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Chapter 2143: Murdering God Mountain, Murdering God Palace

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Man Meng, fierce, domineering unparalleled.

The young master of the divine blood of Tianyao Holy Land next to the Dark Cloud Goddess, seeing Su Hao at this moment, couldn't help but describe it like this.

As soon as a word disagrees, they will do it and kill them forcefully, without giving the opponent any chance.

This is his dream.

Of course just thinking about it.

Such people must not only be strong, but also have strong forces behind them.

He can never do it.

"Dark Cloud Goddess, it seems that we really hugged our thighs!"

Divine Blood Young Master voiced towards the dark cloud goddess.

The Dark Cloud Heavenly Girl nodded, but she did not expect that the person she accidentally invited into the boat would be so powerful.

If you don't get started.

When it started, it shocked everyone.

"move on!"

Su Hao didn't care about the dead, but continued to walk towards the center of Mt. Slaying God.

A lot of people gathered there.

He wanted to know who was in the hands of the treasure that Venerable Destroyer's consciousness was attached to.

In this way, it is convenient for him to find out where Venerable God Extinguisher's real consciousness is.

After their group left.

A black dragon appeared in the distance. After the black dragon appeared, it turned into a young man wearing dragon armor. The young man looked handsome, his eyes were black, and his body exuded a fierce and domineering aura.

"That person was so strong just now!"

He sighed.

When Su Hao and the others fought, he appeared and saw all the fighting process.

Su Hao's shot is simply unparalleled domineering.

"It seems that I can't sit in the sea of ​​gods and watch the sky!"

The young man muttered in his mouth.

As he spoke, several people approached.

"Brother Ao, do you know who the mysterious powerhouse that shot just now is?"

One of them, a young man in a red robe, opened the mouth and said.

It seems that he has some friendship with this young man.

"I don't know, it should be a foreign powerhouse, but this person killed the two deputy palace masters of the shrine, and Fairy Feixia of Tianyu Holy Land!"

"The two forces will not give up, and I am afraid that a war will break out next!"

said the man called Brother Ao.

"Then let's go check it out with me!"

The red-robed youth said.

The group also quickly moved towards the Mt. Killing God.

After they left, some people also showed up.

"This time there is such a strong person in the Mountain of Slaying the Gods, I am afraid that the Palace of Slaying the Gods in the Four Gods Mountain will be opened."

In the center of the Murdering God Mountain, there is a Murdering God Palace.

That is the palace of the God-killing Tianzun, which is why the mountain is called the God-killing Mountain.

Different from the previous young people, these people who have been around the Mt. God Murder all the year round have bright eyes. They know that this time, the Murder God Palace may be opened.

The strong will not come here for no reason.

at this time

The central location of Mt. Murderer.

A huge palace is suspended, surrounded by the prohibition of death.

Inside these restrictions lay countless corpses, new corpses, weathered corpses, and piles of dust.

Prohibition is extraordinary.

In the space outside the prohibition, the breath is peaceful, not as violent as the breath outside the Mt. Slaying God.

So a lot of people gathered.

A magic treasure-shaped palace emerges in this mountain range.

When Su Hao and Emperor Tengtian came here, their eyes were a little stunned. He didn't expect this scene to be here.

"There is the Shrine of Murder."

Su Hao looked at the palace that was full of restrictions.

"Yes, that is the Slaughtering God Palace. There is a killing formation arranged by the God-killing Heavenly Venerate in the Godslayering Palace. No one has been able to break this killing formation for so many years."

"Only now, I still don't understand, this is the site of God-killing God, how can the consciousness of God-killing God appear!"

Teng Tiandi said in a deep voice.

The strength of the God-killing Heavenly Venerate is calculated to be the upper Heavenly Venerate.

As for the strength of Venerable God Extinguishing, I don't know.

"One kills the gods, the other kills the gods, maybe there's something between the two."

"Young Master of Divine Blood, Dark Cloud Goddess, go and find out who is in the hands of the few treasures attached to the consciousness of Venerable God Extinguishing!"

Su Hao said to the two of them.

The divine soul consciousness of the Heavenly Venerate is very useful to him, so it must be obtained as soon as possible.

"Okay, we'll investigate now!"

The young master of the blood and the dark cloud goddess left quickly.

At this time, with a wave of Emperor Tengtian's palm, a jade palace was formed, sitting on a mountain peak.

"City Lord Su, let's drink a few drinks first!"

Teng Tiandi said.

"Okay!" The two walked towards the Tengtian Emperor's palace.

At this moment, a biting cold air rushed to the face.

Amidst this chill, a woman in a white dress appeared in front of Su Hao and the others.

His eyes stared at Teng Tiandi. His expression was cold, as if there was some deep hatred.

"Emperor Tengtian, you are several days later than our agreed time. Are you very reluctant to see me?"

The woman in white said.

From these words, it can be known that Emperor Tengtian is very familiar with the other party.

"How could that be? Some things were delayed in the middle, City Lord Su, let me introduce to you, this is Yin Yu, the Lord of Yin Shen Court!"

"Yinyu, this is the City Lord Su from the Anti-God Overseas who does not move the Pluto City!"

Teng Tiandi said.

"Do not move Pluto City?"

That Yin God Court Master, Yin Yu frowned slightly, and nodded towards Su Chen.

The strength of the Yinshen Court is under the four forces of the Anti-God Sea.

It used to be the most qualified to become the fifth largest force in the Sea of ​​Gods.

It's just that the strength of the Holy Master of Tianyu Holy Land has increased too fast, suppressing the Yinshen Court, and this is the situation.

She didn't have any impression of not moving Pluto City, so she didn't care too much.

"Emperor Tengtian, tell us about the masters who killed the gods Baifa and Shen Nantian, as well as Fairy Feixia in Tianyu Holy Land!"

At this time, several figures came from a distance.

Hearing the words of a few people, the rainy look was startled, and Emperor Tengtian would definitely not be able to kill each other.

Then there is only Su Hao, the unmoved Pluto City Lord in front of him, the one to kill.

"A few of you enter the palace first!"

Seeing this, Emperor Tengtian said directly.

lead a few people into the palace,

These people have a good relationship with him, and are his allies in the sea of ​​​​anti-gods.

Inside the hall.

Everyone sat down, and some fine wine appeared on their respective tables.

At this time, the rain had already learned from the mouths of others what had just happened in the Mt. Killing God.


She didn't expect Su Hao to be so strong.

But there was also a hint of worry in his eyebrows.

The strongest in the shrine is the lord of the first palace of the shrine, Shenmu, and the strongest in the Tianyu Holy Land is Fairy Luo Yun, the lord of the Tianyuan Holy Land.

The strength of these two is rumored to be close to Tianzun.

It was very difficult for Su Hao to block these two.

What's more, the shrine also has the Tianyu Holy Land, and now it is related to the Tantric Buddhist Academy and Sanxuantian.

They were under a lot of pressure and couldn't help but look at Emperor Tengtian.

Emperor Tengtian's face was relaxed, and the breath on his body was a little different.

"His strength is getting stronger? It shouldn't be. Recently, it's good for his strength to be balanced. How can he get stronger?"

"Could it be that the Divine Soul of Dark Fire Supreme has been exorcised on him!"

Such thoughts flashed through Yin Yu's heart.

If this is the case, then it means that Su Hao has a powerhouse in the Heavenly Venerate realm.

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