Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 504: Xiao Family Sword Infantile Xiao Muchen

Beili Mansion, inside a house.

This house is not far from the help of money, and it was bought with a lot of money a day ago.

The person who bought it was Xiao Yao, who dared to come from the capital.

At this moment, Xiao Yao sat on the front chair with a thoughtful expression on her face.

It has been one day since she came to Beili Mansion, she should have asked for money directly.

But she found that this money gang should have the support of the forces behind her, so she did not get in touch immediately.

She wants to check and see if the forces behind the Money Gang can be found, and she wants to directly contact the forces behind the Money Gang.

A figure fell in the hall.

The lighted oil lamp in the hall was swayed by a light breeze when a figure entered the room.

"Lord, Wu Wudi and Li Chenzhou of the Money Gang just killed the Wen Han's voice of the Wen family."

This figure is exactly the old Lu who went out to investigate.

After making up his mind, Xiao Yao dispatched Mr. Lu to secretly investigate the money gang to see if he could get some clues.

The strength of the eight layers of the old Lu's realm, concealed the surroundings of the money gang.

Investigating the clues, after all, did not reveal any killing intent, so Li Chenzhou and others did not find it.

"You are talking about Wen Hansheng, the third master of the Wen family, who is a strong man with the eighth layer of the domain realm. Could it be that Wu Wudi's strength surpassed the eighth layer of the realm realm, but it's impossible."

Xiao Yao was surprised, with disbelief.

She doesn't believe that Wu Wudi possesses strength beyond the realm of eightfold.

"Wu Wudi's strength is still in the Sixth Layer of the Domain Realm. It should have used special means to resist Wen Hansheng, and finally broke through the domain of Wen Hansheng. After Li Chenzhou shot, he killed Wen Hansheng."

"But what shocked me the most was that Li Chenzhou, who had only the first level of domain realm strength, was rumored to have true strength at the sixth level of domain realm."

"In their conversation, they also talked about the young master behind them, but who is the young master, I didn't dare to investigate deeply, for fear of revealing whereabouts!"

Old Lu said in a deep voice.

The reason why he did not investigate is because Li Chenzhou and Wu Wudi were both called the young master at the same time, so it is definitely not easy to come here, there should be a master beside him!

However, once he was found by the other party, he might not be able to leave.

"The sixth level of the realm is hidden deep, and there is a young master behind him. It seems that that person should be a person in the power behind them."

Xiao Yao's eyes lit up instantly.

The purpose of her coming to the Dagan Dynasty was to explore the strength of the Ganwang.

If you can use the power behind the money gang, you should be able to detect the strength of the goddess.

"Tomorrow we will go to the money help, and see this Li Chenzhou first, and see if we can see the young master behind them!"

Xiao Yao said.

"Subordinates understand!" Old Lu nodded, and exited the hall after saluting.

Xiao Yao looked at Lu Lao's back.

A black light spot appeared in her hand, and this black light spot instantly blended into the dark space.

Then her complexion changed.

"Old Lu didn't expect that it would really be you, but whose person are you anyway?"

Xiao Yao's complexion looked gloomy.

A spell radiating black light appeared in her hand, and when she placed the spell directly on her body, Xiao Yao's figure began to become transparent.

The whole person disappeared in the living room.

Mr. Lu, who was out of the living room, did not go back to his room, but jumped out of his body and headed out of the courtyard.

At this time, on the wall of Beili Mansion, a figure was standing in the pavilion on the wall.

He was wearing a black robe and his eyes were calm, as if blending with the night.

"See the son!"

Na Lu's figure appeared on the city wall, and when he saw the black-robed man, he bowed and worshiped.

"What's matter?"

The voice of the standing man was very cold.

There was a deep-rooted cold in the speech.

"Wen Hansheng died at the hands of Money Helper Li Chenzhou and Wu Wudi. People from behind them appeared in Beili Mansion. Xiao Yao wanted to see Money Helper."

Old Lu said.

"This money helper dared to kill the Wen family. It seems that he didn't put the military department of the great dynasty in his eyes. The forces behind him are definitely not simple. Maybe they can be used to find out who killed my brother Xiao Qingshan!"

The figure said coldly.

From the words of the man in the dark shadow, the man in the black robe turned out to be Xiao Qingshan's elder brother.

Not far from them.

A group of black shadows pressed against the city wall, and when they heard these words again, the black shadow moved slightly.

This black shadow is Xiao Yao who follows the old man surnamed Lu.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Xiao Muchen, a sword idiot in the Xiao family's collateral family!"

"He came here for Xiao Qingshan!"

Xiao Yao's mind turned.

Although she is the first person in the younger generation of Xiao family's collateral, but the strength is not the first person.

The strongest among the younger generation of the Xiao family is the black-robed man in front of him, Xiao Muchen, known as the sword idiot.

This is the person who was favored by the descendants of the Xiao family. Rumor has it that he can enter the line of the Xiao family at any time, unlike them.

"Xiao Muchen, it is rumored that he has five levels of combat power in the realm. When he comes to the Dagan Dynasty, he should have his guardian by his side, but I don't know how strong his guardian is?"

Xiao Yao's mind turned!

Among the collaterals of the Xiao family, as long as there are talents, UU reading will be arranged as a guardian.

With the strength of the first level in the Xiao Yao's realm, he successfully won the title of the first person of the Xiao family's side. The guardian given to him by the patron is an old man named Lu, with the eighth realm.

According to the truth, Xiao Muchen's protector would be taller than the old man surnamed Lu.

Of course it's just her guess.

She slowly concealed her figure and left quietly. Xiao Muchen didn't come for her, so she didn't have to probe.

After all, she now needs an elderly person surnamed Lu to protect herself.

When Xiao Yao left!

The black-robed man on the city wall seemed to perceive something, and glanced at the disappearing black shadow.

"Old Lu, I didn't expect you to be discovered by Xiao Yao, she just followed you here!"

That Xiao Muchen said coldly.

"Please forgive the Lord!"

When Old Lu heard this, his eyes showed surprise, and he immediately bowed.

"It doesn't matter if she knows, she came to the Dagan Dynasty to be just a bait thrown by the main line of the Xiao family, and it is destined to become cannon fodder!"

"Xiao Wangyu of the Xiao family came to the Dagan Dynasty. He has been in contact with Tang Kongliu, the second prince of the Dagan Dynasty. You can take Xiao Yao in this direction!"

After Xiao Muchen finished speaking, his figure turned into a sword light and disappeared.

"It turns out that the Lord discovered Xiao Yao a long time ago. I didn't expect Xiao Yao to have such a method. It seems that I underestimated Miss Xiao Yao!"

"But what the Lord said is that cannon fodder is cannon fodder after all, and Miss Xiao Yao should accept her fate!"

When Xiao Muchen left.

Old Nalu murmured.

Of course, he also had a doubt in his heart.

"Xiao Wangyu, the main line of the Xiao family, unexpectedly appeared in the Dagan dynasty, and has been in contact with Tang Kongliu, what exactly the main line of the Xiao family wants to do."

He couldn't figure this out in his heart.


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