Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2080: 9 puppets, evil is the main shot, esoteric Buddhist temple is empty

Sign-in starts from catching fast Chapter 2080 Nine puppets, the evil main shot, the Tantric Buddhist Academy is empty

When her voice fell.

There were nine dolls in his hand, one of which was the appearance of Mrs. Tianmo, which had been shattered at this time.

She hands a little.

A surge of energy poured into one of the eight remaining dolls.

The rays of light flowed on the doll, and the restrictions seemed to be lifted.

Then a beautiful woman appeared.

The woman's body is uneven, not worse than the previous Mrs. Tianmo.

The appearance is not inferior to this Master Qing Ni, but it seems that there is something missing on top of the invisible temperament.

The most special thing about this woman is not her face, but her eyes

In the depths of her eyes, a pair of dark red meniscus were printed upside down.

"I have seen the Lord!"

The woman knelt down and saluted Qingni.

"Get up, from now on you will be the fourth lord of Yushendu, responsible for Yushendu's affairs!"

That Qingni said.

"Yes, my lord!"

The glamorous woman led the way, and then left the palace.

The former three giants of Yushendu have never appeared, and Mrs. Tianmo was their spokesperson before.

Only now it has fallen.

"Being able to kill the demons and ghosts, I don't know if you have any losses."

After Qing Ni finished speaking, she closed her eyes slightly and continued to rest on the bed.

Another place.

Nine Heavens Domain.

Now the evil master has completely controlled Jiutianyu.

And also controlled a lot of generals and won over some characters.

in the hall.

The evil master sat on a huge bone chair.

There were many people standing below.

"To gather you today, the main purpose is to take down Li Tianyu next to him."

The villain opened his mouth.

The main reason why these people were won over by him was their interests and strength.

Although the Nine Heavens Territory is large, how could the belligerents only occupy one territory.

"Lord, although the strength of Li Tianyu is not as good as that of Jiutianyu, it is not a small domain. The dominant force of Li Tianyu is called Li Tiangong, known as Li Tianzhenjun."

"This True Monarch Li Tian has extraordinary strength, and it is rumored that he will not be able to retreat after a thousand years."

"The person in charge of Li Tianyu is his third son, Li Hong. This Li Hong is rumored to be apprenticing to the Dayu next door, the Supreme Holy Master of the National Teacher Palace of the Moke Empire, Mokeye."

Below, a man in a black robe spoke.

Hearing the black-robed man talking about Mokeye, there was a chatter in the hall.

The Evil Lord, who was sitting on the bone chair, did not change his expression.

Who is Mo Ke Ye, of course he knows, not only the holy teacher of the National Teacher Palace of the Mo Ke Empire, but also the royal family of the Mo Ke Empire.

It can be said that, although Li Tianyu is still an independent domain today, it can also be said that it is attached to the Moco Empire.

Taking action against Li Tianyu was actually taking action against the Moco Empire.

"Lord, our current strength, against the Moco Empire, I'm afraid there is no chance of winning."

Although the evil master joined Yushendu.

But this news is only known to some insiders, and the identities have not been fully disclosed.

So these people below him don't know yet.

Therefore, when he heard that he was going to take action against Li Tianyu, he made a fearful voice.

"The deity knows about the Moco Empire behind Li Tianyu, but the deity of Li Tianyu is bound to take it. I have already contacted Yushendu here!"

"If something happens, I will ask Yushendu and other forces to help!"

"However, Li Tianyu's best thing is to win it ourselves, otherwise, we will give up a lot of resources."

The villain opened his mouth.

Hear the words of the evil lord.

Others in the hall, the previous fear disappeared, some of them are a kind of war impulse.

"You all go down and prepare to see if you can come up with an excuse to attack Li Tianyu! Liu Tiandao, stay here, I have something to tell you!"

The villain waved his hand.

The people in the hall quickly left, leaving only the man who spoke earlier.

"Tiandao, you go to Li Tianyu and investigate the situation of Li Tianzhen!" said the evil master.

The power that can control a domain must have some trump cards.

He can't be careless.

"Yes!" Liu Tiandao bowed and left.

Tianyuan City

Here, the renaming of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce caused a wave in the entire Tianyuan.

in a luxurious mansion.

Jin Lunhai was lying on the reclining chair, and a pretty girl beside him was bringing him fruit.

"Master, someone from the Tantric Buddhist Academy has arrived!"

Old Qin appeared in the courtyard and said.

"Who is here!"

Jin Lunhai asked.

"The chief of the Thirteenth Academy, your senior brother, Master Dukong."

Qin Lao opened his mouth and said.


Jin Lunhai, who was eating fruit, stood up from the reclining chair instantly.

"You mean my senior brother is here, isn't the senior brother in the inner demon cave, obliterating himself and killing the inner demon? Why did the master send him here."

Jin Lunhai asked involuntarily.

"This old slave doesn't know!"

"But from this point of view, the Buddhist Academy attaches great importance to the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. What should we do?"

Qin Lao said.

He had seen Su Hao's strength.

The power of that punch was terrifying.

I believe that even if the young master's senior brother Du Kong is not necessarily able to resist.

"Didn't I pass on Su Muhai's strength to the Buddhist academy? Why did the master also send the elder brother?"

Jin Lunhai said solemnly.

"Go to see the senior brother first, see what the senior brother thinks, and then talk about it!"

Jin Lunhai got up and walked towards the hall.

In the hall at this time.

A monk in a white robe was sipping tea, looking very gentle.

There is a world of difference from what Jin Lunhai and the others said.

That Jin Lunhai walked into the hall and felt the aura of the white-robed monk, his expression remained unchanged, but he really cursed in his heart.

"Eldest brother's inner demon, it's getting more serious, I still have to be careful about some subtleties."

From the tone of voice, it can be seen that Jin Lunhai is very afraid of him, the white-robed monk.

Salute towards the white-robed monk: "I have seen Senior Brother.!"

"Junior Brother Lunhai, your strength has not improved in the past few years. It seems that you still need to go back to the Buddhist academy to cultivate. Don't be greedy for the beauty in this world."

The white-robed monk looked at Jin Lunhai and said softly.

"Eldest brother said that the matter of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce has been resolved, and I will follow the senior brother back to the Buddhist academy."

"Eldest brother, what are you going to do when you come here this Jin Lunhai said.

"Help me entertain that Su Muhai and Liumushan!"

The white-robed monk said.

"Okay!" Jin Lunhai instructed Old Qin who followed.

"Tell me about Su Muhai's situation in detail here!"

The white-robed monk asked Jin Lunhai to sit next to him and said.

another place

outside the city

The sixth pavilion master in a Taoist robe appeared in front of the first pavilion master, his face was very bad.

"The first pavilion master, now that the restriction on Liu Chenxi has disappeared, what should we do? Without a furnace that has been arranged for hundreds of years, it will be difficult for Tianzun to recover."

The sixth pavilion master said in a deep voice.

When he met Liu Mushan, Liu Mushan didn't hide it, and directly told him about Su Hao's promise to lift the ban.

And cut off ties with them.

"It's okay, send the other cauldrons first, let the body of Tianzun absorb those cauldrons, and finally find a way to catch Liu Chenxi!"

"According to the news from you, Liu Chenxi will not leave Tianyuan City in a short period of time. We can act quickly here!"

"And Yushendu's Lady Tianmo and True Monarch Guisha died in the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. You secretly expanded this matter. I think Yushendu will continue to take action against Su Muhai for the sake of face and prestige."

"Just let me see what cards this Su Muhai has!"

"Is there anyone from the Tantric Buddhist Academy?"

The first pavilion master said calmly.

"Come on, it's the chief of the Thirteenth Academy, Master Dukong, I'm going to meet him later!"

The sixth pavilion main road. +Bookmark+

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