Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 509: Giant Whale Volley

He stepped into the house yard.

The two masters of the Nanming Sacrifice Hall were sitting cross-legged and suspended on the ground, and groups of black runes appeared around them, matching the darkness above the courtyard.

Above the rune, in that gloomy and dark breath, several huge black whales hide in the void.

The scarlet eyes of those black whales seemed to be able to swallow him in one bite, making his heart palpitations involuntarily.

"What happened to your Highness?"

When Su Hao's heart was palpitating, the two masters of Nanming's temple opened their eyes at the same time.

"Two gentlemen, the power gang should be aware of the arrival of the two, so they came toward the six doors."

Tang Chong said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the expressions of the two men couldn't help but wrinkle, but then they calmed down: "If this is the case, then we will initiate the forbidden technique in advance!"

"Sir, you can start the forbidden technique now!"

Tang Chong asked a little surprised.

"Yes, we will use a forbidden technique on their way to see the strength of the other party. For your safety, your Highness, you should stay in the house!"

One of the two spoke.

"Then thank you two gentlemen!"

Tang Chong glanced at the dark giant whales above the two of them, and his expression was startled, but after thinking about it, he chose to stay in the house.

"Then trouble two gentlemen!"

After he bowed slightly, he entered the bedroom in the house.

He hopes that after entering the room, he can reduce some pressure.

After Tang Chong entered the room, the eyes of the two people in the Nanming Sacrifice Hall shone with gloomy light.

They originally wanted to test each other first, but they didn't expect that the other party would make an early move, so they didn't need to keep their hands.

The two of them kept making seals on their hands, and the runes merged into the black whales in the void above their heads.

These black whales roared, came out of the void, and then merged into the black air above the house.

Inside six doors

Shangguan Jin Hong's expression was a little puzzled, and Tang Chong didn't come out after entering the backyard.

He headed towards the backyard, trying to check it out, but when he just arrived in the backyard, he saw the rolling black complexion over the house suddenly changed.

He could feel the terrifying and gloomy power contained in the tumbling black air.

The dragon and phoenix golden rings in his body felt like they were beating.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the golden ring of dragons and phoenixes inside his body. He looked at the black mist tightly. Through the black mist, he saw a few giant whales with black light all over his body and scarlet eyes.

His complexion instantly became serious.

"It's not easy, I have to inform Mr. Yan them quickly!"

He secretly said.

Just as he secretly said, black clouds over the house suddenly rose into the sky and moved quickly in one direction.

Shangguan Jinhong glanced at the direction of the black cloud.

"They have to do it first!"

Shangguan Jin Hong's heart jumped, he immediately withdrew slowly, and then immediately sent a message to Yan Kuangju and the others.

at this time!

Mu Yingxiong and the others are hurriedly heading towards the six doors. Since they are making a move, they must act vigorously.

After receiving the news, Kuangju Yan stopped immediately, and then his face was startled and said: "Several opponents have taken action first!"

When Yan Kuangtu's words fell.

A black cloud floated above their heads, and this black cloud covered their area in a blink of an eye.

Boom! An extremely astonishing eerie demonic energy erupted from the black cloud.

"The other party's attack is coming!"

Mu Yingxiong's eyes condensed, and the consciousness of several people instantly entered the dark cloud.

Suddenly found several giant whales floating in the dark clouds.

These giant whales opened their huge mouths at the moment when the consciousness of several people stepped into it, and they swallowed all their consciousness at once.

And his eyes became more scarlet, and a wave of irritable spirit erupted from his body.

This mental fluctuation caused the surrounding black energy to twist, forming a turbulent wave of demonic energy.

"Able to devour God's Sense!"

Several people looked at each other, and there was a look of jealousy in their eyes.

"This is weird, we must get out as soon as possible!"

Mu Yingxiong said in a deep voice.

Those giant whales were able to swallow divine consciousness, so you can only use sword aura to see if they can be destroyed.


Mu Yingxiong let out a deep shout, and all the sword aura of his body instantly merged into the long sword in his hand, and then the long sword merged with countless sword auras and turned into a sword light, slashing horizontally towards the giant in the black cloud. whale!


The giant whales in the black cloud seemed to feel the sword aura, they let out a low roar, and then bloodshot eyes showed through the scarlet eyes.

The appearance of bloodshot made them exude an ancient and fierce evil spirit.

Several giant whales opened their mouths at the same time and sprayed towards the huge sword energy.

The strong fierce and evil aura covered the sword aura like a tide.

The huge sword energy was instantly eroded by the crazy tide.

The two forces collided with each other, but there was no sound, only the fierce qi tumbling, and the sword aura wantonly in the fierce qi.

Seeing that one of the black whales flew out in an instant, the huge tail directly patted the sword aura that was wrapped in fierce and evil aura.


The huge tail destroys the sword aura and the fierce aura.

The impact sound is a bit earth-shattering!

When the noise passed, a black whale in the sky swayed its tail and hit Mu Yingxiong and the others.

"Xuantian Golden Crow Palm!"

Seeing what happened next to Mu Yingxiong, the fanatic swallowed a violent figure, and a strong qi continued to gush out from his body, instantly forming a golden crow.

The huge golden crow is mad at that black whale!

Golden Crow exudes a fiery light!

The black whale is fierce!

When the two forces collided, the golden crow turned into a sharp light and penetrated the black whale, piercing a huge deep hole in the black whale. The giant whale waved a tail and directly smashed the golden crow that had penetrated him.

But his pierced body is slowly condensing, and black energy is repairing his pierced body.

In no more time, the giant whale recovered as before.

It showed sharp teeth and a huge body, and rushed towards the Yan lunatic.

Fanatic Yan's eyes condensed, and even though his palm penetrated through the opponent's body, it didn't seem to cause any harm to the opponent.

His pupils tightened but when he watched the giant whale swooping over at an alarming speed!

A bright light burst out all over his body, and then a stream of true energy poured into his fist.

"Thousands of mountains overlap!"

A huge force poured into his fist, and then he blasted out with one punch, instantly blasting out dozens of fists.

All that huge punch strength gathered together, and slammed into the huge whale coming from the impact.

The bursting power of the fist sent the impact to the giant whale, directly piercing through it, without giving him a chance to get close to his body at all.

But after getting rid of this giant whale, Yan Kuangtu's expression became serious.

Because the black whale in the black cloud of the void condenses another black whale.

"What a weird ability!"

A sense of solemnity emerged on them.

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