Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2059: Resurrection Ability, Psychic Illusion

One of the Three Treasures of the Undead Clan, that is to say, there are two treasures.

Su Hao was startled for a while, and looked at the mirror of immortality.

The mirror is suspended in mid-air.

Facing Dugu Baitian, there is a terrifying power in the mirror. Dugu Baitian's eyes also became solemn.

Ten figures appeared behind him.

These ten figures appeared, and shocking power fluctuations erupted.

Resist the power fluctuations that burst out from this divine mirror.

[Trigger the mission, **** the Three Treasures of the Undead Clan, and **** one as a reward for 1 level 16 character crystal lottery card and 1 level 16 item crystal lottery card. 】

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Su Hao's ears.

It has been a long time since the system released the sound of the task.

Su Hao's eyes narrowed, and he looked at the mirror of immortality, with a flash of light in his eyes.

on the battlefield.

"Dugu defeated the sky, the body of ten generations!"

The big elder who took action watched Dugu defeat the Heavenly Dao.

And the mirror of immortality in his hand suddenly flickered, and it began to absorb the power between heaven and earth.

There are power fluctuations in this mirror, and it is still absorbing the power of this world.

Previously, because of the battle, the broken talisman culture poured into the divine mirror into white lights.

There was also a trace of blood and flesh left behind by the people who had been beheaded before, and they were also sucked into the divine mirror together.

After the blood was inhaled by the mirror of immortality, it began to extend, and finally turned into the appearance of the previous person, but it seemed that the consciousness had not recovered.


Seeing this phenomenon, Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

This mirror of immortality seems to have the ability to resurrect people with the help of flesh and blood.

Very extraordinary.

The previously killed Duanhouchen, the second elder, the fourth elder, the fifth elder Buddha, and the just-killed Lord Tianxue appeared in the mirror.

Among them, the undead gods walked out of the mirror.

Soon, the eyes of the second elder, fourth elder, fifth elder, and Duanhouchen of the Undead Clan recovered.

On the other hand, Futu Xiongba and Tianxue Shangjun's eyes were blurred. As if unaware.

"It seems that we were killed. Send this piece of consciousness to me."

The second elder who walked out of the Immortal Mirror said.

The four rays of light in the mirror of immortality merged into the bodies of the four.

The two elders looked at the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, and murderous intent filled his eyes.

"These two are under my control!"

The palms of the two elders formed a seal, and a crescent moon mark appeared between the eyebrows of the Buddha Xiongba and Tianxue Shangjun.

Then the two men walked out of the mirror as if they had received instructions.

appeared behind him.

On the other side.

Black and white are fighting against the three elders of the undead clan.

After the two struck, the three elders retreated, and Chu Tianlan, who was injured by the Abandoning Heaven Emperor, also retreated with serious injuries.

The strength of the whole body is recovering.

"Is it just resurrecting these five people? It seems that the mirror of immortality needs the blood or flesh of the dead to resurrect each other?"

"But these two people who came to help you are a little sad. They have no consciousness and become puppets."

Dugu Baitian said.

"If there is residual consciousness in their clan, integrating into this body can still restore their own consciousness."

The Great Elder said calmly.

"My undead clan has an undead mirror, how can you kill us?"

The Great Elder looked at Dugu defeating Heaven.

"The power in this mirror of immortality is limited. If you run out, you want to replenish it, but it won't take a while. We will explode it here and swallow you a few times!"

Dugu Baitian looked at the floating undead mirror and said.

"Also, do you think I didn't suppress the treasure of your Undead Mirror?"

When Dugu Baitian speaks.

A huge cemetery appeared behind him.

The endless spirit of gods and demons erupted from the cemetery, and this aura rushed directly to the mirror of immortality.

The Mirror of Immortality sensed the crisis, and a dazzling light erupted, covering the cemetery of gods and demons behind Dugu Baitian.


Countless low-pitched roars erupted from the cemetery of the gods and demons.

With the low roar, figures appeared one after another in the cemetery of the gods and demons, stretched out their huge palms and grabbed towards the mirror of immortality.

See you.

The Great Elder's palm formed a seal, and the power in his body rushed towards the mirror of immortality.

A huge beam of light erupted from the Mirror of Immortality and slammed into the giant hand.

And this time.

At this time, Abandoned Heavenly God stepped forward, looked at the two elders and said, "The power in your body has disappeared a little, and it is much worse than before."

"Kill you directly!"


Abandoned Heaven Emperor took the lead, raising his palm and pressing directly on the two elders and the other three.

The palm is like a vortex, producing a huge suction.

When the two elders saw the palm prints, the two of them rushed out at the same time behind him.

When approaching the vortex, it exploded directly, colliding with a huge force, forming a huge energy storm.

And when this huge storm appeared.

The second elder rushed out.

A huge grinding disc appeared in the palm of the hand, and the chaotic light on the grinding disc surged out, and the energy storm and space where it passed were all shattered.

The Emperor Abandoned Heaven is stronger than him.

So he made a desperate gamble and used all his strength.

With a grinding disc in his fist, it crashed down, extremely fierce.

Abandoned Heavenly Emperor's body was shaken slightly by the force of the explosion, and then he felt the punch coming.


The Abandoned Heavenly Emperor let out a long roar, his body exuding dazzling demonic energy, and the figures of demon kings appeared behind him, as if he was about to come alive.

The palm of the hand lifted to the sky and shot at the same time.

The devilish energy shone like a starry river, rushing towards the punch.


The two fists collide

The grinding disc in the palm of the two elders disappeared, and the fist was directly shattered by the fist of the abandoned emperor, and then hit the opponent's arm.

An arm was directly turned into powder, and there was no blood or flesh left.

After a successful blow, Abandoned Heaven Emperor's palm formed a seal, and the huge figure enveloped the two elders, directly suppressing the two elders.

Then a pitcher plant appeared behind the second elder again.

Continue to devour the second elder,

Suppression of strength, even if resurrection is still useless.

The third elder of the Undead Clan, who was standing on the absolute facade of black and white, looked at this situation, and a huge hammer appeared in the palm of his hand.

The pitcher plant was sent out by this guy, so we had to kill this guy first.


After the giant hammer appeared, it fell straight down.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sun and the moon fell.

The attack power is extremely powerful.

Black and White Jue black light appeared all over the body. A light flashed in his eyes.

There was no obstruction, the fall of this hammer,


The giant hammer smashed his body directly.

But there was no flesh and blood.

The expression of the three elders changed when they shot.

Divine Consciousness surveyed the surroundings.

At this time, the scene in front of him changed, and black and white figures appeared.

These figures attacked him.

The three elders immediately bombarded with a giant hammer.

Rumble boom!

The sky and the earth continued to explode under this giant hammer.

But outside, Hei Jue and the three elders were still opposed, but the three elders on the opposite side kept blasting their giant hammers into the void.

The huge energy shattered the void of the undead race.

An endless torrent poured into the ancestral land of the undead.


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