Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2001: The means are stacked, and the black and white body of the emperor is abandoned

At this time, the outside world.

Su Hao and Heihe Jue appeared in one place, looking at the scene in front of him, his expression froze.

There was no one around.

"My lord, it just came from Abandoned Heavenly Emperor's side, and there was a time-space prohibition card in the hands of the third evil monarch. They are in front of them, but our consciousness can't detect them."

Black and white.

"It seems that this third evil monarch still has some means, no wonder he dares to come here."

"But this first evil monarch should not be the real body, presumably the third evil monarch also knows, I really want to see their methods."

Su Hao said.

"Lord, this is easy!"

Black and white Jue raised his palm, and an image appeared in front of them, which was the scene of a confrontation between several people.

within space constraints.

The first evil lord looked at the third evil lord and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect you to get such a thing, it really surprised me."

"Will we come if there is no means at all?"

The third evil prince said coldly.

"But you should also know that even if you destroy this body, you won't be able to kill me, and I don't know how sure you are to shoot me.

The first evil monarch looked at the third evil monarch suspiciously.

"Really? Then let you know why I dare to shoot at you!"

When the third evil monarch was talking, a stone platform appeared in his hand again.

The stone platform exudes a blue light, among which there are nine unknown giant beasts engraved on the edge of the stone platform. These giant beasts grow low, or grow filial, or go down the mountain like a tiger, or sleep on their stomachs, with different shapes.

"Nine Beasts Forbidden God Platform!"

Seeing this, the first evil sovereign boy Kong Meng shrank back: "Back then, when I went to look for this thing, I didn't expect it to be taken first. I didn't expect that you would be the one who would shoot at that time."

"Looks like you've already planned to take action against me."

The first evil monarch looked at the third evil lord and said coldly.

"You're right about this. I joined the Heart Demon Hunter for the Jiuyouxin Magic Pool. You are in charge of the Jiuyouxin Magic Pool, do you think I'm not prepared?"

The third evil king.

"You are also for the Jiuyou Heart Demon Pool, so the fifth evil monarch is probably also for the Jiuyou Heart Demon Pool, what about the second evil prince?"

He looked at the second evil prince.

The second evil sovereign was second only to him among the inner demon hunters.

Moreover, the second evil monarch belongs to the kind of person who is devoted to cultivation. He does not understand why he is mixed up with the third evil lord.

But the second evil prince did not answer his words.


At this time, a huge force erupted from the third evil monarch and poured into the stone platform, and the stone platform rose into the air, emitting a gray mist, and these mists spread around, covering the space.

The stone platform is suspended above their heads.

Seeing this, Emperor Shang and Emperor Zhou could not help but look towards Emperor Abandoning Heaven.

Now in this situation, it seems that they are not besieging and killing the first evil monarch with the third evil lord, but instead become the audience, which makes them feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

This third evil monarch is well prepared, and it is possible to attack the three of them.

Weak cooperation often breaks down quickly.

They had to guard against this third evil monarch.

The third evil monarch did not seem to see the movements of the three, but took out a long black knife.

This long knife appeared, and the souls of several people had a vague feeling of swaying slightly.

Of course, this swaying can be understood as fear.

"Forbidden sword, the forbidden sword that can restrain the soul."

At this moment, the face of the first evil monarch did not have the sullenness he had before, but became extremely solemn. It seemed that he was quite afraid of this knife.

"Nine Beasts Forbidden God Platform, Forbidden God Sword, you are well prepared!"

The first evil monarch looked at the third evil monarch.

When speaking, he actually took the lead.

He punched the third evil monarch with a punch, with a strong black light on his fist, and punched the third evil lord with a punch.

"Can't help but shoot!"

In the face of the first evil lord's shot, the third evil lord seemed to have long expected that the short knife in his hand would be raised, and the power in the body would burst out without reservation, and the huge power poured into the short knife.

The dagger emitted a pitch-black light, making the space darken instantly.


The third evil monarch slashed out, and the huge sword qi blasted out instantly, colliding with the fist of the first evil monarch.

For a time, the two forces collided wildly.


At the moment of the impact, the air waves visible to the naked eye spread out like a flood, and collided with the time-space prohibition enchantment, making a rumbling sound of impact.

"You want to use the impact force to shatter the forbidden space of time and space, but you can't do it!"

"Magic python kills God!"

The third evil sovereign let out a low roar, and the vast power frantically poured out of his body and poured into the long sword, without any reservation.

And a huge black giant python appeared in the long knife, and a violent and ferocious aura erupted.


The black python let out a low growl, as if it could shake the soul.

The first evil lord's eyes narrowed, he raised his hand, and a golden light appeared in his palm, which was like a scorching sun.

Shatter all the violent black aura of the surrounding space.

Then he punched the black giant python.

"The third evil monarch, you underestimate my first evil monarch. Even if you have these things to suppress the soul, do you think you are my opponent?"

The first evil monarch's thick voice resounded throughout the space.


The giant python let out a low roar, and a strong demonic energy emanated from its mouth, covering the first evil monarch.

But the palm of the first evil monarch shot directly, penetrated the demonic energy, and finally landed on the black python's head.

The black python roared, but when the golden palm fell, it suppressed it like a mountain.


The power in the golden palm erupted again, and the palm finally landed on the head of the black python, Peng, the head of the black python was instantly smashed.

The third evil lord could not help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Several, now is the time to take action, kill him, and I will restrain his spirit."

At this time, the third evil sovereign confronted the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor and the others.


Seeing this phenomenon, Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly. The black python attacked formidably just now, but was smashed by the opponent's palm. The strength of this first evil monarch is indeed extraordinary.

"I'm afraid it will take a few people to fight together to deal with this first evil monarch."

Su Hao thought to himself that such a battle might be suitable for signing in. "

Su Hao then started to sign in today.

[The host signed in today to get 1,000 check-in points, and the Abandoned Heaven Emperor’s black and white body card immediately obtained has been stored in the inventory, please check it! 】

Hearing the system's voice, Su Hao's eyes were startled.

Now Abandoned Heaven Emperor's strength has reached the peak of the Taoist realm, but he is not the strongest in the peak of the Taoist realm.

But as soon as this black and white body appears, even if this Abandoned Heaven Emperor is not as good as Gu Chensha, his combat power is definitely the first in the Taoist peak powerhouse sequence.

"This is to increase the strength of Abandoned Heaven Emperor!"

Su Hao thought in his heart, and immediately passed the black and white card to the Emperor Abandoned Heaven through the immovable Pluto City.

After all, the Abandoned Heaven Emperor and the others did not fight, and they are still spectators now.

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