Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2032: Fight, dream 0 snow succeeds

"Meng Qianxue, the third pavilion master of Taishang Jiuqingguan?"

When the evil master heard Meng Qianxue's voice, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The other four men wearing masks in the hall also showed a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Meng Qianxue, the third pavilion master of Taishang Jiuqingguan, why did he come here.

They also have to deal with Taishang Jiuqingguan.

The evil master pondered for a moment and then said, "Meng Qianxue, since you are here, show up!"

"You can only be considered sincere when you show up!"

When the evil master's voice fell, Meng Qianxue appeared.

He was dressed in white, had a beautiful face, and wore a veil, which gave people a sense of coldness in the hazy.

"Evil Lord, you have to believe my sincerity. I can tell you one more thing. If you wait any longer, I'm afraid you will explain it here."

"The elder Taishang who is the strongest in Taishang Jiuqingguan, is about to complete his cultivation of innate energy."

"Once he completes his practice, he will be able to perform the Heavenly Art of Forgetfulness and gain the power of Heavenly Venerable Forgetfulness."

"And there are no side effects. I don't know how you can resist?"

Meng Qianxue said.

"Elder Taishang, too mysterious!"

The evil master said with a condensed look.

"Yes, Tai Xuanji's strength may not be as good as you, the evil master, but Wangqing Tianzun has no side effects. I think you are not willing to face the evil master!"

"I think you should take action now to win the Taishang Jiuqing View."

Meng Qianxue said.

"You are the third pavilion master of Taishang Jiuqingguan, do you think we will believe your words?"

The villain opened his mouth.

"I am no longer the third pavilion master of Taishang Jiuqingguan!"

"I have the same goal as yours, to destroy the Taishang Jiuqing Temple, but I got news that the source of the Taishang Qingquan has been taken first!"

"The people of Yushendu died in Taiqing City!"

Meng Qianxue said.

Hearing this, the evil master's expression changed,

Su Hao's side asked him to bring back the source of the Supreme Qingquan and the Supreme Qingquan.

"Yes, don't you know the situation in Taiqing City?"

Meng Qianxue asked in a deep voice.

"There is something going on in the Imperial Gods of Taiqing City, we know, but we don't know that the source of Taishang Qingquan has been taken first!"

"Your words make me very suspicious!"

The evil master looked at Meng Qianxue with gloomy eyes.

"I can help you open the big formation outside. I believe in this sincerity, and you should be satisfied!"

When Meng Qianxue spoke, a magic circle appeared in her palm.

"This piece was originally guarded by me, but now I'm not in Taishang Jiuqingguan. Even if they find someone to replace me, they won't be able to fully control the place I guard for a while!"

"What's more, I have buried my back in there. No matter who they replace, I have the confidence to destroy the great formation." Meng Qianxue said.

"Break the big formation first."

Now in this situation, the evil master does not want to delay it any longer.


Meng Qianxue did not delay, and led the crowd towards the outside.

She also didn't believe in her heart that Taishangqingquan was taken away.

So make sure of this.

To confirm, then only to win the Taishang Jiuqingguan.

Several people quickly appeared outside the Taishang Jiuqing Guan.

"Meng Qianxue didn't expect you to come!" The sixth pavilion master looked at Meng Qianxue and said.

"Today's Taishang Jiuqingguan is destroyed!"

Meng Qianxue said in a cold voice, "I will extract your soul to see where the source of Taishang Qingquan is?"

"I couldn't kill you just now, that's the point. Now that you're back, I'll kill you!"

The first pavilion master said coldly.

Just now, he shot himself, but Meng Qianxue was pulled into the dream, and he was caught.

Now I see Meng Qianxue again.

He had to kill Meng Qianxue.

While speaking, the first pavilion master spread his palm again.

Immediately, the overwhelming power rushed towards his palm frantically, and then a crescent moon appeared in that palm.

The aura around him also became stronger.


He directly killed Meng Qianxue.

Meng Qianxue knew that, as the pavilion owner of the Taishang Jiuqingguan, she knew too much information about the Taishang Jiuqingguan.

So she had to die first.

"You don't put this seat in your eyes!"

At this moment, a cold voice appeared in front of the first pavilion master.

It was the evil lord. At this time, a black pattern appeared between the eyebrows of the evil lord. This pattern continued to emit black rays of light, like a black light.

Black light poured into his body.

Let the body become like an abyss.

He raised his palm, clenched it tightly, and threw a punch.

"The Fist of Evil!"


There was a dark evil spirit in the fist, and it collided with the round of meniscus that attacked.

"You open the big formation!"

The evil master who was fighting against Meng Qianxue said.

When the first pavilion master saw the evil master take action, his eyes narrowed: "Second pavilion master, you and I will deal with the evil master, and the others will deal with Meng Qianxue."

"Nine Heavens Sword Qi Art!"

At this moment.

The second pavilion master shot.

The long swords floated behind him and instantly turned into nine swords, each of which exuded monstrous sword energy. These sword energy collided with the void, cut off the void, and attacked the evil master.

"Too Shang Lei Jue!"

At this time, the first pavilion master also shot, the palm was sealed, the thunder and lightning appeared in the sky, and the thunder and lightning formed a thunder column.

With a monstrous aura, he slammed into the villain.

Lightning itself restrains evil spirits.

Therefore, the evil aura emanating from the evil master has a feeling of being suppressed.


Lei Zhu, sword energy, and the evil master's fists collided together.

The sound of rumbling resounded throughout the world. Terrible power fluctuations swept out from the place where they At this time, the other four pavilion masters of the Jiuqingguan of Taishang attacked towards Meng Qianxue.

The ninth pavilion master and the sixth pavilion master have not recovered from their injuries, so they did not make a move.

But they were stopped by four masked men.

Seeing this, Meng Qianxue made a seal in her hand, and the speed was very fast.

And then pointed into the big array.


When she pointed her finger into the big formation, a figure appeared behind her.

A palm was directly printed on Meng Qianxue.

Taishang Jiuqingguan is not just a few pavilion masters now.

There are others.

The shot was the sixth pavilion master of the previous generation, and the master Qingyuan who had previously hunted down the evil master.


The palm directly patted Na Meng Qianxue's back.

Meng Qianxue spurted a mouthful of blood from her mouth.

The figure is moving in the direction of the previously injured sixth pavilion master.

The sixth pavilion master has not recovered from his injuries.

But seeing Meng Qianxue coming towards him, she also slapped it with a palm,


A palm slammed out, and it shattered the opponent's body directly.

But at the moment of the shattering, his expression changed.


Then his figure seemed to disappear in place and appeared in a dark space.

A pitch-black incense burner appeared in the space.

The incense burner radiated bright light and smashed towards him.

He wanted to move, but after his soul mixed with the aroma wafting from the incense burner, it became extremely heavy, and his consciousness became slow.

Then a big hand appeared, not grabbing his head.

The soul went black, and the whole person lost consciousness.

outside world.

Meng Qianxue grabbed the sixth pavilion master's head with her palm, and led him into the void and disappeared.

This is her real purpose.

Where did the source of Taishang go, she must find out.

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