier. .

On the other side, Luo Xingyu's figure flashed, and the palm of her hand was photographed, and a bright star light appeared in her palm, bursting out.

Like an arrow, it pierced through the and swept away towards the two of them.

One punch shatters the enchantment, the star rain pierces the void,

Cooperate quite tacitly.

"Ninth brother, I'm here to entangle these two people, you go to deal with Emperor Zhou! This is your chance. When I do it, you won't have it."

The third evil monarch did not look at the ninth evil lord, and stepped out, appeared in front of the knot interface, and slapped it with a palm.

Divine light erupted in the palm of the hand.

Shine the sky and the earth, shrouding the attack of the two.

The Ninth Evil Monarch's eyes narrowed, and his body shot out and came to Zhou Di.

"This is just a clone of you, how can you block me!"

An icy voice uttered, and the palm directly enveloped Emperor Zhou. When Emperor Zhou was enveloped, a blood-colored human skin appeared behind him, hiding in the void.


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