Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2156: Escape, kill the shrine, perhaps even more desperate


Right at this moment.

The monk Yuanxu, the two who had killed Emperor Huang Quan before, appeared.

The atmosphere of the two sides was a little chaotic, and the four of them joined forces to fight against Huang Quan the Great, but they did not gain much.

And they sensed the disappearance of the monk Prajna's breath, so they interrupted the formation and appeared.

Seeing that Shenmu and Fairy Luo Yun were seriously injured, the monk Yuanxu said, "Where is my senior brother?"

"Killed by the people of Fudo Hades City!"

The shepherd said.

As soon as he spoke, he could not help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Just one hit.

His internal organs were shattered a lot. Just recovering from injury.

When you speak, touch the wounds in your body.

"What did you say? You said that the senior brother was killed by the people of Fudo Pluto City!"

The four heads of the Tantric Buddhist Academy showed disbelief on his face at the same time.

Like them, Prajna monks are blessed with the power of Heavenly Venerate.

when they speak.

Fairy Luo Yun, who was beside Shenmu, had an item in her hand. This item was like gold foil, heading directly towards the Shrine Killing Palace.

"It's not an opponent, start killing the shrine, and only when you enter the shrine will you have a chance to survive!"

Fairy Luo Yun drank lowly, and walked in the direction of the Slaughter God Palace.

The palms were imprinted, and imprints erupted in her palms.

The gold foil instantly entered the banning formation.

The shepherd seemed to know something, and there were also two gold foils in his hands, which shot directly into the God-killing Palace.

He dragged his injured body and headed towards the Shrine of Slaughter.

Among the four people in the Tantric Buddhist Academy, the monk Yuanxu also had a gold leaf in his hand.

"Let's go too!"

A Taoist next to Taoist Wuyou raised his palm and shot out a gold leaf.

The four of them also headed towards the Shrine Killing Palace.

Not only the four of them were moving, but many people in the Mt. Murderer were heading in the direction of Murdering God's Palace.

Emperor Tengtian appeared in front of Su Hao.

"City Lord Su, what should we do now?"

"Let's go in and see too!"

Su Hao said,

He is very clear about the situation in the God-killing Palace. The consciousness of God-killing Heavenly Venerate is there, and he has also swallowed God-destroying Heavenly Venerate. At this time, his strength should have recovered a lot.

So many people entered the Shrine of Murder.

I don't know how many people will die, and the inheritance may not be obtained.

Of course, he might become a subordinate of the God-killing Heavenly Venerate.

Five gold foil injections into the prohibition,

The prohibition formation was restricted.

Those who rushed in did not feel the danger of restraint.

"City Lord Su, we will advance to the Shrine Palace!"

At this time, the rain of the Yin Shenting stepped forward.

She didn't plan to go with Su Hao and the others.

With Su Hao and the others, they may not get anything, so they plan to enter separately with Su Hao and the others.

"Tengtian Emperor, you are with me!"

After he finished speaking, he grabbed Emperor Tengtian and headed towards the Shrine Palace,

"Lord, just let Ren Shenmu and the others enter the palace of the God-killing Heavenly Venerate!"

The black and white figure appeared beside Su Hao.

"Sometimes, hope turns into despair, which makes people even more broken!"

Su Hao said softly.

He believed that God Slaying Heavenly Venerate would give him enough face when he heard about the immovable Pluto City.

Of course, this is mainly based on Gu Chensha's previous strong strength.

at this time!

another place

In the dark, Liumu Mountain saw a group of people pouring into the Palace of Slaying God.

His figure is quietly away.

At this time, his heart palpitated, because he felt a trace of his own strength in the blood cloud just now.

That was the power of his own heart, which was absorbed by the people beside Su Hao.

In other words, someone from Su Hao's side entered the Shrine Killing Palace.

Don't think about it, that person's strength is definitely the Heavenly Venerate Realm,

must leave,

Recover your injuries first, then seek revenge.

The figure fell in a cave in the Mt. Killing God.

Then he raised his palm.

Inside this cave, a blood-colored armor appeared, and the endless blood pervaded the armor.

He killed the gods, and in order to recover, he arranged some means on the mountain of killing gods.

This blood-colored armor appeared.

A strong blood energy quickly melted into his body.

The body that had been hit hard before was quickly repaired.

After a while, the blood-colored armor quickly merged into his body and disappeared.

The body shape is to go out of the Murdering God Mountain.

In this Murdering God Mountain, it is extremely dangerous.

If Su Hao found out that he was not there and wanted to kill him, then he might not have the chance to escape.

The consciousness of Liu Mushan was still there before, but now it has been swallowed up.

Then Su Hao probably won't keep his hands anymore.

in the void.

"Lord, Venerable God Extinguisher has left the Mountain of Murdering God, and my clone is following!"

Black and White said.

"Look what he's going to see? What to do!"

"We should also go to the Shrine Palace!"

Su Hao said.

A group of people also walked towards the Shrine of Slaughter,

Inside the Murder Palace.

The ban was suppressed, and the resentful souls in the palace, as if they had been liberated, poured out frantically, and when they saw the people who entered the God-killing Palace, they suddenly became crazy and attacked these people.


A series of screams sounded in the palace.

Soon part of the human body was occupied by resentful spirits.

The four heads of the Tantric Buddhist Academy, Taoist Sanxuantian Wuyou, Shenmu, and Fairy Luoyun gathered together.

Shenmu and Fairy Luo Yun have recovered most of their injuries.

"Tell me what happened, how could my senior brother die at the hands of the people of Fudo Hades!"

Monk Yuanxu looked at Shenmu Dao.

"Master Prajna died in the hands of the man in black next to Su Hao. The man in black is extremely powerful!"

The worry-free Taoist said.

"My senior brother has the power of Heavenly Venerate on him. When it is dangerous, he will use Heavenly Venerate phantom!"

"A master of the Taoist realm can't deal with my senior brother at all!"

Another head of the hospital said.

"There is the blessing of Tianzun, but can't the other party have the power of Tianzun?"

"Then there is a person around Su Hao who can use the power close to the Heavenly Venerate. Fairy Luo Yun was severely injured by this person!"

"You can consult Fairy Luo Yun!"

The worry-free Taoist said.

The four Yuan Xu looked towards Fairy Luo Yun.

Just now, Fairy Luo Yun was the first to rush into the God-killing Palace.

"That person is too strong, and he hit me hard with a single blow, and I feel that the other party should not be doing his best!"

Fairy Luo Yun said with a heavy expression.

She shot, and the opponent just hit her, and she was seriously injured.

She knew the strength of the incoming person, so she was so eager to enter the Shrine.

"Sucheng, I don't move Hades City, my Tantric Buddhist Academy, I will definitely seek revenge for you!"

"Obtaining the inheritance or power of Tianzun, we can kill each other, go, and enter the depths of the Slaughter Palace!"

The shepherd opened his mouth and said The structure of the Slaughtering God Palace, they have long known and knew where the center of the Slaughtering God Palace is.

Several people turned into a few rays of light and went towards the center of the Shrine Slaughtering Palace.

Shrine Center.

On the three seats below the God-killing Heavenly Venerate, three figures emerged.

"The ban was opened, someone came in, this time we killed the Shrine, the early team appeared!"

"Look at who of the three of us has conquered the most!"

The **** **** of war in the middle, grabbed his halberd, and disappeared on the throne.

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