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Chapter 514: Calculate, rescue, Fang Zhenmei!

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Then Xiao Muchen showed excitement on his face.

"I don't know Young Master Xiao, what is going on here!"

The woman called Dream Girl said softly.

"Mengmeng, let me inquire, Mengxun Xincao, I'm already a little browful!"

Xiao Muchen said happily.

"Young Master Xiao, you just said that you have news of Dream Soul Heart Grass!"

Hearing this, the white-clothed woman's face showed a surprise look: "I don't know if I can tell Qing Ting what the news is."

"Of course you can tell Miss Qingting, Dream Soul Heart Grass, it's just outside Beili Mansion called Yuehantan!"

Xiao Muchen replied softly.


The woman in white stood up slowly, frowning.

Yuehantan is a hundred miles away from Beili Mansion.

It is full of cold all year round, but there is a small volcano around it. It can be said that there are two types of climate there.

Dream Soul Heart Grass may appear in the middle of the cold and hot, but she has checked before and did not find Dream Soul Heart Grass.

"Young Master Xiao, I have been to Yuehantan before, but I didn't find Dream Soul Heart Grass. Didn't expect you to find Dream Soul Heart Grass there?"

The white-clothed woman Meng Qingting said in confusion.

"I didn't find it, it was my protector. Mr. Hong found that I don't know how to find it, but I want the dream girl to take a look. If not, it would be a waste of distance at most!

Xiao Muchen said softly.

"Young Master Xiao said that, then let's go to Yuehantan as soon as possible!"

Bai Yi Meng Qingting said softly.

"Auntie Feng, go and talk to Zhenmei, let's go to Hanyuetan together!"

Meng Qingting told Aunt Feng who was not far away.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Muchen's face changed in front of Meng Qingting.

A hint of anger flickered in his eyes, but it flashed away and was hidden by him.

"Brother Fang is here too, that's even better!"

Xiao Muchen said with a smile on his face.

However, deep in the smile, there was a deep chill of killing intent.

"Fang Zhenmei solved you by the way this time, so he dared to **** Qingting from me!"

He hated.

After receiving the order, Aunt Feng returned to the house.

After a while, dressed in white, with a leisurely look, with a smile on his face, holding a long sword, he slowly walked in from the courtyard.

It was the person Su Hao summoned, and Fang frowned in white.

Fang Zhenmei is one of the most amazing men in Wenshu, the descendant of the hero Xiao Qiushui.

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, a feeling of spring breeze swept toward several people.

When Qingting saw Fang Zhenmei again in a lazy dream.

With a gentle smile on her face, she stood up and walked in front of Fang Zhenmei.

"Raise your eyebrows, Young Master Xiao said that he found Dream Soul Heart Grass. If it is true, my Big Dream Heart Sutra can be cultivated, and then you can follow me back to the Moon God Palace!"

Meng Qingting came to Fang Zhenmei and took Fang Zhenmei's hand.

"Thank you, Brother Mu Chen!"

Fang Zhenmei stepped forward and thanked him.

"I also found it by accident, let's go now!"

Xiao Muchen said a little hastily.

"Brother Xiao, lead the way!"

Fang Zhenmei said softly.

Xiao Muchen turned and walked out of the courtyard, walking in front of him with a gloomy cold light on his face, but he didn't dare to show much.

After all, Aunt Feng, who is next to Meng Qingting, possesses the strength of the ninth realm.

He didn't want to make the other party wonder!

A group of people!

Leaving quickly, heading towards Yuehantan.

Another place!

Su Hao in the money gang was taken aback when he saw the message from Xiao Yao.

Unexpectedly, this Xiao Muchen came to worship the Young Palace Master of the Moon Divine Palace, and was preparing the Overlord to bow.

Worship the Moon Shrine.

A very unique force, although in the Fire Territory, but not under the control of the Fire Territory Xiao family, because the other party has its own secret realm, the secret realm of worshipping the moon.

The power is so strong that even the Xiao family has to be polite.

This world is very old. Although the Xiao Family occupies the Fire Territory, there are still some very ancient forces remaining in the Fire Territory.

This Moon Worship Shrine is one of them.

"Lead Li, you can understand that Meng Qingting from the Moon Shrine has come to Beili Mansion!"

Su Hao asked Li Chenzhou.

Li Chenzhou is in charge of Beili Mansion, and he should know that Meng Qingting is in Beili Mansion.

"I know that Meng Qingting and the boy Zhenmei came to Beili Mansion together, and that little Nizi seems to be attracted to Zhenmei!"

Li Chenzhou said with a smile.


Hearing that Su Hao was taken aback.

But it's normal to think about it, Fang Zhenmei is in his early twenties, and he is an amazing character.

It's normal to attract little girls' attention.

"However, it seems that Xiao Muchen is going to take Meng Qingting hard, so Fang Zhenmei might be in danger!"

Su Hao thought of it immediately.

[System task: The host's eyebrows are about to be in distress, please go to save people, reward 50,000 sign-in value, 1 level 3 crystal lottery card! 】

"Even if you have no task, I will go!"

"You stay here, I will go to Moon Cold Lake myself!"

Su Hao put on the mask, changed into a black suit, and quickly went out of the money gang to the Moon Cold Lake.

He doesn't have any subordinates to send right now, and Wu Wudi needs to guard the money gang to prevent Tang Wushuang and the others from doing it.

So he can only go by himself!

Moon cold pool.

Xiao Muchen and his party came to the foot of Yuehantan Mountain.

A man wearing a purple robe.

At this moment, he was standing at the foot of Yuehantan Mountain. The man in purple robe was tall, with slender eyebrows and sharp eyes. Standing there gave people a sense of not daring to approach him.

Seeing Xiao Muchen and the others coming, he took back his breath and walked forward.

"The son, the dream girl!"

The man in the purple robe saluted slightly, but as for Fang Zhenmei, he didn't say hello.

"I have seen Mr. Hong!"

At the same time, the two men slightly responded to the man in the purple robe.

After all, the man in the purple robe possesses the strength of the ninth realm.

"Mr. Hong, I heard from Young Master Xiao that you found Dream Soul Heart Grass on the side of Yuehantan!"

Meng Qingting asked softly.

"Return to Miss Meng, I also accidentally saw the Dream Soul Heart Grass under a rock, so I will notify the young man to come, let me take you there!"

After the purple-robed man spoke, he headed towards Yuehantan.

Meng Qingting and the others quickly followed, and this time Xiao Muchen was at the end.

He looked at Meng Qingting's figure with a fierce expression in his eyes: "Today you are mine!"

A few people were very fast, and in a short while they came to a small valley with a mild climate.

The leading purple-robed man pointed to the small valley in front of him and said, "Meng Meng, I found it there!"

There is a lot of fog in the small valley, and there is a situation in which you can't see clearly.

Meng Qingting and Aunt Na Feng showed joy upon hearing this.

But Fang Zhen's eyebrows on the side frowned.

When he came to this valley, he had a bad feeling just when he wanted to say.

Next to him, Xiao Muchen and the purple-robed old man had already leaped into the small valley.

Meng Qingting raised her eyebrows when she saw this, and led Aunt Feng into the small valley.

But when they entered the small valley!

Aunt Feng, who was beside them, disappeared!

And Fang Zhenmei and Meng Qingting, because they held hands, they appeared together.


Seeing this, Na Meng Qingting also felt that things were unusual, her expression condensed, and she waved her palm!

The fog that had originally surrounded them all disappeared, forming a valley and clearing!

However, there were two people standing in front of them, it was Xiao Muchen and the man in purple robe who had brought them here.

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