Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2019: Obtain the source, the arrangement of the sixth pavilion master

Liu Chenxi was the first to enter that space.


The space is not big, but it is filled with nine days of fresh air. Su Hao suddenly felt like he was going to eat.


In the end, his eyes fell on the place that exudes the source of the nine days of pure air.


There is a deep pool, the water is transparent, and the clean air of the nine heavens emanates from this pool.


This should be the source of Taishang Qingquan.


"This is the source of the Taishang Qingquan, you can just cut this space away!"


Liu Chenxi looked at Su Hao.


For a character like Su Hao, it is very simple to cut off this space.


Su Hao didn't hesitate to cut open this space and put the source of it directly into his immovable Hades City.


"You guys have a lot of fun making deals!"


Su Hao looked at Liu Chenxi and said.


"Since we agreed, how could we go back on it, let alone we have no qualifications to go back."


Liu Chenxi looked at Su Hao and said.


"But you have to be careful here. It's not easy to be a god. The two you killed today will be remembered by everyone."


"Can they find me? Do you think I met them with my real body?"


Su Hao said with a smile.


"Okay, I've got the things, let's say goodbye!"


After Su Hao finished speaking, he left this space.


Liu Chenxi watched Su Hao leave and was about to speak.


The sixth pavilion master next to him said, "Don't worry about this person, this person is definitely not easy."


"I wanted to calculate him, but I felt a danger."


The sixth pavilion master said.


"I know, it's just that Shizun, why didn't you just make a deal with the other party?"


"Perhaps the other party can help us resist the evil master and resolve the crisis in my Jiuqingguan in the sky."


Liu Chenxi said.


Hearing this, the sixth pavilion master was stunned.


"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Do you have a way to contact him?"


The Sixth Pavilion Master asked quickly.


"Yes! But I just contacted, and I can't get in touch! It seems that the other party doesn't want to participate in the affairs of Taishang Jiuqingguan."


Liu Chenxi said.


"Master, shall we return to Taishang Jiuqing Temple now?"


"With your strength, you will be cannon fodder when you go back. Let's not go back to Taishang Jiuqing View."


"Let's take a look at the situation of Taishang Jiuqing Temple right here!"


The sixth pavilion's main road.


while he was speaking. An image appeared in front of him.


It is the situation in the sky above the Taishang Jiuqing Temple.


"Master, you know who stole that clear spring."


When the image appeared, Liu Chenxi said.


"If the other party takes one, they will know that the clear spring is too high, and the nine-day clear spring produced is limited. We should find it here. We wait here and we can find the other party!"


The sixth pavilion master took a big mouthful, the surrounding space filled with energy, and quickly moved towards his body.


The divine soul that had been dissipated earlier began to solidify.


Then a piece of radiating jade appeared in his hand, and the piece of jade gradually melted and merged into his soul.


The jade reshaped his body, and soon a complete sixth pavilion master appeared.


"Master, so you have plans!"


Seeing the appearance of the sixth pavilion master, Liu Chenxi couldn't help but say.


"We are proficient in innate arithmetic and life-saving means, we still need some!"


The sixth pavilion master said with a smile.


When he spoke, the newly formed body absorbed all the surrounding energy.


Then he waved his palm, and runes appeared around them, wrapping them.


The two of them disappeared.


"We're just waiting here, I'd love to see who's coming!"


The sixth pavilion master said in a deep voice.


On the other side.


Su Hao's side is rushing the inner demon hunters to organize the base camp.


The battle at Taishang Jiuqingguan is only a battle between the outer circles for the time being, and the final battle has not really broken out.


As for the inner demon hunter.


The war is about to break out.


Inside a palace.


The figure of the fourth evil monarch appeared in front of the first evil monarch.


"How's the fight over there?"


The First Evil Monarch asked.


"In a peripheral state, Madam Tianmo and Guiming of Yushendu were defeated by a mysterious powerhouse who suddenly appeared."


"The real bodies of the two of them are going to come out of Yushendu, so the battle against Taishang Jiuqingguan did not fully erupt!"


"But in Taishang Jiuqing Temple, I lost a mouthful of clear spring!"


"It should be said by their insiders that there are people hiding from outsiders in the Taishang Jiuqing View!"


The fourth evil monarch opened his mouth and said


"It seems that Yushen can't sit still for all these years!"


"Where are the third evil lord and the others, and the details of the third evil lord and the second evil lord, how have you checked?"


The first evil monarch then asked.


"There is still no information. They are all powerful people in the dark era. I have checked all the people related to them in the dark era, but I have not found any clues."


The fourth evil sovereign said.


"If this is the case, then this person should be sleeping. It seems that their purpose is my Jiuyouxin Demon Pond."


"It's just that they won't think about what the Jiuyouxin Demon Pond is?"


The First Evil Monarch said coldly.


"This time someone from Fudo Pluto took action, you still have to be careful here. I checked the information of Fudo Pluto."


"There are many strong people in this power. And the speed of improvement is very fast. I suspect that they are all people older than us!"


The fourth evil monarch said.


"Didn't the Abandoned Heaven Emperor come this time? Just to find out their details!"


The first evil sovereign said.


"The **** of death and the shadow of the sea of ​​bones have arrived."


"Do you want to let them split some spirits into the Jiuyouxin Demon Pool first?"


The fourth evil king.


"They have some concerns about temporarily splitting the soul, thinking about talking about it after the war."


The first evil prince.


"This is worry, they are very cautious!"


"No matter how cautious they are, as long as they are greedy and want to go further, they must take that step in the end!"


"Sword Comes"


"When dealing with the Third Evil Monarch and the others, you fully exploded your strength and let them know your true strength."


"Other evil monarchs, have they returned?"


The first evil lord opened his mouth and Now the third evil lord, the second evil lord, and the fifth evil lord are going to attack him.


The evil princes of other heart demon hunters already know about it.


He didn't inform them, he just let these evil monarchs choose for themselves


Follow him, or sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.


"The ninth evil lord, the eighth evil lord will return, and the sixth evil lord will probably not be able to return. He is going to participate in the battle of Taishang Jiuqingguan!"


"As for the seventh evil monarch, he has already merged with the third evil monarch. It seems that he is going to stand on the opposite side of us!"


The fourth evil monarch said.


"You will give him the heart of the Ninth Evil Lord, and he should burst out with all his fighting power!"


"You're not afraid to give him your heart, he rebels against you."


The Fourth Evil Monarch said with doubts.


"If he rebels, he will sink into the Jiuyouxin Demon Pool along with his heart!"


The first evil monarch said coldly.


Since he dared to give his heart to the other party, he naturally did some tricks.


"This matter, you arrange it!"


The first evil lord instructed.




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