Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2088: Grip, 3 go its 2

Signing in starts from catching fast Chapter 2088 Fighting, three to two

Although they were sleeping, their bodies were radiant, like dazzling pearls, illuminating the entire space like day.

And there is a trace of energy flowing in these people.

These energies went towards the glass coffin in the middle.


Just then.

The sixth pavilion master waved his sleeve, and a pagoda appeared in his hand.

After the pagoda flew out, it was suspended in the air.

Then I saw white shadows flying out from the pagoda, and finally heading towards the cave above the cliff.

It is also a figure, and the consciousness of these figures seems to have disappeared, and they are in a deep sleep.

They are like puppets, sitting on the cliff, exactly like the previous ones.

"Start the Sanshentai, and I will send the other two people to the Sanshentai!"

At this time, the sixth pavilion master said.

Hear the words of the sixth pavilion master.

A huge force appeared in the hands of the other two, rushing towards a space opposite the glazed coffin.

When the power of the two people poured in, a gap appeared in that space.

Then three seats appeared in it.

These three seats appeared, and a surging breath enveloped the entire space for a while.

Those figures on the cliff wall began to quickly flow out of their strength, heading towards the three seats.

At this time, the sixth pavilion master made a seal, and two figures appeared on the pagoda, moving towards the three seats.

The two figures that appeared were full of breath.

When the two figures sat on the seats, two Origin Orbs exuding a surging breath appeared in the hands of the sixth pavilion master, and directly penetrated into the two figures.

"Sixth Pavilion Master, if it wasn't for your mistake, the last seat would not be empty!"

"I think you still think of a way to get your disciple back."

The third pavilion master said coldly.

"You don't need to worry about your third pavilion master!"

Hearing this, the sixth pavilion master said coldly.

"Okay, we should get out of here too."

The fifth pavilion master said.

However, suddenly this space began to change, the gap in the previous space began to change, and it quickly healed.

The faces of the three suddenly changed,

"what's going on?"

The third pavilion master looked at the sixth pavilion.

"I don't know either, you and I are jointly managing here, you don't know what's going on, and I don't know either.

The sixth pavilion master said solemnly.

Hearing the words of the sixth pavilion master, the other two looked sharply towards the four directions.

"I don't know if that body is the body of Wangqing Tianzun."

When they were nervous, Su Hao's figure came out from the dark.

Black and white must have assimilated the energy in that void gap.

Closing the void gap can easily be done.

"Su Muhai!"

Seeing Su Hao's appearance, the sixth pavilion master's eyes narrowed.

He didn't expect to see Su Hao here.

"Sixth Pavilion Master, don't be surprised, I still want you to answer the question I just asked?"

Su Hao looked at the sixth pavilion master, and then his eyes shifted to the glass coffin below.

[Trigger quest: The host discovers the blue sky glass coffin, the blue sky glass coffin can temper the body of the strong, nurture the strong soul, **** the blue glass coffin, and get a 16-level crystal lottery card. 】

At this time, a systematic and mechanical voice sounded in Su Hao's ears.

"I didn't expect to get a **** mission!"

Su Hao thought to himself.

"Chenxi should be with you, otherwise, you shouldn't come here so easily."

At this time, the sixth pavilion master said.

At this time, the eyes of the sixth pavilion master have returned to calm.

Staring at Su Hao.

"Master, you want to see me so much."

At this time, Liu Chenxi came out from the dark, and appeared beside him in black and white.

as protection.

"I didn't expect you to come, do you know why I didn't abolish your rune?"

"That is to give you the opportunity to come here. In fact, I am really afraid that you will not dare to explore here."

The sixth pavilion master looked at Liu Chenxi who appeared, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Su Muhai, I don't know how you closed the void, but this place is still under our control."

"I will kill you today, and then send Chen Xi to the remaining seat."

"This palace is perfect."

The sixth pavilion master continued.

"It seems that you are sure to deal with me?"

Su Hao looked at the other party and said coldly.

"Don't you rely on the person behind you?"

"But here, the person you rely on has no chance of winning. Didn't you ask me, who is in the glass coffin?"

"I tell you, that is the body of Lord Tianzun."

"I will show you the strength of Lord Tianzun."

The sixth pavilion master said,

"Let me see his strength." At this time, the pavilion master said coldly.

when he speaks.

Behind him, a piece of blood appeared, and a blood knife thousands of meters long condensed in the blood.

He slashed directly at Su Hao.


Su Hao was cut in half by a knife.

But it is phantom.

The fifth pavilion master's eyes narrowed and he looked towards one place.

Su Hao's figure appeared there.

[Trigger quest: Kill three people with your own hands, and after all beheadings are completed, you will be rewarded with a 16-level character crystal lottery card. 2 x 16-item Crystal Draw Cards. 】

At this time, the system sound appeared again.

Su Hao, whose face was calm originally, showed a happy expression on his face.

"You want to kill me, I'm afraid it's not enough!"

Su Hao looked at the fifth pavilion master and said coldly.

The voice fell, and all the breath on the body burst out, and the surging power fluctuations were like tides, surging in this space.


Su Hao's figure shot out towards the three of them.

He wants to kill each other with one enemy and three.

The fifth pavilion master felt the aura on Su Hao's body, and his expression changed.

Not only him, but the other two also changed their faces.

They did not expect that Su Muhai's strength would be so strong.

When they were horrified, Su Hao's figure had already appeared in front of the fifth pavilion and punched out.

The power is boundless, and the endless fist force burst out above his fist and enveloped the fifth pavilion master.

The fifth pavilion master under the shroud of fists, his face changed greatly, and he felt a trembling feeling all over his body.

The blood-colored long sword in his hand did not hesitate, and slammed it out,

But under Su Hao's fist, the long knife shattered directly.

In the end, it was like a giant mountain fell.


The fifth pavilion master could not resist at all, and was directly smashed into blood by this punch, floating in this space.


Su Hao looked at the third and sixth pavilion masters.

At this time, his momentum is endless, like a god, giving people an unstoppable feeling,

The sixth pavilion master looked towards the third pavilion owner.

The third pavilion master's face was pale.

This Su Muhai's strength was even more terrifying than she had imagined. If he killed the fifth pavilion master with one punch, it would also be a punch against her.

"Communicate with the spirit of Tianzun, otherwise, we will all die!"

The third pavilion master shouted in a low voice.

Hearing this, the sixth pavilion master formed a seal with both hands, and a rune appeared.

And here Su Hao also moved, his figure turned into a white light and appeared in front of the third pavilion master.

"Send you on the road first!"

Su Hao said indifferently.

Punch out.

"Heavenly God Sacrifice!" The third pavilion master growled lowly, sensing the horror of Su Hao's fist.

A huge goddess figure appeared behind her, but this figure was smashed to pieces by Su Hao's fist.

Then the fist falls on the opponent's body.

The third pavilion master's body shattered like a ceramic.

The three go to the second.

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