Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2149: The incomplete consciousness of the **** of extinction (2


Seeing this situation, Liu Muxi shouted eagerly.

She didn't expect her father to take action against Su Hao.

They had seen Su Hao's strength before. One punch kills one person.

No matter how strong her father was, he couldn't be the opponent of City Lord Su.

"Let me see your punching power, dare to provoke me like this."

Su Hao snorted coldly, raised his head and punched out.


The moment their fists collided, the terrifying power they carried instantly shook the surrounding space to collapse.

In an instant, a black hole is formed, swallowing all light.

Seeing this, the corner of Liu Mushan's mouth had a ferocious look, "City Lord Su, is your strength just like that?"

"Let me show you, I got a new boxing technique!"

"Destroy the gods and kill ten!"

After the low voice, Liu Mushan showed a crazy smile on the corner of his mouth.

In his smile, he seemed to have seen the scene where Su Hao was smashed to pieces by his punch.

Destroy God Ten Kills.

With one punch, ten punches of power can emerge.

The fist energy poured into the opponent's body like a wave, and finally formed ten forces, which directly blasted the opponent's body.


Just when he hit this punch, Su Hao threw the same punch as before.

without the slightest change,

It collided with Liu Mushan's fist.

At the moment when the fists collided, Liu Mushan's expression suddenly changed, and a look of disbelief emerged in his eyes.

Because at the place where their fists collided, before his ten punches entered Su Hao's arm, he clearly felt that an incomparably domineering force burst out from Su Hao's flat fist like a torrent.

When his ten major energy collided with the opponent's fist energy, he was instantly destroyed,

Then the force rushed into his arm.


He threw out his fist and his arm exploded directly.

With the explosion of his arm, a shock wave of destruction visible to the naked eye erupted, and the surrounding space directly shattered into cracks.

That Liumushan let out a scream.

When the screams broke out, the pagoda appeared again, covering his body, and a stream of pure energy poured into his body, allowing his broken arm to recover quickly.

"I really want to know, are you Liumushan now, or someone else?"

Su Hao looked at the other party and said in a deep voice.

"This seat is Liumu Mountain. Su Hao, your strength is strong, but it's useless if you can't kill me!"

Liu Mushan's arm was blasted before, and his face became gloomy.

But under the recovery of the pagoda, the arm was intact, making him rampant again.

"I just don't know if I smashed your heart with a punch, can you recover!"

Su Hao looked at Zhang Kuang Liu Mu Shan and said in a low voice.

When he spoke, the light in his eyes flickered, and the next moment, his fist slammed out instantly.

The strength of Liu Mushan is not worthy of him to use the Era Divine Fist.

Seeing Su Hao reappearing, Liu Mushan didn't rush out to fight Su Hao again, but took a deep breath and sealed his hands like lightning.


Endless blood emanated from the back of Liumu Mountain, turning into a blood-colored silhouette of a lake.

The figure showed only one pair of eyes.

His eyes were cold, without a trace of emotion.

Seeing the punch from Su Hao's attack.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

And this time.

The **** figure punched out, and a fierce and savage aura burst out from the opponent's fist.

The punching technique of this **** figure was exactly the same as that of Liu Mushan's previous attack.

But the power that burst out is extraordinary.

The fist blasted out, and ten huge blood-colored lines burst out on his fist.


The two fists collided.

The blood-colored fist shadow shattered inch by inch under Su Hao's fist.

Seeing this, Liu Mushan's eyes changed again, his palms were imprinted, and he stomped his footsteps. He saw the blood-colored figure behind him, opening his huge mouth, and roaring and filial piety.

"Blood God Fury!"

The huge blood shadow roared filially and made a blood-like roar of filial piety, carrying destructive power, and swept towards Su Hao. This sonic power is extremely domineering.

Like a bell roaring in heaven and earth,

At this time, the pagoda in Liumushan's body flew out instantly and turned into a huge blood-colored pagoda. On the blood-colored pagoda, dragons and phoenixes danced towards Su Hao.

"Shoot at the same time!"

When Su Hao saw this scene, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Six Paths of Samsara Fist, blasted out.

The blood wave and the huge blood-colored pagoda were all shrouded in it.

boom! boom! boom!

In the void, the sound of collision erupted, forming pieces of collapsed space.

Liu Mushan spewed out a mouthful of blood at this time,

The figure almost fell to the ground.


At this time, seeing Liu Mushan's situation, Liu Muxi rushed over directly.

want to help her father.

"Your power can restore me!"

Just as Liu Muxi was walking towards Liu Mushan, Liu Mushan grabbed Liu Muxi with a palm, and Liu Muxi's body was directly caught in Liu Mushan's hands.

At the same time, a suction force sucked Liu Muxi's power into his body.

"Father, you!"

Liu Muxi didn't expect her father to take action against her and wanted to resist, but Liu Mushan's face was hideous.

"You are my support, what's the point of dedicating your strength to me!"

"If it wasn't for you to call this Su Hao here, I wouldn't have to worry so much, it was you who ruined my further chances!"

At this moment, Liu Mushan showed no kindness at all.

In order to come against the Divine Sea, he spent too much and wanted to become a master.

If it wasn't for his daughter, who brought Su Hao here, the treasure he got would never have been discovered.

His strength is bound to grow rapidly.

Hearing Liu Mushan's words, Liu Muxi's expression changed greatly.

She didn't expect her father to say such a thing.


At this moment, a ray of light passed directly in front of them, cutting through the suction of Liumu Mountain.

Then a rattan instantly entered the opponent's body.

Start to devour the power in Liumu Mountain!

"my power!"

At this moment, Liu Mushan felt that his power was being devoured madly, and his expression changed greatly.


And at this moment, the pagoda that was fighting against Su Hao was shaken upside down and flew back, and the blood was vanished under Su Hao's fist.

The pagoda that flew out went directly towards Liumu Mountain.

But when he rushed to Liu Mushan's side, he found that Liu Mushan had no power at all.

At this time, Liu Mushan was overjoyed when he saw the impacted pagoda.

He believed that the power of the pagoda would allow him to recover.

The power in the body is swallowed up.

He was unable to shout at this time, and could only look at the pagoda.

But the pagoda flew away the moment it approached him.

"How can I let you go!"

Su Hao raised his palm directly, covering the pagoda and pressing him down.

Being pressed down by Su Hao's palm, the pagoda didn't react.

Seeing this, Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly. He took out the other seven treasures in his hand and gathered them together with the pagoda.

He really wanted to see if the consciousness of these eight treasures could be combined into the consciousness of Venerable God Extinguishing.

When these eight treasures appeared at the same time.

The treasure began to change, forming eight light groups, of which the blood-colored pagoda of Liumu Mountain was the most radiant.

These rays of light converge in one place in an instant.

After the rays of light, the eight treasures fell to the ground like ordinary iron.

The light group gathers.

The space here seems to be darkened, and some airflow fluctuations were formed in the previous fight, which seemed to be restrained and stopped directly.

Su Hao's eyes stared at the eight light groups tightly.

The person who gathered the eight light groups.

A figure formed within that light group.

"Almost, just a little bit, I can succeed, who ruined my plan!"

The figure in the light group made a low roar of filial piety.

This filial piety didn't last long.

That figure tore open the light group and appeared in front of Su Hao.

"It should be that you disturbed the practice of this seat, and dared to destroy the practice of this seat, and this seat will compensate with your soul and blood!"

The figure looked at Su Hao, raised his hand and grabbed Su Hao.

This catch seems very simple.

But Su Hao's whole body trembled. The opponent's attack seemed to penetrate the void and everything.

come before him.

Era Divine Fist.

Su Hao didn't hesitate to use Ji Yuan's Divine Fist.

Punch out.


The fist directly penetrates the opponent's palm and hits the opponent's body.


The figure bombarded by Su Hao directly exploded.

But in the blink of an eye, the phantom appeared again, looking at Su Hao with a hint of surprise.

"Your boxing is very unusual, you can actually smash my body, but what if you smash it?"

"I can regroup indefinitely!"

"But the power in your body is rapidly disappearing!"

The figure looked at Su Hao and said.

"You are the Exalted God!"

When the other party spoke, Su Hao wanted to ask if the other party was Venerable God Extinguishing.

"Exalted God, this name seems to be very old, you don't need to ask me, these consciousnesses are incomplete, and the condensed figure is also a half-finished product, otherwise, your punch will not hit me at all!"

"The strength of Tianzun is within his domain. He is the sky, and the others are just people. How can people defeat the sky!"

The figure appeared and said.

"Since I don't know, then I won't talk nonsense with you, just take you first!"

Su Hao said coldly.

"Haha, take me down, I really don't know where you got the courage to say this!"

The figure let out a roar of laughter.

Although Su Hao punched just now, even though he planned to cause a little Shanghai, his body's strength was at most one punch.

"It's not that I'm going to deal with you!"

Su Hao shook his head.

"It's not you!"

Just when the voice of the figure fell, a huge palm suddenly appeared from the void.

Grabbed towards him.

His eyes narrowed.

Because he didn't feel the appearance of this giant hand at all.

Moreover, this giant hand gave him a very strong pressure, and his hands were sealed.


With the completion of his palm print, the void shrank.

His body instantly grew bigger, turning into a huge blood shadow.

The blood shadow exudes terrifying pressure, resisting the momentum brought by the palm.

under such pressure.

That Liu Mushan spat out a mouthful of blood again, and Liu Muxi, who was beside her, shivered.

I felt that under this figure and palm, I was as small as an ant.


A bright red blood spot appeared between the brows of the blood-colored figure.

The appearance of this blood spot made Su Haotong, who was standing beside him, shrink back.

He sensed the powerful power fluctuations that burst out from the blood spot.

This blood spot is not simple.


The blood spot collided with the palm, and a little red mark flowed out from the palm.

The blood-colored figure roared lowly.

"The powerhouse of the Heavenly Venerate Realm!"

"Destroying the body, destroying the gods fighting fist!"

Seeing his blocked blow, the blood-colored figure roared, the blood-colored rays of light in his fists flowed wildly, and then he punched out.

The fist, like a blood-colored light, shot violently at the palm that appeared in the void.

The power of this blow was even more violent than the power of that blood-colored light spot before.

Wherever he passed, all the space collapsed, and the blood light plundered all the power around him.

This increases the power of the Scarlet Beam.

The huge handprint suddenly clenched into a fist.

Punch out.


The two fists collided.

The blood-colored beam dissipated, and the fist slammed directly on the opponent's blood-colored figure.

The **** figure shattered directly again.

At the moment when it shattered, the palm turned into a big hand and grabbed it directly, grabbing the beam of light that the **** figure turned into in his hand.

The beams caught in the palm of their hands wanted to gather together, but they seemed to be sealed off and unable to move.

The big hand was withdrawn and disappeared in front of everyone.

Back to normal between heaven and earth.

Su Hao stepped in front of Liumu Mountain.

At this time, Liumu Mountain was ashes, the power in his body disappeared, and his foundation was damaged.

I don't know when to recover.

Liu Muxi next to him looked lost.

"President Liu, people can't be greedy, some opportunities are not yours, and you want to get hurt others and hurt yourself."

Su Hao shook his head.

This Liumushan ambition is too, so he was bewitched by some of the power of the Exalted God, causing his ambition to expand.

"You take him back first. When I finish dealing with things, return to the world of extreme heaven together!"

Su Hao didn't kill Liu Mushan, but said this.


Liu Muxi couldn't say anything at this time, and helped Liu Mushan up.

At this time, a space gap appeared.

Black and white appeared together and took the two back to Murder God Mountain.

"Lord, just let Liumu Mountain go!"

The blood-devouring vine said.

"He is no longer Liumushan, his consciousness has been replaced!"

"It should have something to do with Venerable God Extinguishing!"

"Black and white will definitely stare at him. At that time, I want to know why this God-destroying Venerable valued Liumushan so much."

Su Hao said.

Originally, Su Hao wanted to get rid of Liumushan.

But Gu Chensha gave him a message.

Let him know that this Liumu Mountain has a little use.

So Su Hao didn't kill Liu Mushan.

Ambitious Su Hao is not afraid, but he doesn't know the reality clearly and dares to shoot at him.

Su Hao doesn't care about Liu Muxi's feelings.

Liu Muxi is just his servant.

"We also return to Mt. God Killing Mountain!"

Su Hao and the blood-devouring devil vine, the black and white absolute deity, disappeared in place.

Enter the Fudo Pluto Castle.

"Lord, I have parsed and devoured those eight consciousnesses.!"

"However, these eight consciousnesses are broken and not lacking, and they are not the most core consciousness."

"According to the guidance of these consciousnesses, where is the body and consciousness of Venerable God Destroyer in the Palace of Slaying God?"

Gu Chensha said.

"The Venerable God Extinguisher is also the Palace of Murdering God."

Hearing this news, Su Hao frowned slightly.

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