Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2005: Xin Mi, Undead Post

"Number One Evil Monarch, it's not that easy to deal with, it's hard to kill him."


"But now we have taken half of each other's body!"


"I will use this half of my body to find his true body and kill him at that time!"


"Several of them have taken action now, and there is no chance to quit!"


The third evil sovereign said in a deep voice.


"Don't worry, you will definitely give it to you."


At this time, the second evil monarch opened his mouth and said.


"Then don't delay, you've already made a move, then you should go all out and take down the first evil lord directly."


At this time, Abandoned Heaven Emperor opened his mouth and said.


Now that his strength has soared, he doesn't care about the first evil monarch, nor does he want to drag things down.


Hearing Emperor Abandoning Heaven's words, the second evil monarch's eyes narrowed.


After pondering for a while, he said, "The strength of the first evil monarch is no trivial matter. We may have some difficulty in dealing with him now."


From the words of the second evil monarch, it can be seen that he is afraid of the first evil lord.


"Isn't there any difficulty after a while?"


"You think of a way to get the first evil monarch's half body, it shouldn't just be used to suppress it!"


"Since we are in a cooperative relationship, you should tell us the purpose."


Abandoned Heaven Emperor opened his mouth and said.


"It's okay to tell you, we have a large curse formation here, as long as the first evil monarch's half body and soul are used as the curse heart, the power of the curse can be spread to his real body."


"In that case, the strength of the first evil monarch can be limited, so that we can better surround and kill him!"


The third evil sovereign said.


Curse the Great Array.


Hearing that, the three of them pondered.


"The three of you can come with us!"


The second evil sovereign said.


"Go!" The three nodded and followed the Second Evil Lord and the others.


at this time


In a place in Taiqing City, in the underground palace.


The figure of the fifth evil prince, Murong Xiangchen, appeared, his face covered with frost.


"Damn, I didn't expect to be discovered by them, but how did they discover me?"


Murong Xiangchen was filled with resentment in her heart and was puzzled.


She didn't understand how she could be seen through.


He didn't leave any flaws here at all.


Even if the second evil monarch and the third evil monarch see through, the first evil monarch should not take action against her, there is something strange in the matter.


At this time, a figure appeared in the underground palace.


The person who came was Meng Qianxue, one of the current pavilion masters of Taishang Jiuqingguan.


Seeing the demeanor of the Fifth Evil Monarch, he couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"


"I was found out. The first evil monarch took action against me, causing me to lose a body."


The fifth evil monarch said.


"The first evil lord shot at you, how could he shoot at you?"


Meng Qianxue was also very puzzled.


"There is only one possibility for him to take action against me. He should know something. It seems that I am going to see some third evil monarchs."


"I want to unite with the third evil lord to kill the first evil lord!"


The fifth evil prince, Murong Xiangchen, had a strong murderous aura.


"Will the Third Evil Monarch still believe in you now?"


Meng Qianxue said in a deep voice.


"They should not be the opponents of the first evil monarch. They need my help. Besides, if I don't contact the third evil monarch, it will be difficult to return to the Heart Demon Hunting Organization."


The Fifth Evil Lord said confidently.


"Don't be careless, you are the key to us getting the Jiuyouxin Magic Pond, and there can be no accidents."


"You go with the sword slave, in this case, it can also help you increase some chips!"


Meng Qianxue pondered for a moment and then said.


"That's it!"


Fifth Evil Lord nodded.


"How is the situation on your side? The evil master was hit hard by the previous pavilion master and disappeared!"


"Once I don't move, I won't be able to touch the source of Taishangqingquan at all."


"However, a few of those old guys died, and only Master Qingyuan came back. I'm going to find someone to hold this Master Qingyuan accountable!"


"He was the sixth pavilion master of the previous generation, and the current sixth pavilion master is a brother-in-law relationship."


"He came up with this plan. He may have doubts about our generation of Nine Path Pavilion Masters."


"The Age of Rebirth"


Meng Qianxue said with a frown.


"To be suspected, the sixth innate arithmetic is not easy. Do you think they suspect you?"


Hearing this, the Fifth Evil Monarch asked with a condensed expression.


"It doesn't matter, I have the detection that the Lord gave me to avoid innate arithmetic, and they couldn't find me."


Meng Qianxue said confidently.


"But we need to find out the evil master as soon as possible!"


"By the way, I found the **** of death that you asked me to investigate earlier, and I have some intersections with me!"


"He bought a lot of Taishang Qingquan from me, but he calls him a **** here."


"Maybe you can get in touch with him. It seems that he has a lot of demand for Taishang Qingquan."


"You can cooperate, the evil master doesn't show up, and things can't be delayed,"


Meng Qianxue said.


"God, this person is really arrogant!"


"I'm going to see the Third Evil Lord and the others first, and then I'm going to see this Death God."


The fifth evil monarch said.


"As soon as possible, I feel that the speed of our recovery to the Lord is a little slow!"


Meng Qianxue said in a deep voice.


"What about the others?"


"It's speeding up, and it's speeding up. The Undead Clan has the influence of Yushendu, so it should be earlier!"


Meng Qianxue said.


"Yu Shendu, this force appeared ten thousand years ago, and it has expanded rapidly. It should be from their generation, but I don't know who it is?"


The fifth evil sovereign said in a deep voice.


"With Yushendu's intervention, the Undead Emperor should appear soon."


"As long as he shows up, a war will break out. At that time, the people over there should be able to get the undead post as soon as possible."


"And the immovable Pluto City is also very strange. I suspect that the people behind him are also people of that era."


At this time, Meng Qianxue talked about the immovable Hades City.


I heard Meng Qianxue say so.


The Fifth Evil Lord changed his face slightly and said, "It's a bit like but were there such domineering people in that era?"


"The characters of that era are not something we can imagine. If you can't offend, it's better not to offend."


"Especially on Taixuan's side, you have to tell her, sometimes her thoughts are a little extreme!"


"I can't have too much contact with you here for the time being."


"Although they can't detect me, but I'm afraid that external factors will involve me!"


Meng Qianxue said.


"Understood! I will tell Tai Xuan!"


When her voice fell, Meng Qianxue disappeared.


"Contact the Third Evil Lord first!"


The fifth evil prince, Murong Xiangchen, had a jade card in his hand.


Directly contact the Third Evil Monarch.


The third evil monarch and the others were heading to the place of burial when they received a message from the fifth evil monarch, with a puzzled look on their faces.


They have already been seen through, so why is this fifth evil monarch still looking for them?


"Is it the fifth evil prince?"


The third evil monarch looked at the second evil monarch and said.


"Look at what she wants to do?"


The second evil sovereign said.




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