Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2053: Yushendu, Buddha Clan, Snowland

At this time, outside the undead **** race, in a void.

The two figures were suspended, and a projection appeared in front of them, which was the situation in the Undead Clan.

A person wearing a Taoist robe, with a thin face and a whisk in his hand, the fluttering of the Taoist robe looks quite refined.

It's just that his eyes looked a little gray, exuding a strange feeling. It is unbelievable to be underestimated.

At this moment, his eyes were looking closely at the projection in front of him.

Beside him is a burly bald monk with a sad face.

This monk is burly, with a fierce face, a string of huge black beads hanging around his chest and neck, wearing a gray monk robe, with wide sleeves, as if it can cover the universe.

The whole person stood there, exuding a wave of power fluctuations.

These power fluctuations collide in the void, creating ripples.

"Brother Dao, this immovable Pluto City is very strong. It seems that Duan Houchen is pulled into the void.

The monk said.

"There is no chance to live, this hidden person is very powerful"

"In our Yushendu information system, we didn't find out."

"I just know that this person has been following Su Hao, the lord of Fudo Pluto City."

"I just don't know if Su Hao, who didn't move the city of Hades, came here in person."

"If we come, we can also observe more!"

The man in the robe said.

"Dugu Baitian and Abandoned Heaven Emperor should not be able to take down the Undead Clan."

"The existence of the undead **** clan that even the three adults are afraid of, it is somewhat unlikely that Fudo Hades wants to win the undead **** emperor."

The monk shook his head.

"The strongest person in Fudo Pluto City should be the second city lord, Gu Chensha, whose strength is also unfathomable."

"If he makes a move, the undead emperor won't do it if he doesn't come out."

The Taoist man said in a deep voice.

"That's how we look at it!"

The monk said in a deep voice.

"Don't tell me you want to do it, if you want to do it, I won't stop you!"

said the man in the robe.

"Monk, I really want to take action. People from the undead race are very suitable to become followers of the Buddhist country of monks. I really want to catch millions of people into my Buddhist country."

When the monk spoke, there was a fiery light in his eyes.

"If you don't want to be beaten to death by the Undead Emperor, you can do it!"

"Our purpose this time is to look at the current situation of the Undead Emperor, and report his situation to the adults. Don't worry about anything else."

The man in Taoist robe said coldly.

"If the Undead Emperor is suppressed by Fudo Hades, don't stop me from arresting people!"

The monk said.

"If it's suppressed, then it's up to you!" Dao Pao didn't say anything else?

"I didn't expect that the people of Yushendu would pay attention to such battles."

Just as the two were talking, a low voice came from not far away.

Following the voice, a figure slowly walked out of the void.

The person who came was wearing a brocade robe with a pagoda embroidered on the robe.

"Buddha clan, Buddha tyrant, I didn't expect you to come here?"

The monk looked at the person who appeared and said coldly.

"If the two of you can appear, can't I appear? But I'm a little curious, how did the two of you appear here so quickly?"

The pagoda tyrant looked at the two and said.

The Buddha's face was cold and solemn, and his eyes were golden, like a long knife.

A powerful black wave emanated from his body, and these waves formed a huge pagoda, which collided with the surrounding space, creating ripples.

"Brother Futu, if you can come here, why can't we?"

The man in the Taoist robe said.

Hearing the words, the pagoda tyrant's eyes turned cold.

"Qianxuanzi, I think there must be something about your Yushendu here, tell me, maybe we can work together!" "The undead **** clan, the ancient clan that has gone through several epochs, the treasures inside must be extraordinary, three When people join forces, you will have more control."

Futu Xiongba looked at the two and said.

People from Yushendu will not appear here for no reason.

There must be a conspiracy.

He was a tyrant in the Buddha, and he found them, of course, he wanted to share a piece of the pie.

"Buddha Xiongba, if you want to cooperate, you can cooperate with Fudo Pluto City. I think the other party should be happy to cooperate with you."

The Taoist called Qianxuanzi opened his mouth and said.

"It's good not to move Pluto, but we're having a bit of a holiday. How can I join forces with them?"

"If they are suppressed by the Undead Emperor, I don't mind attacking them!"

The Buddha said coldly.

All the forces of the Buddha clan in the ancient star were killed.

It must have something to do with Fudo Pluto Castle.

So they are impossible or impossible.

Hearing that, Qian Xuanzi frowned. He didn't expect the Buddha clan to have a festival with Fufu Hades City.

"Buddha tyrants, after you became vassals of the Heitian clan, you lost your blood, what a pity!"

At this time, a white figure stepped out from the void.

"Xueyu, Tianxue Shangjun, there are some things you can't say."

Hearing the words, Buddha Xiongba looked at the person who appeared with fierce eyes.

The person who appeared was dressed in white, and when he walked out, tiny white snowflakes appeared in the void, freezing the surrounding void to form a field of ice.

Seeing the person coming, Qian Xuanzi, who was wearing a Taoist robe, froze.

He felt that things exceeded his expectations.

The buddha clan appeared in the snow field.

"Why the Buddha, you want to fight with me, you and I have fought hundreds of times, but there is no victory or defeat."

"Fighting here will disturb the undead clan."

That Snow Region Tianxue Shangjun opened his mouth and said.

"You two, let's continue to watch the battle!"

That day, after Yukue-kun finished speaking, his eyes turned towards the projection in front of him.

The bald monk next to the man in the Taoist robe raised his hand and grabbed it, and the projection disappeared.

"The two of you came here, what is the purpose of UU reading, please tell me and listen, otherwise, please stay away from us?"

"Master Kongyuan, we are just here to watch the battle and learn about the strength of Fudo Hades."

"The Undead Clan and our Snow Region are both among the top ten forces that promoted the ancient star's curse back then."

"After the appearance of the ancient star force of Fudo Pluto City, it has always been very strong, and now it is even taking action against the undead gods. Of course we have to come and see!"

That day, Xue Shang-kun opened his mouth and said.

"Aren't you ready to take action at a critical moment?"

Qian Xuanzi asked.

"When you can do it. Of course you do it. If the city of Hades is so strong, it will definitely break the curse, and then it will definitely attack me in the snowy area."

"If the undead gods have the opportunity to create, let us leave a few people who will not move the city of Hades, that's a good thing!"

Tianxue Shangjun continued.

"We don't have any plans to take action, so we'd better stay away from the two of us, so as not to bring disaster to Chiyu!"

"This projection stone is reserved for the two of you, and you can continue to watch it here!"

"Kongyuan, let's change place!"

Qian Xuanzi said to Kong Yuan beside him.


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