Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2045: Undead Clan Heavy City, Youhabach is Coming

The ancestral land of the undead.

Yan Suoyu's eyes were slightly condensed in a palace in Shenting.

There was news from Dugu Qianhe, and they started it. This time, the city of Pluto was the main one.

"I don't move Pluto City, I hope you can help me lead out the Undead God Emperor and see the news."

he murmured.

Just when he thought about it.

A guard walked in quickly and stepped forward to report: "Zun Shou, Duan Zun Shou asks you to meet in the central hall and discuss important matters."

"okay, I get it!"

King Yan Suo waved his hand.

Of course he knew why he was asked to go to the main hall.

It should be the immovable Pluto City that started it.

The figure disappeared into the hall.

Central Hall.

Two figures were already sitting on the futon in the main hall.

Apart from King Yan Suo, these two were the two leaders of the Undead Clan, Duan Houchen and Chu Tianlan.

"I didn't expect the two of you to arrive so quickly!"

Yan Suowan appeared and sat on the futon, looking at the two of them.

"You should know about it!"

Among them, Duan Hou Chen said.

"Are you talking about the fact that the city of Hades will send troops? Just kill them, I can kill them myself!"

King Yan Suo said coldly.

"The shot is Youhabach, who does not move Hades. It is rumored that his strength is not simple."

Duan Houchen said in a deep voice.

"If you dare to take action against my undead **** clan, you will have to kill it with thunder. It's not easy to die." King Yan Suo said coldly.

There was a domineering tone in his tone.

"Okay, I'll take care of this friend Habach."

"I'll take someone to deal with him!"

After that, King Yan Suo disappeared.

This time, it was for the purpose of catching the Undead God Emperor, and he left, just in time to reduce the number of masters here.

If the Immortal God Emperor appears.

If you can't kill the people who can't kill the city of Hades outside by yourself, you can still take credit for the Emperor of the Undead.

Kill two birds with one stone!

"You said that King Yan Suo, how could he do it himself this time?"

The other person, Chu Tianlan, who did not speak, said.

"I don't know what this guy thinks, but Yohabach is not easy, I hope he doesn't have an accident!"

Duan Houchen said.

"I always feel that this is not easy!"

"This immovable Pluto City is an ancient star force, and we have to guard against it."

Chu Tianlan said in a deep voice.

"At that time, the five elders of the Undead Clan participated in the ancient star's curse. It is possible that they came here for revenge."

"You pay attention to the battle situation over there. If something happens, just wake up the five elders who were sleeping before."

Duan Houchen said.

"What about the emperor?"

"The emperor is absorbing huge power, and the emperor will not show up unless it is a last resort!"

Duan Houchen said in a deep voice.

at this time

Black Dragon City, one of the ten major cities of the undead **** race.

A huge imperial palace appeared in the sky, and countless psionic soldiers poured into the city.

in the city.

Above a tall building, a man in pitch-black armor looked at the psionic soldiers constantly pouring out, his eyes extremely solemn.

Pile of soldiers in battle armor are fighting with those psionic warriors.

The battlefield is more brutal.

"Master Hou, if we continue like this, we will suffer too many casualties, and the other party will continue to flow. Our soldiers can't support it. When will the support from Shenting arrive?"

Next to the man, a burly man in battle armor said.

"The other party didn't do their best at all, I think the other party is just waiting for our support!"

"The man who lives in that palace is Youhabach of the invisible empire, one of the forces under Fudo Hades!"

"Now I see only his army, not even the members of his Star Cross Knights."

The man called Hou Ye said.

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, several people behind him looked solemn.

"You don't have to worry, King Yan Suo, one of the three chiefs in the divine court, came in person and should be able to deal with them."

The man called Hou Ye said.

"Lord Yan Suo Wang is here in person!"

Hearing this news, the faces of the people behind him changed greatly, followed by surprises.

"The king of Yan Suo came here in person, it's a little unlikely, Lord Hou!"

One of them spoke up.

"I also don't think it's possible, but it is indeed the King of Yan Suo who came in person."

The man said in a low voice.

King Yan Suo is the most powerful man among the three chiefs, and it is rumored that he can fight against the most powerful of the five elders of the undead clan.

The five elders of the Undead Clan are the strongest in the Undead Clan except for the Undead God Emperor.

"In this case, we will be saved here."

One person spoke.

"Don't think it's that simple. Although Fudo Pluto City has not made many shots, it has killed the Wild God Sect in the Wild God Realm in one fell swoop, and fought against the evil spirit hunter Xie Jun. There is no loss."

said another.

This man had a handsome face, he was not wearing armor, he was wearing a green shirt, and he was dressed as a scribe.

He looked solemnly at the palace standing in the sky.

"That Youhabach should be waiting for the powerhouse of my undead clan, neither of you nor I were seen by the other party."

The middle-aged scribe looked at the leading man and said.

The leading man is the lord of this city, and the Undead God Clan God Court canonized Heilonghou.

This city is also called Black Dragon City.

"Brother Liu, as you said, the other party really doesn't like us?"

The headed Heilonghou said in a deep voice.

"Do you want me to take a shot!"

The man called Brother Liu said Don't irritate the other side. Even though we have casualties, we can still hold on. Once you make a move, I'm afraid the other side will take us directly. "

"Even if the time comes to comply, we will also perish."

Heilonghou shook his head.

Fang Zhi is not in them.

Once King Yan Suo appears, beat them and cheer, lose the battle, and just run away and leave.

This is what Hei Longhou thinks today.


Just then.

A man in black appeared in front of the Heilonghou, bowing and salute.

"Master Hou, all adults, several cities in the Undead Realm have been attacked."

"But only our Black Dragon City and the neighboring Jiangxia City are the forces that do not move Pluto City."

The man in black said.

"What other forces are there?"

"Some of the remnants of the ancient star, including the figure of the ancient temple."

The man in black replied.

"Master Yan Suo killed the old man in the ancient palace some time ago. Is this for revenge?"

The scribe in the blue shirt said.

"These ancient star forces are all lingering on, and now they want to appear, they are really courting death."

One person spoke.

"These forces can't move the platform of Pluto City, and of course they are more courageous."

"This time, waiting for the adults to kill the invisible empire friend Habach, and can't see the city of Hades, how crazy!"

one said.

as they speak.

in the sky.

Inside the invisible imperial palace, ten people with strange stature and appearance came out. As soon as they appeared, they felt a terrifying coercion filling the sky.


Under this pressure, some undead warriors exploded directly and turned into blood mist.

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